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2004-11-19 04:32:58 UTC
Speaking-out of the Conservative Closet
Conservative Closet http://www.conservativecloset.com

Encouraging Conservatives to speak out in public forums to share what we
know to be right and true. To give a starting point for our battle in the
culture war that progressives have deemed necessary. They, through their
continual assaults on our society, first legislatively and if that doesn't
work then judicially must be answered.
Conservative Closet News Updates.

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The information contained in these articles may or may not reflect the
beliefs of RISG.ORG its staff or members.

Conservatives can't help it, we're realists!
Posted Thursday, November 18, 2004 by Rick:

Courts to review late abortion ban - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics
A historic legal battle over abortion begins in courtrooms coast to coast
tomorrow as three federal judges take up requests to derail the first
substantial congressional limitation on abortion since the Supreme Court's
landmark Roe v. Wade decision.
Result found by: The Washington Times

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

Pentagon drops Boy Scouts
Result found by: Chicago Sun-Times

Rumsfeld urged to 'defend' Scouts movement - The Washington Times:
Nation/Politics - November 18, 2004
A lawmaker and veterans are calling on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
to reverse administration lawyers who agreed to warn military bases against
officially sponsoring the Boy Scouts of America as part of a settlement of a
lawsuit filed by the Americ
Result found by: The Washington Times

Boy Scouts Jamboree to stay at Army base - The Washington Times:
Metropolitan - November 17, 2004
The Boy Scouts Jamboree, which draws tens of thousands of Scouts and their
leaders to Virginia's Fort A.P. Hill Army base every four years, will go on
as planned this summer, despite a court settlement announced Monday that
requires military bases and unit
Result found by: The Washington Times

Officials to fight ACLU lawsuit - The Washington Times: Metropolitan -
October 19, 2004
A group of Maryland lawmakers yesterday said they will file an appeal to
oppose an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit that aims to force
Baltimore and four counties to accept same-sex
Result found by: The Washington Times

Say a prayer for the ACLU
Say a prayer for the ACLU The Bengals are on the wrong end of more blowouts
than Firestone. Our new riverfront is sinking in a tar pit of... ...But hold
that "Heavenly Father." Now that the ACLU has sued Hamilton County for
organizing a prayer rally on t
Result found by: The Cincinnati Post & Enquirer

ACLU Lawsuit Against Ohio's Punch Card Ballots Is First In The Nation
RELATED LINKS ACLU of Ohio Ohio Secretary of State WCPO.com neither...
...But even a victory by the ACLU in Ohio would be unlikely to bring change
before this year's presidential elect
Result found by: The Cincinnati Post & Enquirer

ACLU Sues To Make Ohio Executions Public RELATED LINK ACLU WCPO.com neither
endorses nor guarantees the content or availability of... ...The ACLU's Ohio
chapter said it is suing in federal court to force prison officials to let
witnesses see the entire e
Result found by: The Cincinnati Post & Enquirer

ACLU wants Bible removed


Conservatives urge Bush to go his own way - The Washington Times:
Nation/Politics - November 05, 2004
Conservative activists say President Bush should push forward with his
second-term mandate ratified by 59 million voters on Election Day, including
a constitutional amendment banning same-sex
Result found by: The Washington Times

Conservative U.S. Catholics plan summit - The Washington Times:
Forty conservative Catholic leaders are planning a Sept. 8 summit with
several U.S. bishops to discuss their vision for the future of the church in
the United States.
Result found by: The Washington Times

Swing to right not likely for high court
Result found by: Detroit Free Press

More blacks becoming conservative as they age
Result found by: Chicago Sun-Times

Conservative lament - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics
Special Report: The conservative movement has scored historic gains but has
yet to achieve several of its basic goals. That's the verdict of some of its
founding fathers (and one important mother).
Result found by: The Washington Times

Desperate conservatives
2004/11/18 Every year there's a naughty new show on television. This year,
it is "Desperate Housewives. " Conservative media watchdogs say it's the
kind of morals-rotting sludge that good...
http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis.cgi/web/vortex/display?slug=harrop18&date=20041118 -
Result found by: Seattle Times

TV group advances conservative agenda
Result found by: Chicago Sun-Times


One-year anniversary of gay marriage ruling passes quietly
2004/11/18 The first anniversary of Massachusetts' gay marriage decision was
marked with little fanfare Thursday, but both sides said it was simply the
calm before a storm of new battles over the ruling's legacy.
Result found by: The Boston Globe

Bishops OK plan to bolster marriage - Catholics to battle 'threats' of
divorce, same-sex weddings
Result found by: SF Gate

Activists seek wider gay-marriage rights
2004/11/18 One year after the historic court ruling giving gay and lesbian
couples the right to marry in Massachusetts, activists and lawyers here are
sticking with their strategy of aggressively pushing to expand that right,
even though the Nov. 2 election revealed
Result found by: The Boston Globe

New marriage laws facing court tests - The Washington Times:
Nation/Politics - November 07, 2004
Legal wrangling over new state constitutional amendments on marriage is
already under way in Oregon, Louisiana and Oklahoma, and expected within a
few weeks in Georgia.
Result found by: The Washington Times


House GOP alters rule for DeLay: He won't have to step down if indicted
2004/11/18 Emboldened by their election successes, House Republicans
yesterday changed their rules to allow Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas to
keep his post even if a grand jury indicts...
Result found by: Seattle Times

'AMERICA HAS SPOKEN': Bush gains mandate with a record 59 million votes
Result found by: Detroit Free Press

Safire calls it quits after 31 years as N.Y. Times' conservative voice
Result found by: Chicago Sun-Times

Bush names Spellings education secretary
2004/11/18 President Bush on Wednesday named White House domestic policy
adviser Margaret Spellings to be the nation's eighth education secretary.
"The issue of education is close to my heart and on this vital issue there's
no one I trust more than Margaret Spellings
Result found by: The Boston Globe

Emerging ties with Iran thwart U.S. efforts to keep Tehran in line
2004/11/18 A major new alliance is emerging between Iran and China that
threatens to undermine U.S. ability to pressure Tehran on its nuclear
program, support for extremist groups and refusal...
Result found by: Seattle Times

Bush signals go-ahead for tax code's overhaul
2004/11/18 The Bush administration is eyeing an overhaul of the tax code
that would drastically cut, if not eliminate, taxes on savings and
investment, but it is unlikely to try to replace...
Result found by: Seattle Times

Conservatives set pace as GOP boosts grip on Congress
Result found by: Chicago Sun-Times

Conservative gets immigration plank - The Washington Times:
Nation/Politics - August 15, 2004
Pennsylvania Rep. Melissa A. Hart will lead the Republican Party platform
subcommittee that will tackle politically sensitive immigration issues, The
Washington Times has learned.
Result found by: The Washington Times

The Specter spectacle
2004/11/18 DOES THIS mean that I have to rise to the defense of Arlen
Specter? If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, is the target of my enemy my
hero? Do I have to rally whole paragraphs around the senior senator from
Pennsylvania? Puh-leeze.
Result found by: The Boston Globe

Keyes won't back down on reparations
Result found by: Chicago Sun-Times

Bush usurps Democrats on road to '04 elections - The Washington Times:
President Bush has taken a page from the playbook of former President Bill
Clinton, seizing issues traditionally owned by the opposing party and making
them his own.
Result found by: The Washington Times

Of church and state
2004/11/18 Barbara A. L'Italien isn't all alone, if that is any consolation.
As the Legislature considered an amendment banning gay marriage earlier this
year, other Catholic lawmakers heard, in some cases from the pulpit, that
perhaps they would not be good influenc
Result found by: The Boston Globe

Medicare reform port ends shake-up - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics
White House advisers say legislation to open up Medicare to more competition
for prescription drug coverage and other health-care benefits is the first
step in a long-term effort to shift the elderly out of the government
program and into private plans.
Result found by: The Washington Times

REPUBLICAN MAJORITY: With more seats, GOP set to push agenda
Result found by: Detroit Free Press


Conservative Episcopalians set to create new church
Result found by: Chicago Sun-Times

Maryland churches to rally for marriage - The Washington Times:
Metropolitan - November 18, 2004
A bipartisan group of Maryland lawmakers has organized more than 500 church
congregations for a huge rally in Annapolis to lobby for a state
constitutional amendment banning same-sex
Result found by: The Washington Times

War on Terror

Iraq Shiite leader no fan of rule-by-imam
Abstract: world. Iraq Shiite leader no fan of rule-by-imam. Despite his
growing influence, Iranian-born Sistani known as an opponent of clerical
interference. Sunday, March 07, 2004 By Borzou Daragahi, Special to the
Post-Gazette MASHAD, Iran - The modest
Result found by: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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The information contained in these articles may or may not reflect the
beliefs of the ConservativeCloset.com its staff or members.
2004-11-19 09:09:25 UTC
Post by Rick
Speaking-out of the Conservative Closet
Conservative Closet http://www.conservativecloset.com
AKA ... All the bull that's fit for compost.
Post by Rick
Encouraging Conservatives to speak out in public forums to share what we
know to be right and true.
Conservtives wouldn't know right from wrong unless it had a price tag.

To give a starting point for our battle in the
Post by Rick
culture war that progressives have deemed necessary.
Culture war?
It's called democracy, moron!

They, through their
Post by Rick
continual assaults on our society, first legislatively and if that doesn't
work then judicially must be answered.
The first "assault" was creating a democratic republic known as the United
States of America.
