Novak Leak, Why was it Okay?
(too old to reply)
2004-01-23 02:35:52 UTC
I know this may have been discussed before, but I wanted to know first hand,
why did Robert Novak think it was morally correct to leak the name of a
agent working for the CIA? I know that, if this leak would have occurred in
a democratic administration that every republican would be screaming from
the rooftops for an independent prosecutor to handle this case. There would
probably have been a congressional inquiry also.

Why hasn't Novak been fired for what he's done? It's my understanding that
Novak has released the name of a source in the past, so there is precedence
2004-01-23 23:24:18 UTC
He's stated on numerous occasions he was told the subject was not covert,
and was not in a position where harm would occur. He had no way of knowing
what her role was, so he relied on the source he used for the validity of
the statement. He said early on that if he had known she was covert the name
would not have been used.

Post by Jack
I know this may have been discussed before, but I wanted to know first hand,
why did Robert Novak think it was morally correct to leak the name of a
agent working for the CIA? I know that, if this leak would have occurred in
a democratic administration that every republican would be screaming from
the rooftops for an independent prosecutor to handle this case. There would
probably have been a congressional inquiry also.
Why hasn't Novak been fired for what he's done? It's my understanding that
Novak has released the name of a source in the past, so there is precedence
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2004-01-24 06:38:32 UTC
Post by Rich
He's stated on numerous occasions he was told the subject was not covert,
and was not in a position where harm would occur. He had no way of knowing
what her role was, so he relied on the source he used for the validity of
the statement. He said early on that if he had known she was covert the name
would not have been used.
Rich, Novak's lying when he says he didn't know. Here's the proof.

2004-01-24 18:22:08 UTC

thank you for the link. I've read Novak and seen him interviewed and do
interviews for years. I've also read what his colleagues say about his
integrity. I respectfully disagree and will give him the benefit of the

regards, rich
Post by Jack
Post by Rich
He's stated on numerous occasions he was told the subject was not covert,
and was not in a position where harm would occur. He had no way of knowing
what her role was, so he relied on the source he used for the validity of
the statement. He said early on that if he had known she was covert the
Post by Rich
would not have been used.
Rich, Novak's lying when he says he didn't know. Here's the proof.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
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