The War on Truth
(too old to reply)
2003-10-02 21:15:45 UTC

Joe Giambrone: 'The war on truth: The Bush circus and the assault on
Posted on Thursday, October 02 @ 10:08:08 EDT
By Joe Giambrone

George W. Bush came to power in a naked assault on truth. The
Bush v. Gore lawsuit claimed that the results of the Florida recount
were irrelevant, because Bush would suffer "irreparable harm" to his
claiming that he won Florida, whether he actually won the election or
not. The Bush v. Gore decision stopped the state of Florida from
finding out the truth.

Georgetown University law professor David Cole said of this
decision: "[The Supreme Court] created a new right out of whole cloth
and made sure it ultimately protected only one person -- George (W.)
Bush." So much for "equal protection," the bogus basis of the lawsuit.
Bush did not win Florida. For some reason he remains in the white

Orwellian Newspeak is the hallmark of the Bush pResidency.
America has suffered the greatest disinformation campaign since Joseph
Goebbels under Bush II ("the Usurper"). Truth is clearly on the run.

Even Colin Powell had a moment of clarity -- just before he
misled the world at the United Nations on February 5th, 2003 - when he
read a first draft handed to him by some of the architects of Team
Bush, threw it across the room, and said, "I'm not reading this. This
is bullshit!"

Yes, Colin, it is. But you see, it's ALL bullshit. If it comes
out of the mouth of Ari, or Rummy, or Wolfy, or Condi, or Dick - let's
never forget Dick - then you can be pretty damned sure that it is a
lie, a fraud, a scam. You just need to look past the headline and get
down to the fine print.

"Clear Skies," the legislation to let polluters regulate
themselves? Was there ever a more cynical abuse of our legislative
process? Yes there was! "No Child Left Behind" is one of the most
cynical abuses of the trust of the American people to date. This
assault on the nation's children was basically a drive to sneak in
vouchers that failed. So, the legislation winds up being 1) a way of
forcing schools to turn over our children's contact info to military
recruiters, and 2) an un-funded mandate that forces schools to "teach
to the tests" rather than teaching our children how to think. The
logic here seems to be that if young people were taught how to think
critically, rather than uniformly forced to focus on standardized
tests, then they might eventually vote these jokers out of office.

End result is that most of our children have been left behind.
Schools are laying off teachers, shortening the school years,
increasing class sizes, and basically in a panic for funds. All
Children Left Behind gets high marks for purely evil fraud, but there
are even more damaging lies that threaten the survival of the nation
and possibly the species.

September the 11th is the B.C. / A.D. moment for the modern age.
Everything we are told about this event by Team Bush has been a lie.
The most damning statement came out of the mouth of Ari Fleischer on
September 11th, aboard Air Force One, and is found on the white house
web server. A reporter asked Ari if there were any warnings that
something like this would happen?

"Mr. Fleischer: No Warnings."

No warnings? For eight months the dam held, until May of 2002,
when hundreds of press stories revealed to the world that numerous
warnings were received by the U.S. intelligence services that hijacked
commercial planes would be used as weapons to attack, "prominent
symbols of America" including World Trade Center and pentagon.

Did the truth come out then? Hardly. The Condi Rice spin changed
pitch so that the warnings weren't "specific" enough. Weren't they?

How is it that an Israeli shipping company knew enough to break
its lease and evacuate from the World Trade Center in the weeks before
the attack?

Rice also tells us that no one there had ever considered that
hijacked planes would be used as weapons. Really?

Why was Genoa, Italy ringed with antiaircraft missiles and guns
during the G-8 summit in July, in response to a known plot to
assassinate Bush and other world leaders by Al Qaeda? Two months prior
to 9/11, at least SOMEBODY thought of this scenario, Ms. Rice. Let's
not even rehash Project Bojinka, the Minneapolis and Phoenix FBI
office warnings, and other plots that had already been executed in the
1980's and 1990's.

And what of the mysterious National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
"exercise" allegedly scheduled for the morning of 9/11? The one that
was to "simulate" a plane crashing into a building? The one allegedly
headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, as reported at AirDisaster.com
and AP? How is that for a "bizarre coincidence?"

Let's see -- if Dick Cheney and this NRO office were crafting a
plane crashing into building exercise, then presumably someone there
would have thought of the possibility. That would put both Condi Rice
and Rumsfeld a little bit "off message."

Out of 9/11 comes the travesty of illegitimate law called the
USA PATRIOT ACT. According to Al Martin and Texas Representative Ron
Paul (R), the USA PATRIOT ACT was passed without being read by the
congressmen who voted for it. They were not allowed to read the final
draft before the vote, and the threat from the white house was that if
they voted Nay, the congressman would be smeared as being
"unpatriotic" in the press, a real possibility given the level of
white house media control post September the 11th.

Patrick Henry, an actual American patriot, is famous for saying:
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course
others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!!!"

Benjamin Franklin was a genuine American patriot. Franklin said
of this subject, "Those who would trade LIBERTY for security deserve

Thomas Jefferson, an unassailable American patriot, wrote the
Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution, a set of laws that
the USA PATRIOT ACT is currently -- and illegally -- undermining.
"Patriots" should know that to change the Constitution of the United
States, it requires a Constitutional Amendment, a higher threshold
than any old bill that passes through the congress. Our schools used
to teach this sort of thing, no?

Then along comes Operation Iraqi Oil Heist to take our minds off
of all these other lies. Wow. Naked aggression and atrocity packaged
as humanitarian do-gooderness. Only in Hollywood, as they say, or,
only when you've got the FCC making deals with media moguls, giants
who warp the news as the ruling elite would have it warped.

Here is the heart of the beast. The news and news-like "product"
that a majority of Americans receive comes through the filter of
mega-corporate media. These behemoths know a good deal when they smell
one, and so they have decided to appease Caesar.

End result of that: you really can fool most of the people most
of the time.

So, if the first several excuses for waging a war of aggression
don't pan out: no weapons of mass destruction, no imminent threat, no
connection to 9/11, then we can always claim to have destroyed
international law and thousands of innocent lives in the name of
"bringing democracy."

I'm just wondering when we'll get some of that "democracy"
brought back here to the "homeland?"

Still, I don't think the Shrub has a snow cone's chance in the
Iraqi desert of being re-Selected. Sure, we have voting machine
companies spreading their tamper-friendly machinery like some Borg
planetary invasion. Sure, we have an Australian madman programming
half of the nation with malignant stupid-rays. Sure, we've got
ignorance, apathy, and radical nonsense-icalism running rampant across
the nation like SARS. Sure, we've got Reichsfuhrer John Ashcroft - in
the name of "freedom" - scaring small children and the rest of us on
his Defeat Democracy Tour '03.

But, we've also got a lot of dedicated, angry, pissed-off,
red-blooded, freedom-loving, brilliant, kind, generous, thinking
Americans who still remember a little document called The U.S.
Constitution. And it is to that Constitution we owe our allegiance,
not to these demented clowns at the Cabal's Circus of the Absurd and

In November 2004, we will most definitely have a majority vote
for "anybody but BushCo." My own vote will be for the candidate who
opposes Bush absolutely, diametrically, and unflinchingly. Even if I
have to write-in his name on my absentee ballot, I'm voting for Dennis
Kucinich. And I've never heard Dennis Kucinich tell a lie.

Not once.
"When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding.
When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding." ---Dennis
Coty Melvin
2003-10-03 00:13:44 UTC
Sarah, you sound like a semi-bright 5th grader. How old are you? 9?
You have the maturity of a 10 year old! Congrats!
Post by Sarah
Joe Giambrone: 'The war on truth: The Bush circus and the assault on
By Joe Giambrone
George W. Bush came to power in a naked assault on truth. The
Bush v. Gore lawsuit claimed that the results of the Florida recount
were irrelevant, because Bush would suffer "irreparable harm" to his
claiming that he won Florida, whether he actually won the election or
not. The Bush v. Gore decision stopped the state of Florida from
finding out the truth.
Georgetown University law professor David Cole said of this
decision: "[The Supreme Court] created a new right out of whole cloth
and made sure it ultimately protected only one person -- George (W.)
Bush." So much for "equal protection," the bogus basis of the lawsuit.
Bush did not win Florida. For some reason he remains in the white
Orwellian Newspeak is the hallmark of the Bush pResidency.
America has suffered the greatest disinformation campaign since Joseph
Goebbels under Bush II ("the Usurper"). Truth is clearly on the run.
Even Colin Powell had a moment of clarity -- just before he
misled the world at the United Nations on February 5th, 2003 - when he
read a first draft handed to him by some of the architects of Team
Bush, threw it across the room, and said, "I'm not reading this. This
is bullshit!"
Yes, Colin, it is. But you see, it's ALL bullshit. If it comes
out of the mouth of Ari, or Rummy, or Wolfy, or Condi, or Dick - let's
never forget Dick - then you can be pretty damned sure that it is a
lie, a fraud, a scam. You just need to look past the headline and get
down to the fine print.
"Clear Skies," the legislation to let polluters regulate
themselves? Was there ever a more cynical abuse of our legislative
process? Yes there was! "No Child Left Behind" is one of the most
cynical abuses of the trust of the American people to date. This
assault on the nation's children was basically a drive to sneak in
vouchers that failed. So, the legislation winds up being 1) a way of
forcing schools to turn over our children's contact info to military
recruiters, and 2) an un-funded mandate that forces schools to "teach
to the tests" rather than teaching our children how to think. The
logic here seems to be that if young people were taught how to think
critically, rather than uniformly forced to focus on standardized
tests, then they might eventually vote these jokers out of office.
End result is that most of our children have been left behind.
Schools are laying off teachers, shortening the school years,
increasing class sizes, and basically in a panic for funds. All
Children Left Behind gets high marks for purely evil fraud, but there
are even more damaging lies that threaten the survival of the nation
and possibly the species.
September the 11th is the B.C. / A.D. moment for the modern age.
Everything we are told about this event by Team Bush has been a lie.
The most damning statement came out of the mouth of Ari Fleischer on
September 11th, aboard Air Force One, and is found on the white house
web server. A reporter asked Ari if there were any warnings that
something like this would happen?
"Mr. Fleischer: No Warnings."
No warnings? For eight months the dam held, until May of 2002,
when hundreds of press stories revealed to the world that numerous
warnings were received by the U.S. intelligence services that hijacked
commercial planes would be used as weapons to attack, "prominent
symbols of America" including World Trade Center and pentagon.
Did the truth come out then? Hardly. The Condi Rice spin changed
pitch so that the warnings weren't "specific" enough. Weren't they?
How is it that an Israeli shipping company knew enough to break
its lease and evacuate from the World Trade Center in the weeks before
the attack?
Rice also tells us that no one there had ever considered that
hijacked planes would be used as weapons. Really?
Why was Genoa, Italy ringed with antiaircraft missiles and guns
during the G-8 summit in July, in response to a known plot to
assassinate Bush and other world leaders by Al Qaeda? Two months prior
to 9/11, at least SOMEBODY thought of this scenario, Ms. Rice. Let's
not even rehash Project Bojinka, the Minneapolis and Phoenix FBI
office warnings, and other plots that had already been executed in the
1980's and 1990's.
And what of the mysterious National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
"exercise" allegedly scheduled for the morning of 9/11? The one that
was to "simulate" a plane crashing into a building? The one allegedly
headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, as reported at AirDisaster.com
and AP? How is that for a "bizarre coincidence?"
Let's see -- if Dick Cheney and this NRO office were crafting a
plane crashing into building exercise, then presumably someone there
would have thought of the possibility. That would put both Condi Rice
and Rumsfeld a little bit "off message."
Out of 9/11 comes the travesty of illegitimate law called the
USA PATRIOT ACT. According to Al Martin and Texas Representative Ron
Paul (R), the USA PATRIOT ACT was passed without being read by the
congressmen who voted for it. They were not allowed to read the final
draft before the vote, and the threat from the white house was that if
they voted Nay, the congressman would be smeared as being
"unpatriotic" in the press, a real possibility given the level of
white house media control post September the 11th.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course
others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!!!"
Benjamin Franklin was a genuine American patriot. Franklin said
of this subject, "Those who would trade LIBERTY for security deserve
Thomas Jefferson, an unassailable American patriot, wrote the
Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution, a set of laws that
the USA PATRIOT ACT is currently -- and illegally -- undermining.
"Patriots" should know that to change the Constitution of the United
States, it requires a Constitutional Amendment, a higher threshold
than any old bill that passes through the congress. Our schools used
to teach this sort of thing, no?
Then along comes Operation Iraqi Oil Heist to take our minds off
of all these other lies. Wow. Naked aggression and atrocity packaged
as humanitarian do-gooderness. Only in Hollywood, as they say, or,
only when you've got the FCC making deals with media moguls, giants
who warp the news as the ruling elite would have it warped.
Here is the heart of the beast. The news and news-like "product"
that a majority of Americans receive comes through the filter of
mega-corporate media. These behemoths know a good deal when they smell
one, and so they have decided to appease Caesar.
End result of that: you really can fool most of the people most
of the time.
So, if the first several excuses for waging a war of aggression
don't pan out: no weapons of mass destruction, no imminent threat, no
connection to 9/11, then we can always claim to have destroyed
international law and thousands of innocent lives in the name of
"bringing democracy."
I'm just wondering when we'll get some of that "democracy"
brought back here to the "homeland?"
Still, I don't think the Shrub has a snow cone's chance in the
Iraqi desert of being re-Selected. Sure, we have voting machine
companies spreading their tamper-friendly machinery like some Borg
planetary invasion. Sure, we have an Australian madman programming
half of the nation with malignant stupid-rays. Sure, we've got
ignorance, apathy, and radical nonsense-icalism running rampant across
the nation like SARS. Sure, we've got Reichsfuhrer John Ashcroft - in
the name of "freedom" - scaring small children and the rest of us on
his Defeat Democracy Tour '03.
But, we've also got a lot of dedicated, angry, pissed-off,
red-blooded, freedom-loving, brilliant, kind, generous, thinking
Americans who still remember a little document called The U.S.
Constitution. And it is to that Constitution we owe our allegiance,
not to these demented clowns at the Cabal's Circus of the Absurd and
In November 2004, we will most definitely have a majority vote
for "anybody but BushCo." My own vote will be for the candidate who
opposes Bush absolutely, diametrically, and unflinchingly. Even if I
have to write-in his name on my absentee ballot, I'm voting for Dennis
Kucinich. And I've never heard Dennis Kucinich tell a lie.
Not once.
"When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding.
When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding." ---Dennis
Jason R.
2003-10-04 01:27:28 UTC
Post by Coty Melvin
Sarah, you sound like a semi-bright 5th grader. How old are you? 9?
You have the maturity of a 10 year old! Congrats!
This is always the best that the troll Coty can do. No substance, just

Sorry, he was let out recently and has not become acustomed to the real

Great posts Sarah!
Post by Coty Melvin
Post by Sarah
Joe Giambrone: 'The war on truth: The Bush circus and the assault on
By Joe Giambrone
George W. Bush came to power in a naked assault on truth. The
Bush v. Gore lawsuit claimed that the results of the Florida recount
were irrelevant, because Bush would suffer "irreparable harm" to his
claiming that he won Florida, whether he actually won the election or
not. The Bush v. Gore decision stopped the state of Florida from
finding out the truth.
Georgetown University law professor David Cole said of this
decision: "[The Supreme Court] created a new right out of whole cloth
and made sure it ultimately protected only one person -- George (W.)
Bush." So much for "equal protection," the bogus basis of the lawsuit.
Bush did not win Florida. For some reason he remains in the white
Orwellian Newspeak is the hallmark of the Bush pResidency.
America has suffered the greatest disinformation campaign since Joseph
Goebbels under Bush II ("the Usurper"). Truth is clearly on the run.
Even Colin Powell had a moment of clarity -- just before he
misled the world at the United Nations on February 5th, 2003 - when he
read a first draft handed to him by some of the architects of Team
Bush, threw it across the room, and said, "I'm not reading this. This
is bullshit!"
Yes, Colin, it is. But you see, it's ALL bullshit. If it comes
out of the mouth of Ari, or Rummy, or Wolfy, or Condi, or Dick - let's
never forget Dick - then you can be pretty damned sure that it is a
lie, a fraud, a scam. You just need to look past the headline and get
down to the fine print.
"Clear Skies," the legislation to let polluters regulate
themselves? Was there ever a more cynical abuse of our legislative
process? Yes there was! "No Child Left Behind" is one of the most
cynical abuses of the trust of the American people to date. This
assault on the nation's children was basically a drive to sneak in
vouchers that failed. So, the legislation winds up being 1) a way of
forcing schools to turn over our children's contact info to military
recruiters, and 2) an un-funded mandate that forces schools to "teach
to the tests" rather than teaching our children how to think. The
logic here seems to be that if young people were taught how to think
critically, rather than uniformly forced to focus on standardized
tests, then they might eventually vote these jokers out of office.
End result is that most of our children have been left behind.
Schools are laying off teachers, shortening the school years,
increasing class sizes, and basically in a panic for funds. All
Children Left Behind gets high marks for purely evil fraud, but there
are even more damaging lies that threaten the survival of the nation
and possibly the species.
September the 11th is the B.C. / A.D. moment for the modern age.
Everything we are told about this event by Team Bush has been a lie.
The most damning statement came out of the mouth of Ari Fleischer on
September 11th, aboard Air Force One, and is found on the white house
web server. A reporter asked Ari if there were any warnings that
something like this would happen?
"Mr. Fleischer: No Warnings."
No warnings? For eight months the dam held, until May of 2002,
when hundreds of press stories revealed to the world that numerous
warnings were received by the U.S. intelligence services that hijacked
commercial planes would be used as weapons to attack, "prominent
symbols of America" including World Trade Center and pentagon.
Did the truth come out then? Hardly. The Condi Rice spin changed
pitch so that the warnings weren't "specific" enough. Weren't they?
How is it that an Israeli shipping company knew enough to break
its lease and evacuate from the World Trade Center in the weeks before
the attack?
Rice also tells us that no one there had ever considered that
hijacked planes would be used as weapons. Really?
Why was Genoa, Italy ringed with antiaircraft missiles and guns
during the G-8 summit in July, in response to a known plot to
assassinate Bush and other world leaders by Al Qaeda? Two months prior
to 9/11, at least SOMEBODY thought of this scenario, Ms. Rice. Let's
not even rehash Project Bojinka, the Minneapolis and Phoenix FBI
office warnings, and other plots that had already been executed in the
1980's and 1990's.
And what of the mysterious National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
"exercise" allegedly scheduled for the morning of 9/11? The one that
was to "simulate" a plane crashing into a building? The one allegedly
headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, as reported at AirDisaster.com
and AP? How is that for a "bizarre coincidence?"
Let's see -- if Dick Cheney and this NRO office were crafting a
plane crashing into building exercise, then presumably someone there
would have thought of the possibility. That would put both Condi Rice
and Rumsfeld a little bit "off message."
Out of 9/11 comes the travesty of illegitimate law called the
USA PATRIOT ACT. According to Al Martin and Texas Representative Ron
Paul (R), the USA PATRIOT ACT was passed without being read by the
congressmen who voted for it. They were not allowed to read the final
draft before the vote, and the threat from the white house was that if
they voted Nay, the congressman would be smeared as being
"unpatriotic" in the press, a real possibility given the level of
white house media control post September the 11th.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course
others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!!!"
Benjamin Franklin was a genuine American patriot. Franklin said
of this subject, "Those who would trade LIBERTY for security deserve
Thomas Jefferson, an unassailable American patriot, wrote the
Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution, a set of laws that
the USA PATRIOT ACT is currently -- and illegally -- undermining.
"Patriots" should know that to change the Constitution of the United
States, it requires a Constitutional Amendment, a higher threshold
than any old bill that passes through the congress. Our schools used
to teach this sort of thing, no?
Then along comes Operation Iraqi Oil Heist to take our minds off
of all these other lies. Wow. Naked aggression and atrocity packaged
as humanitarian do-gooderness. Only in Hollywood, as they say, or,
only when you've got the FCC making deals with media moguls, giants
who warp the news as the ruling elite would have it warped.
Here is the heart of the beast. The news and news-like "product"
that a majority of Americans receive comes through the filter of
mega-corporate media. These behemoths know a good deal when they smell
one, and so they have decided to appease Caesar.
End result of that: you really can fool most of the people most
of the time.
So, if the first several excuses for waging a war of aggression
don't pan out: no weapons of mass destruction, no imminent threat, no
connection to 9/11, then we can always claim to have destroyed
international law and thousands of innocent lives in the name of
"bringing democracy."
I'm just wondering when we'll get some of that "democracy"
brought back here to the "homeland?"
Still, I don't think the Shrub has a snow cone's chance in the
Iraqi desert of being re-Selected. Sure, we have voting machine
companies spreading their tamper-friendly machinery like some Borg
planetary invasion. Sure, we have an Australian madman programming
half of the nation with malignant stupid-rays. Sure, we've got
ignorance, apathy, and radical nonsense-icalism running rampant across
the nation like SARS. Sure, we've got Reichsfuhrer John Ashcroft - in
the name of "freedom" - scaring small children and the rest of us on
his Defeat Democracy Tour '03.
But, we've also got a lot of dedicated, angry, pissed-off,
red-blooded, freedom-loving, brilliant, kind, generous, thinking
Americans who still remember a little document called The U.S.
Constitution. And it is to that Constitution we owe our allegiance,
not to these demented clowns at the Cabal's Circus of the Absurd and
In November 2004, we will most definitely have a majority vote
for "anybody but BushCo." My own vote will be for the candidate who
opposes Bush absolutely, diametrically, and unflinchingly. Even if I
have to write-in his name on my absentee ballot, I'm voting for Dennis
Kucinich. And I've never heard Dennis Kucinich tell a lie.
Not once.
"When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding.
When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding." ---Dennis
Werner Hetzner
2003-10-03 02:56:03 UTC
Post by Sarah
Joe Giambrone: 'The war on truth: The Bush circus and the assault on
By Joe Giambrone
Georgetown University law professor David Cole said of this
decision: "[The Supreme Court] created a new right out of whole cloth
These rights have been created from nothing for decades. Why now we have
a right to contraception pills. This really means some have the right to
have others pay for their contaception pill.

Rights are removed just as easily. Why now we in NY no longer have the
right to smoke in places where people work.

Dan Listermann
2003-10-03 03:03:53 UTC
Post by Werner Hetzner
Post by Werner Hetzner
These rights have been created from nothing for decades. Why now we have
a right to contraception pills. This really means some have the right to
have others pay for their contaception pill.
That is a weird take. You have the right to not be forbidden from
contraception pills. Who pay for it is another matter.
Werner Hetzner
2003-10-03 13:29:18 UTC
Post by Dan Listermann
Post by Werner Hetzner
Post by Werner Hetzner
These rights have been created from nothing for decades. Why now we have
a right to contraception pills. This really means some have the right to
have others pay for their contaception pill.
That is a weird take. You have the right to not be forbidden from
contraception pills. Who pay for it is another matter.
THat is the whole point. No one was forbidden from the pills, but now
insurance companies (the rest of us rate payers) must foot the bill - by
Dan Listermann
2003-10-03 13:47:49 UTC
Post by Werner Hetzner
Post by Dan Listermann
Post by Werner Hetzner
a right to contraception pills. This really means some have the right to
have others pay for their contaception pill.
That is a weird take. You have the right to not be forbidden from
contraception pills. Who pay for it is another matter.
THat is the whole point. No one was forbidden from the pills, but now
insurance companies (the rest of us rate payers) must foot the bill - by
I am not aware of that. Can you back it up.

Frankly an insurance company would be stupid not to pay for contraceptives
from an investment point of view. How many doses of pills equal the cost of
a birth. The only reason they don't pay for them is that they know that
their customers want contraceptives so much that they will pay for them
Post by Werner Hetzner
Post by Dan Listermann
Post by Werner Hetzner
Post by Werner Hetzner
These rights have been created from nothing for decades. Why now we have