We are Losing this War!!!!!!
(too old to reply)
2003-11-03 21:15:11 UTC
NY Times reports, "Allied forces are still struggling to figure out the
dimensions and composition of the opponent they now face in Iraq. 'We are
quite blind there,' said the head of an intelligence agency in Europe. He
added: 'The Americans and Brits know very little about this enemy. They are
trying to fight an enemy they cannot see.' As a result, allied forces assume
that they are fighting a loose conglomerate of like-minded opponents.
Counterterrorism officials estimated that as many as 15 militant groups,
some with loose ties to Al Qaeda, might now be operating in Iraq. 'Al Qaeda,
Ansar al-Islam, loyalists, disgruntled former army personnel - they are all
suspects, but there is no focus on a specific group,' said a senior American
counterterrorism official." These groups share only one bond - they all want
to kill the American soldiers that Bush sent to invade Iraq. Bring our
troops home!
Bradley K. Sherman
2003-11-03 21:19:32 UTC
Post by Enceladus
NY Times reports, "Allied forces are still struggling to figure out the
dimensions and composition of the opponent they now face in Iraq. 'We are
quite blind there,' said the head of an intelligence agency in Europe. He
added: 'The Americans and Brits know very little about this enemy. They are
trying to fight an enemy they cannot see.' As a result, allied forces assume
that they are fighting a loose conglomerate of like-minded opponents.
Correction, we won every battle and have already lost the war.

An honorable retreat is our only possible course. Get the UN in
there and get the US out.

2003-11-03 21:27:26 UTC
Putting the UN in Iraq will not work either.
They will take one hit and pull out. The
result would be the same as if America pulled
out without the UN going in.

America is screwed!
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Enceladus
NY Times reports, "Allied forces are still struggling to figure out the
dimensions and composition of the opponent they now face in Iraq. 'We are
quite blind there,' said the head of an intelligence agency in Europe. He
added: 'The Americans and Brits know very little about this enemy. They are
trying to fight an enemy they cannot see.' As a result, allied forces assume
that they are fighting a loose conglomerate of like-minded opponents.
Correction, we won every battle and have already lost the war.
An honorable retreat is our only possible course. Get the UN in
there and get the US out.