Are Republicans, or Democrats more consumed with hate?
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Robert Miller
2004-07-09 03:59:24 UTC
Are Republicans, or Democrats more consumed with hate?

It's easy to understand why more school high school dropouts join the
Democrat Party than the Republican Party, and why more Collage grads
join the Republican Party than the Democrat Party. But on the issue of
"Hate" it gets confusing!

Those who claim "Peace", "Love", and Tolerance spend so much time
posting how much they hate the Republican or that, and how they would
like to see them 6 feet under has me really confused.

I would really like someone to explaine why the same group of people
who preach love, teach hate!

Robert Miller
The American people always get the President they deserve!
2004-07-13 02:15:32 UTC
I used to not care too much. I could criticize the liberals for some things
and consrvatives for other things. But the republican adminstrations always
had something to be admired. Nixon's foreign policy was commendable. He
opened up China and ended the Viet Nam war. Reagan also worked hard to
promote peace in the middle east. Bush Sr at least didn's screw things up
completely, and could honestly point to IIraq's invasion of Kuwat as a
reason for his war. And he assembled a decent coalition in that effort.

W on the other hand gives thinking people ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to support
him. He has presided over the worst foreign policy disaster in our history.
His arrogant attitude and complete disrespect of moderate concerns is an
affront to the moderates who helped him get elected. He is absolutely the
wrong choice for America. I could think of a reason for any honest American
to reject him out of hand. Whether you are a conservative Christian, a gung
ho supporter of the military, a fiscal conservative, whatever pigeonhole you
can put yourself in, he has failed you miserably.

Think about it.

Dump Bush.
Post by Robert Miller
Are Republicans, or Democrats more consumed with hate?
It's easy to understand why more school high school dropouts join the
Democrat Party than the Republican Party, and why more Collage grads
join the Republican Party than the Democrat Party. But on the issue of
"Hate" it gets confusing!
Those who claim "Peace", "Love", and Tolerance spend so much time
posting how much they hate the Republican or that, and how they would
like to see them 6 feet under has me really confused.
I would really like someone to explaine why the same group of people
who preach love, teach hate!
Robert Miller
The American people always get the President they deserve!