Bush visiting funerals of American soldiers
(too old to reply)
2004-02-16 22:50:40 UTC
As far as I know, Bush hasn't attend any funerals, but it's not a
particularly important issue. He wouldn't have time to attend the funerals
of everyone, and then which ones he attended would become an issue. So I
think a better question is, "What do you say to the last man to die in a
mistake?" -- John Kerry 1971, about Vietnam.
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
King Pineapple
2004-02-17 22:24:19 UTC
Post by Nate
As far as I know, Bush hasn't attend any funerals, but it's not a
particularly important issue.
If you do your homework, you'll see that the only President since World War
2 who attended military funerals was Lyndon Johnson, who attended exactly
two of them. It's a political land mine, which is why Clinton never attended
any, and neither did Jimmy Carter. And yes, both of them DID have military
people die in combat on their watches.

"Shrub is a shut stain on history"
DNC Hallucinogen "Jonathan Swift"
2004-02-17 23:02:31 UTC
Post by King Pineapple
Post by Nate
As far as I know, Bush hasn't attend any funerals, but it's not a
particularly important issue.
If you do your homework, you'll see that the only President since World War
2 who attended military funerals was Lyndon Johnson, who attended exactly
two of them. It's a political land mine, which is why Clinton never attended
any, and neither did Jimmy Carter. And yes, both of them DID have military
people die in combat on their watches.
"Shrub is a shut stain on history"
DNC Hallucinogen "Jonathan Swift"
Your response has nothing to do with the "meat" of my message. College kid?
Hmmm, typical comment from a wing nut.
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
King Pineapple
2004-02-18 12:10:37 UTC
Post by Nate
Your response has nothing to do with the "meat" of my message.
Translation: "I can't argue with facts".

And notice how he doesn't deny being a college kid.....

"Individuality is fine, as long as we all do it together"
Major Frank Burns

2004-02-17 22:25:15 UTC
Post by King Pineapple
Post by Nate
As far as I know, Bush hasn't attend any funerals, but it's not a
particularly important issue.
If you do your homework, you'll see that the only President since World War
2 who attended military funerals was Lyndon Johnson, who attended exactly
two of them. It's a political land mine, which is why Clinton never attended
any, and neither did Jimmy Carter. And yes, both of them DID have military
people die in combat on their watches.
Did they have over 500 military people die in combat on their watches?
Post by King Pineapple
"Shrub is a shut stain on history"
DNC Hallucinogen "Jonathan Swift"
King Pineapple
2004-02-18 12:09:13 UTC
Post by Steveo
Did they have over 500 military people die in combat on their watches?
Did Bush? No. Of that 500 (540, actually), 374 died "in combat".

But the number isn't relevant. After all, many more than 500 died in Korea,
and in World War 2. The incumbent Presidents in those wars didn't attend
funerals, either.

"Individuality is fine, as long as we all do it together"
Major Frank Burns