Jr. Can be Whipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(too old to reply)
2003-07-31 19:39:18 UTC
Stan Greenberg, James Carville, and Bob Shrum write, "Obviously, Bush is
vulnerable. The economic attacks on the Bush record are the strongest, and
the Bush tax cuts are part of his vulnerability. The deficits are a powerful
issue now, understood by voters. The attack on the link between special
interest contributors and Bush policies has remarkable resonance. And not
only on the economy and a range of domestic issues, but now on foreign
policy which was assumed to be Bush's strong suit, voters are dissatisfied
with the Bush direction. It is not clear that Bush is steering the best
course on security and using our troops in the most effective way. As people
experience the price of going it alone in Iraq and the world, Bush goes
down. It is time for Democrats to step forward confidently, holding Bush
accountable for his record, but also giving voters a taste of the Democrats'
vision for the future. The results send a strong signal that 2004 is a whole
new ballgame."
rosseforP sdrawkcaB
2003-07-31 19:49:47 UTC
You can cry your eyes out on this horrible news for liberals.

Bert Bishop
2003-08-01 13:44:11 UTC
Post by rosseforP sdrawkcaB
You can cry your eyes out on this horrible news for liberals.
Actually this is not horrible news for Democrats (or even liberals).
There is a long time to go. Just a few months ago the 69% was 56%. And
this number is not a very important one. Most polls show that against a
generic Democrat Bush would get about 52% of the vote today (if you
split the undecided 2 to 1 against the incumbent as is the general
wisdom). For example:

CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. July 25-27, 2003. N=870 registered voters
nationwide. MoE ± 4.

"If George W. Bush runs for reelection in 2004, in general, are you more
likely to vote for Bush or for the Democratic Party's candidate for
Bush Democrat Other(vol.) Not Sure
49 40 5 6

-- end of polling result --

Polling results were taken from the website:

would predict a Bush victory with 51% of the vote to 44% for the
Democrat. With as much time as there is left before the election Bush
would have to be favored but this is hardly "bad news". Democrats have
to know that they have less than a 50/50 chance to win the next
presidential election, but they also have every reason to hope that it
is possible.
