Heart Versus Head; Finding Hope and Fighting Your Inner Wimp
(too old to reply)
2003-10-02 08:30:43 UTC
Heart Versus Head; Finding Hope and Fighting Your Inner Wimp
Rob Kall OpEdNews.Com

I haven't spoken to a progressive, a liberal, yet who has not told me that
he or she loves Kucinich, that Dennis is hands down the first democratic
candidate choice. But then I hear the story-- "he doesn't have a chance.."
"there's no hope..."

My reply is: "That's what they all said about Dean six months ago."

I can live with Dean. He's a good guy. But I am not ready to give up on
Dennis Kucinich. On issue after issue, Kucinich has the right policies, the
right answers and perhaps most important, the right history.

He'll take the US out of the World Trade Organization as soon as he's
elected. He'll cancel the tax breaks Bush handed over to the wealthy. He'll
cancel NAFTA. He'll start a department of peace.

Now the right wingers laugh at the idea of a department of peace. But then
there's Maslow's widely cited saying,

"If you all you have is a hammer, then everything is a nail."

We've had a military since our country's birth. But we only get a vision
that sees war, fighting, weapons and attack as a solution. A department of
peace would provide alternative solutions that could keep us not only just
as powerful, but also, since we'd be building better alliances, investing in
peace, prevention and partnerships, more money in the till. That's not
funny. It makes sense. it provides balance. Geez, the US military can't
account for over a trillion dollars worth of spent money. We should invest
at least a hundred million a year in a serious commitment to a department
that attacks opportunities for and challenges to peace.

It's been said that Kucinich's economic policies could produce more jobs
than Roosevelt did. Killing the WTO and NAFTA does not mean the end to
globalization. It means taking a second look at the failures that we've seen
so far and, learning from them, taking a second try that builds on the
learning, that prevents the removal of the democratic process that the WTO
commits. His position is clearly the best for US manufacturing and for
unions. Gephart may have had family who were union, but by supporting the
WTO he is basically selling them short. Kucinich's solutions offer the best
hope for preventing the total loss of manufacturing as a viable business in
the U.S..

It turns out that Kucinich was the only candidate currently in office,
besides Graham, who opposed the war, who had the guts to stand up to the
democrat stampede of frightened legislators who went with Bush's program. We
need a leader who can lead, who can see a vision and make it happen. I don't
see visionary leaders on those debate platforms besides Dennis.

Kucinich stood up to the privatization of the energy utilities when he was a
mayor. Those same privatized energy companies are the reason for the
blackouts. We need a man of vision and principle who is not afraid of a
tough fight. Kucinich has a track record. For the record, he lost his
mayorship over that fight. But history has proven that he was right. That's
the courage we need, and the toughness.

No, he's not pretty like Wesley Clark, the pseudo democrat. He's not rich
like Kerry. But he's a thousand miles ahead of all the other candidates
(except, perhaps Carol Mosely Braun, who is also a great person) when it
comes to positions and issues.

If you feel he's your favorite, then invest some money in him, at least as
much as you've spent on your best dinner out in the last few months. Really,
if you don't try to support the guy you like the best, then you are letting
yourself and the country down. Just ask yourself if any other candidate
comes close to Kucinich. If you find yourself saying that he doesn't have a
chance, then think of how so many other candidates have come from behind,
how Dean has only been in the lead a few months.

If you find yourself acknowledging Kucinich in your heart, then get the word
out. Tell your family and friends and neighbors and co-workers about him.

With the end of the fiscal quarter, I contributed to the Kucinich campaign
and also gave money to Howard Dean, because, though he's not my favorite, I
could also get behind him, and I want to be supportive.

The more I learn about Wesley Clark, the more I feel he's a shill for the
DLC or worse, for republicans. He's smart and pretty but you know the duck
rules-- He looks like a republican, has acted like one, has voted for them,
has even recently been supportive of Bush.. So.... either a miracle happened
and he converted-- not likely for this hard edged, brilliant Rhodes
scholar-- or he's helping the republicans cover all the bases. Wouldn't it
be just peachy if they couldn't lose no matter who was running. Do we really
want a Zell Miller or John Breaux running as a Democrat? That's what Clark
will deliver.

If the American colonists listened to people who said they could never
defeat the King George's redcoats, where would we be? Those courageous
pioneers faced daunting odds and made a stand.

The right will attack any candidate the Democratic Party ends up choosing to
run against Bush. Kucinich is more progressive and they will attack him as a
liberal. But he is also a Catholic, also pro-union, and very smart-- smart
enough to run a campaign that can genuinely bring the people of this country
back together again.

Some people say that Kucinich is too short, or that he's not charismatic.
Give me a break. I hear that there's a full frontal picture of Ahnold
Schwarzenegger on the web- and that he's big. Where do we draw the line.
I've had a chance to see Kucinich live twice. He's a charismatic dynamo!!
His passion is right there-- palpable, powerful. He has what it takes. He
has more-- enough to create a future for this country that we will be proud
of, that our foreign allies will be able to respect and support.

Be brave, go with your heart and trust that your heart is wiser than your
head, which is where the wimp in you resides. Aren't you really sick of
settling for less than the best, when it comes to American leadership? You
can settle for what your head thinks is best later.
Dennis Kucinich in 2004; The Antidote to Bush
Ray Wesley Kinserlow Jr.
2003-10-02 16:44:13 UTC
Post by StreetImperial
He'll take the US out of the World Trade Organization as soon as he's
elected. He'll cancel the tax breaks Bush handed over to the wealthy. He'll
cancel NAFTA. He'll start a department of peace.
Kucinich's stand on trade is one of the few places I disagree with
him. I like him but I don't think he has a chance of beating Bush.
I'm going to support Clark whom no one should call a "wimp."

Ray Wesley Kinserlow Jr.
