More Hypocrisy of Bush Administration
(too old to reply)
2004-02-07 00:34:39 UTC
I think Kay told the truth as he knew it. The problem is that Cheney was
getting advice from sources other than the CIA ... right wingers who had an
agenda. This will likely come out. By the way, Cheney's company Hallburton
has now agreed to refund $67 million in overcharges for gasoline
("accounting error," they say), another $27 million in over-charges for hot
meals for troops (another "accounting error") and been named in a bribery
investigation over a $180 million dollar bribe paid to Nigerian interests,
not to mention the two executives who took over $6 million in kickbacks from
Kuwaiti truckers. All this from a company so trustworthy that the Bushies
gave them a no-bid contract to help rebuild Iraq. I wonder how many from
Halliburton will go to jail? I wonder if I would go to jail if I robbed a
mini-mart of $200? hmmmm
2004-02-06 01:28:29 UTC
Post by Nate
I think Kay told the truth as he knew it. The problem is that Cheney was
getting advice from sources other than the CIA ... right wingers who had an
agenda. This will likely come out. By the way, Cheney's company Hallburton
has now agreed to refund $67 million in overcharges for gasoline
("accounting error," they say), another $27 million in over-charges for hot
meals for troops (another "accounting error") and been named in a bribery
investigation over a $180 million dollar bribe paid to Nigerian interests,
not to mention the two executives who took over $6 million in kickbacks from
Kuwaiti truckers. All this from a company so trustworthy that the Bushies
gave them a no-bid contract to help rebuild Iraq. I wonder how many from
Halliburton will go to jail? I wonder if I would go to jail if I robbed a
mini-mart of $200? hmmmm
You won't as long you are the son of a former US President.
