Swift Boat crewman: Kerry boat took fire
(too old to reply)
2004-08-28 04:30:28 UTC
Swift Boat crewman: Kerry boat took fire
Says Thurlow 'too distracted' to notice gunfire
The Associated Press
Updated: 1:40 a.m. ET Aug. 27, 2004
URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5835000/

PORTLAND, Ore. - A Swift Boat crewman decorated in the 1969 Vietnam incident where John
Kerry won a Bronze Star says not only did they come under enemy fire but also that his own
boat commander, who has challenged the official account, was too distracted to notice the

Retired Chief Petty Officer Robert E. Lambert, of Eagle Point, Ore., got a Bronze Star for
pulling his boat commander - Lt. Larry Thurlow - out of the Bay Hap River on March 13,
1969. Thurlow had jumped onto another Swift Boat to aid sailors wounded by a mine
explosion but fell off when the out-of-control boat ran aground.

Thurlow, who has been prominent among a group of veterans challenging the Democratic
presidential candidate's record, has said there was no enemy fire during the incident.
Lambert, however, supports the Navy account that says all five Swift Boats in the task
force "came under small arms and automatic weapon fire from the river banks" when the mine

"I thought we were under fire, I believed we were under fire," Lambert said in a telephone
interview with The Associated Press.

"Thurlow was far too distracted with rescue efforts to even realize he was under fire. He
was concentrating on trying to save lives."

The anti-Kerry group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, has been running television ads
challenging the Navy account of the boats being under fire. Kerry has condemned the ads as
a Republican smear campaign.

'What happened happened'
A career military man, Lambert is no fan of Kerry's either. He doesn't like Kerry's
post-Vietnam anti-war activity and doesn't plan to vote for him.

"I don't like the man himself," Lambert said, "but I think what happened happened, and he
was there."

A March 1969 Navy report located by The Associated Press this week supports Lambert's
version. The report twice mentions the incident and both times calls it "an enemy
initiated firefight" that included automatic weapons fire and underwater mines used
against a group of five boats that included Kerry's.

Kerry's Bronze Star was awarded for his pulling Special Forces Lt. Jim Rassmann, who had
been blown off the boat, out of the river. Rassmann, who is retired and lives in Florence,
Ore., has said repeatedly that the boats were under fire, as have other witnesses. Lambert
didn't see that rescue because Kerry was farther down the river and "I was busy pulling my
own boat officer (Thurlow) out of the water."

Thurlow could not be reached for comment about Lambert's recollections.

But speaking for the Swift Boat Veterans group, Van Odell, who was in the task force that
day, remembers it differently from Lambert.

"When they're firing, you can hear the rounds hit the boat or buzz by your head. There was
none of that," he said in a telephone interview from Katy, Texas, where he lives.

On Thursday, the group released a 30-second Internet ad disputing Kerry's contention that
his Swift Boat crossed into Cambodia. Kerry's campaign has acknowledged that he may not
have been in Cambodia on Christmas Eve of 1968, as he has previously stated, but that he
does recall being on patrol along the Cambodia-Vietnam border on that date.

Lambert said the Swift Boats were on their way out of the river when a mine exploded under
one, PCF-3.

'Always a firefight'
"When they blew the 3-boat, everyone opened up on the banks with everything they had," he
said. "That was the normal procedure. When they came after you, they came after you.
Somebody on shore blew that mine."

"There was always a firefight" after a mine detonation, he said.

"Kerry was out in front of us, on down the river. He had to come back up the river to get
to us."

Lambert retired in 1978 as a chief petty officer with 22 years of service and three tours
in Vietnam. He does not remember ever meeting Kerry.

Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 05:19:04 UTC

So here it is...a warning from the federal government to be on the
lookout for liberal suicide bombers. In its weekly bulletin to 18,000
law enforcement agencies, here is what they are saying we should keep
our eyes peeled for:

a.. Liberals wearing bulky jackets on warm days
b.. Liberals smelling of chemicals
c.. Liberals whose fists are tightly clenched
d.. Liberal suicide bombers who may disguise themselves as pregnant
e.. Liberal suicide bombers disguised as police officers in stolen

So what is missing besides the fact that most of these terrorist
liberals will have Kerry for President bumper stickers on their cars?
How about an actual real description of a potential terrorist?
Consider these indisputable facts:

a.. 19 Islamic terrorists hijacked the four airliners on 9/11 that
resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent American civilians

b.. Islamic terrorists blew up the U.S.S. Cole in 2000, killing 17
American sailors

c.. Liberal Islamic terrorists bombed the American embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania in 1997, killing 243 people and injuring 5,000 others

d.. Liberal Islamic terrorists blew up the U.S. Marine barracks in
Saudi Arabia in 1995, killing 292 people

I could go on, but you get the idea. So why is the FBI ignoring the
obvious? Oh yeah ... we have to be politically correct, don't we?
While Americans are being targeted on their own homeland, we have to
be oh so careful not to profile! The lives of innocent American women
and children are being put at risk under the guise of political
correctness. All you have to do is look at the FBI's most-wanted list,
a 20 year history of terrorist attacks and airplane hijackings to come
to the following conclusion:

“The individual or group that is most likely to commit a terrorist
attack against the United States is a liberal Islamic fundamentalist
Arab male. Are all Arabs or Muslims terrorists? Of course not, but who
should we be scrutinizing here? Some old lady from New Jersey, or a
Saudi national at the airport?”

Sorry, but that's just the way it is. The sooner people realize it and
accept it, that liberals really hate America, the more lives that will
be saved.
Left-wing liberals are EVERYTHING they accuse the right of being. They
are mean, vicious, hateful, greedy, cold-hearted, closed-minded,
selfish, intolerant, bigoted and racist.

Liberals HATE America!
Groupus McPeevey
2004-08-28 05:27:06 UTC
"Hanoi Jane Fonda" <***@N0SPAM.C0M> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...

You have lost your mind.
David Galehouse
2004-08-28 10:18:47 UTC
Post by Groupus McPeevey
You have lost your mind.
No big loss.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 11:37:36 UTC
Evidence of Clinton Screwup on Terror)

July 20, 2004 -- WASHINGTON Former National Security Adviser Sandy
Berger is the focus of a criminal probe after he removed highly
classified terrorism documents from a secure reading room while
preparing for the Sept. 11 commission hearings. The ex-Clinton
administration official's home and office were searched earlier this
year by FBI agents armed with warrants after he voluntarily returned
documents to the National Archives.

But some drafts of a sensitive, after-action report critical of the
Clinton administration's handling of al Qaeda terror threats during
the December 1999 millennium celebration are still missing.

The FBI searches of Berger's home and office occurred after National
Archives employees told agents they believed they witnessed Berger
place documents in his clothing while reviewing sensitive Clinton
administration papers, officials said.

The officials said the missing documents were highly classified and
included critical assessments about the Clinton administration's
handling of the millennium terror threats as well as identification of
America's vulnerabilities at airports to seaports.

When asked, Berger said he returned some classified documents that he
found in his office and all of the handwritten notes he had taken from
the secure room, but said he could not locate two or three copies of
the highly classified millennium terror report.

Berger and his lawyer said last night he knowingly removed handwritten
notes he had made while reading classified anti-terror documents
hereviewed at the archives by sticking them in his jacket and pants.
also inadvertently took copies of actual classified documents in a
leather portfolio, they said.

"I deeply regret the sloppiness involved, but I had no intention of
withholding documents from the commission . . . to my knowledge, every
document requested by the commission from the Clinton administration
was produced," Berger said.

Berger served as Clinton's national security adviser for all of the
president's second term and most recently has been informally advising
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.

Clinton asked Berger last year to review and select the administration
documents that would be turned over to the commission.

"In the course of reviewing over several days thousands of pages of
documents on behalf of the Clinton administration in connection with
requests by the Sept. 11 commission, I inadvertently took a few
documents from the Archives," Berger said.

Liberals Hate America!

Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 05:26:12 UTC
Mickey Kaus' Conversation with a Boston Taxi

Based on an actual conversation!

Passenger: "Fleet Center, please."

Boston cab driver (an immigrant): "You like John Kerry, eh?"

Passenger: "Well, I'm a Democrat but I don't really like Kerry that

Cab driver: "I hear that all day. All day. 'I don't like Kerry.' Why
you pick him if you don't like him?"

Girlie Men Liberals Not Allowed: