49% and Dropping Like a Rock!!!!!
(too old to reply)
2003-09-26 14:43:03 UTC
Ruy Teixeira writes, "The honor of the second sub-50 Bush approval rating
goes to the just-released American Research Group (ARG) poll which has our
steadily-less-beloved resident at just 47% approval with 48% disapproval -
in other words, a net negative job rating. Just a month ago, ARG had Bush's
approval rating at a net +15 (54% approval/39% disapproval). Breathing right
down ARG's neck is the latest Gallup poll, which has Bush's approval rating
at 50% approval/47% disapproval. That's even lower than the approval rating
Gallup measured for Bush right before 9/11, when Bush was at 52% approval
but only 39% disapproval - 8 points less than Bush's current disapproval
rating. In other words, Bush has now not only lost every point in approval
rating he gained post-9/11, he is actually in substantially worse shape,
because so many more people disapprove of the job he is doing. Could it get
worse? Let's hope so."
2003-09-26 16:25:14 UTC
Excess and off topic groups trimmed
Post by Enceladus
Ruy Teixeira writes, "The honor of the second sub-50 Bush approval rating
goes to the just-released American Research Group (ARG) poll which has our
steadily-less-beloved resident at just 47% approval with 48% disapproval -
Absolutely meaningless for at least 9 months.

If that occurs next summer it might mean trouble,
but now it is just bullshit perfume.
