Masonic Secrets? What Masonic Secrets?
(too old to reply)
2003-11-04 17:47:43 UTC
Admittedly, our rituals were intended to remain secret. But let's face it
those rituals were exposed (publically) many many years ago. The people who
keep coming here quoting Duncan's Ritual seems to think they are dealing a
death blow to Masonry by exposing rituals that were exposed before any of us
were born. Duncan's Ritual can be purchased or ordered at Border's
Bookstore. The secrets they are presenting are not secrets at all. Sure,
there are handshakes ansd passwords that remain secret because they are not
in Duncan's Ritual or any other book that I have ever found. Other than
that, we should not let it bother us when they begin to quote obligations or
rituals. Let them naively think they are saying something original. Talk
is cheap. That's all they have to offer. The proof of what and who we are
is evident to any RATIONAL individual. It's biblical to believe that wewill
be judged by the work that we do, not the work that our critics falsely
accuse us of doing. THEY will be called to God's judgement based on the
false witness they give - not us.
I will be the firs to admit that occasionally an anti-mason will say
something that momentarily hacks me off. But it's momentary. And most of
the time I find ammusement in their posts because, again, they are naive
enough to think that what they are saying is original. They think that in
all the years since this group was formed (1994) nobody else has ever come
here quoting Pike, Coil, Taxil...etc... They naively think that quoting our
obligations publically is going to make us all freak out. Get a clue guys.
Anyone with $12.00 US can purchase Duncan's Ritual. Many people have. And
many of them have quoted from it here in this group. It didn't kill us
then. Why do you think it will have a greater effect when you do it ?
Kurt Kurosawa
2003-11-04 19:05:44 UTC
Admittedly, our rituals were intended to remain secret. But let's face it
those rituals were exposed (publically) many many years ago.
Yeah, they're all over the Web, and they can really ruin the surprise for
candidates, which can be as important an element in effective ritual as good
delivery, accurate memory work, and keeping people from talking during the
work. That's about the only beef I have against 'em. That plus many Antis
assume they all (whether legit or not) apply to all Masonic jurisdictions.
The Antis are pretty uniform. I guess they had problems with their Dads when
they were kids or something. They try to make Masonry into a monolithic
authoritative thing instead of a skillion bitty jurisdictions and appendant
organizations (some extinct, some clandestine, some just different) with
different laws, ritual, and customs, each with a skillion members of
opposing views, let alone authors that speak for Masonry about as much as
Colonel Sanders speaks for everyone who cooks chicken. Or they think they
rule the world. Even in one Lodge alone, leading Masons is like herding
cats, forget getting two Masons to agree on how to rule the world!
Influence? Last year's GM's home Lodge (a newish, very nice building and
property) got grabbed by the state to expand a state university. Not only
did they get ripped off on the property value, now they're forced to rent a
room at the Scottish Rite. How's that for a vast conspiracy that rules the
world? I mean, get REAL! (Sorry, had a little steam to let off.)

Best regards,

Kurt Kurosawa, Master Mason (3 Oct 01)
Army & Navy No. 306 AF&AM, Hampton VA
Poquoson No. 49 AF&AM, Poquoson VA
Kecoughtan RAC No. 42, Hampton VA
Valley of Newport News VA, AASR-SJ

The alt.freemasonry FAQ (frequently asked questions) is at:
A good old starter page: http://web.mit.edu/dryfoo/Masonry/
1700 links: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/9344/links.html
Frequently-asked questions about anti-masonry are at:
Myths and anti-Masons http://www.masonicinfo.com/
2003-11-06 08:41:55 UTC
My old lodge secretary used to sum it up pretty well. He said that if
masonry is really a secret society we are defeating our purpose by
brandishing a square and compass on the side of every lodge . It kinda
blows the secret. :-)
Post by Kurt Kurosawa
Admittedly, our rituals were intended to remain secret. But let's face it
those rituals were exposed (publically) many many years ago.
Yeah, they're all over the Web, and they can really ruin the surprise for
candidates, which can be as important an element in effective ritual as good
delivery, accurate memory work, and keeping people from talking during the
work. That's about the only beef I have against 'em. That plus many Antis
assume they all (whether legit or not) apply to all Masonic jurisdictions.
The Antis are pretty uniform. I guess they had problems with their Dads when
they were kids or something. They try to make Masonry into a monolithic
authoritative thing instead of a skillion bitty jurisdictions and appendant
organizations (some extinct, some clandestine, some just different) with
different laws, ritual, and customs, each with a skillion members of
opposing views, let alone authors that speak for Masonry about as much as
Colonel Sanders speaks for everyone who cooks chicken. Or they think they
rule the world. Even in one Lodge alone, leading Masons is like herding
cats, forget getting two Masons to agree on how to rule the world!
Influence? Last year's GM's home Lodge (a newish, very nice building and
property) got grabbed by the state to expand a state university. Not only
did they get ripped off on the property value, now they're forced to rent a
room at the Scottish Rite. How's that for a vast conspiracy that rules the
world? I mean, get REAL! (Sorry, had a little steam to let off.)
Best regards,
Kurt Kurosawa, Master Mason (3 Oct 01)
Army & Navy No. 306 AF&AM, Hampton VA
Poquoson No. 49 AF&AM, Poquoson VA
Kecoughtan RAC No. 42, Hampton VA
Valley of Newport News VA, AASR-SJ
A good old starter page: http://web.mit.edu/dryfoo/Masonry/
1700 links: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/9344/links.html
Myths and anti-Masons http://www.masonicinfo.com/
Black Dragon
2003-11-23 15:53:40 UTC
Freemasons have nothing worth keeping a secret.

And that's all she wrote.
Admittedly, our rituals were intended to remain secret. But let's face it
those rituals were exposed (publically) many many years ago. The people who
keep coming here quoting Duncan's Ritual seems to think they are dealing a
death blow to Masonry by exposing rituals that were exposed before any of us
were born. Duncan's Ritual can be purchased or ordered at Border's
Bookstore. The secrets they are presenting are not secrets at all. Sure,
there are handshakes ansd passwords that remain secret because they are not
in Duncan's Ritual or any other book that I have ever found. Other than
that, we should not let it bother us when they begin to quote obligations or
rituals. Let them naively think they are saying something original. Talk
is cheap. That's all they have to offer. The proof of what and who we are
is evident to any RATIONAL individual. It's biblical to believe that wewill
be judged by the work that we do, not the work that our critics falsely
accuse us of doing. THEY will be called to God's judgement based on the
false witness they give - not us.
I will be the firs to admit that occasionally an anti-mason will say
something that momentarily hacks me off. But it's momentary. And most of
the time I find ammusement in their posts because, again, they are naive
enough to think that what they are saying is original. They think that in
all the years since this group was formed (1994) nobody else has ever come
here quoting Pike, Coil, Taxil...etc... They naively think that quoting our
obligations publically is going to make us all freak out. Get a clue guys.
Anyone with $12.00 US can purchase Duncan's Ritual. Many people have. And
many of them have quoted from it here in this group. It didn't kill us
then. Why do you think it will have a greater effect when you do it ?
2003-11-23 20:18:49 UTC
Post by Black Dragon
Freemasons have nothing worth keeping a secret.
Apparently that's the big secret- don't let on!
