Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
(too old to reply)
2004-01-02 14:34:12 UTC
Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
For some time now, a group of people who classify themselves liberal has
been making plans and raising money to launch a broadcast network. For them,
the almost total command that conservatives have of radio and TV talk shows
has lost them elections. They are tired of hearing that the country is being
undermined by socialized medicine, progressive taxation and handouts to the
lazy and incompetent.

At this moment, this brave band is shopping for broadcast frequencies or a
cable network, hiring secretaries, renting office space and raising money up
and down Sunset Boulevard and Central Park West. They are eager to recapture
the national debate from people who grew up ignorant of economic depression,
the poll tax or world war.

They remember 1994, when then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich drove the
Democrats out of Congress and snuffed out 60 years of federal activism. They
also remember how that victory was celebrated: It was at a posh resort. No
press allowed. Adam Smith being unavailable, the keynote speaker was radio
talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, the acknowledged architect of their victory.

But the outlook for the current plan is gloomy. Luring audiences from
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the others may be harder than the liberals
imagine. It is not just a matter of talking louder or funnier; it's a
question of who listens to right-wing radio and watches conservative talk
shows on TV. Do they listen because they agree, or are they waiting for a
liberal Lorelei to seduce them with Third World poverty, job training for
single mothers and saving various varmints?

These audiences have been carefully measured. Advertisers won't spend money
otherwise, and that's the point, isn't it? So there are experts to be asked.
And their answer is that those listening to Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest
``skew older and male.''

To be specific, at least two-thirds of the audience for the array of
conservative talkers are men. More than a quarter of Limbaugh's listeners
are over 65, as are almost as many of those who tune in Dr. Laura
Schlesinger, another right-wing advocate.

The picture is even stronger for television. As all-news cable evolved into
all-talk cable, the unquestioned star and runaway leader of the form is Fox
News Channel's Bill O'Reilly. But Nielsen says that almost half his
audience -- 49 percent -- is 65 and older. (Also mostly men.)

Likewise 46 percent of those watching Fox's Shepard Smith. Old people.
Mostly men. Angry geezers.

You can sketch in the rest. Retired men, or unemployed because the plant
closed and the manufacturing moved to Asia somewhere. Eking out a living on
Social Security; maybe the wife works at Wal-Mart. The men who wait for the
public library to open so they can be first at The Wall Street Journal. They
complain that their taxes are sent abroad to support socialist experiments
and corrupt leaders. Or to pay for welfare for ''those people.'' (What do
those people want?)

For them, government is a conspiracy of pencil-pushers and pantywaists who
won't let them burn leaves in the fall and who give away their tax money to
foreigners and other deadbeats.

It is proposed that people such as Al Franken or Michael Moore wheedle such
angry geezers away from right-wing talk radio, from Limbaugh and Hannity and
O'Reilly and Schlesinger, from their anger and frustration. I don't think

As skeptics keep pointing out, liberal talk radio experiments with former
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower and former New York Gov. Mario
Cuomo found that no one was listening.

Nor is it likely that liberal broadcasters can build a faithful audience of
the young and not yet disappointed. Those are already owned by late-night TV
satirists, by Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Conan O'Brien, the programs that
older people hardly ever watch. But it is older people who vote in large
numbers, and younger people hardly at all. If you are a liberal in an
election year, that is another dilemma that you face.

Reuven Frank is a former president of NBC News.

2004-01-02 15:42:37 UTC
Post by HOD
Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
"Liberals" are not motivated by greed, hate, bigotry, sham-religious crap, and (most
important), the fact that WE weren't dispossessed of power in the 60's like Conservatives
were. That lessens the chance of any "entertainer" like Limpballs using fallacy arguments
to "reflect viewers feelings" (as Limpballs clearly admits)

We have also not been whipped and beaten like Conservatives were during the McCarthy Era,
Made to look like felon abettors during Nixons attack on the constitution, or a part of
the most criminal administration in history.....the Reagan White house.

We don't have to feel bad about making America a better place to live by ridding America
of a conservative blight called "Jim Crow", dismantling segregation (and all the immoral
conservative acts that aided it), or take a back seat in as far as motivation for
instituting Social Security, The GI Bill, Interstate system, Medicare, Clean Air, Water,
Environment, or conservation of public lands

That's something that you and your phoney, greedy "talk show" racists, bigots, homophobes
and whiners can't seem to fathom.


The Reagan Years:

How Soon We Forget Real Corruption Gleeful charges by Republicans
that Whitewater is comparable to Watergate and that the Clinton
Administration is more corrupt than any recent administration
are ludicrous when compared to the actual record of corruption
in the Reagan-Bush administration and when it is noted that the
charges against Clinton result from goings-on in Arkansas long
before he became President. With Reagan, scandals occured while
he was President. Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Haynes
Johnson's book, "Sleep-Walking Through History: America in
the Reagan Years" (1991, Doubleday), chronicles the U.S.'s
fall from dominant world power to struggling debtor nation
during the Reagan years. Johnson says "two types of problems
typified the ethical misconduct cases of the Reagan years,
and both had heavy consequences to citizens everywhere.
One stemmed from ideology and deregulatory impulses run
amok; the other, from classic corruption on a grand scale."
"By the end of his term, 138 administration officials had
been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject
of official investigations for official misconduct and/or
criminal violations. In terms of number of officials
involved, the record of his administration was the
worst ever." (P. 184).

"Reagan's customary response to instances of wrongdoing by aides
was to criticize those who brought the charges or to blame the
media that reported them." "Three great scandals stained the
Reagan record, and they all involved the age-old form of corruption
formed by the connection between money and politics. What
distinguished them in the Reagan years was the number of buyers
and sellers involved, and the amount of money there was to
be made. The sheer volume of both had multiplied beyond any
previous measure. Nothing better illustrated the problem
than a case that connected some of Reagan's closest associates,
a score of top government officials in several departments
and agencies,
2004-01-03 00:55:34 UTC
Post by r***@whiner.com
Post by HOD
Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
"Liberals" are not motivated by greed, hate, bigotry, sham-religious crap, and (most
important), the fact that WE weren't dispossessed of power in the 60's like Conservatives
were. That lessens the chance of any "entertainer" like Limpballs using fallacy arguments
to "reflect viewers feelings" (as Limpballs clearly admits)
We have also not been whipped and beaten like Conservatives were during the McCarthy Era,
Made to look like felon abettors during Nixons attack on the constitution, or a part of
the most criminal administration in history.....the Reagan White house.
We don't have to feel bad about making America a better place to live by ridding America
of a conservative blight called "Jim Crow", dismantling segregation (and all the immoral
conservative acts that aided it), or take a back seat in as far as motivation for
instituting Social Security, The GI Bill, Interstate system, Medicare, Clean Air, Water,
Environment, or conservation of public lands
That's something that you and your phoney, greedy "talk show" racists, bigots, homophobes
and whiners can't seem to fathom.
Good effort ............ but pure bullshit! ;-))
Robert Miller
2004-01-08 07:30:20 UTC
Post by HOD
Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
For some time now, a group of people who classify themselves liberal has
been making plans and raising money to launch a broadcast network. For them,
the almost total command that conservatives have of radio and TV talk shows
has lost them elections. They are tired of hearing that the country is being
undermined by socialized medicine, progressive taxation and handouts to the
lazy and incompetent.
At this moment, this brave band is shopping for broadcast frequencies or a
cable network, hiring secretaries, renting office space and raising money up
and down Sunset Boulevard and Central Park West. They are eager to recapture
the national debate from people who grew up ignorant of economic depression,
the poll tax or world war.
They remember 1994, when then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich drove the
Democrats out of Congress and snuffed out 60 years of federal activism. They
also remember how that victory was celebrated: It was at a posh resort. No
press allowed. Adam Smith being unavailable, the keynote speaker was radio
talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, the acknowledged architect of their victory.
But the outlook for the current plan is gloomy. Luring audiences from
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the others may be harder than the liberals
imagine. It is not just a matter of talking louder or funnier; it's a
question of who listens to right-wing radio and watches conservative talk
shows on TV. Do they listen because they agree, or are they waiting for a
liberal Lorelei to seduce them with Third World poverty, job training for
single mothers and saving various varmints?
These audiences have been carefully measured. Advertisers won't spend money
otherwise, and that's the point, isn't it? So there are experts to be asked.
And their answer is that those listening to Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest
``skew older and male.''
To be specific, at least two-thirds of the audience for the array of
conservative talkers are men. More than a quarter of Limbaugh's listeners
are over 65, as are almost as many of those who tune in Dr. Laura
Schlesinger, another right-wing advocate.
The picture is even stronger for television. As all-news cable evolved into
all-talk cable, the unquestioned star and runaway leader of the form is Fox
News Channel's Bill O'Reilly. But Nielsen says that almost half his
audience -- 49 percent -- is 65 and older. (Also mostly men.)
Likewise 46 percent of those watching Fox's Shepard Smith. Old people.
Mostly men. Angry geezers.
You can sketch in the rest. Retired men, or unemployed because the plant
closed and the manufacturing moved to Asia somewhere. Eking out a living on
Social Security; maybe the wife works at Wal-Mart. The men who wait for the
public library to open so they can be first at The Wall Street Journal. They
complain that their taxes are sent abroad to support socialist experiments
and corrupt leaders. Or to pay for welfare for ''those people.'' (What do
those people want?)
For them, government is a conspiracy of pencil-pushers and pantywaists who
won't let them burn leaves in the fall and who give away their tax money to
foreigners and other deadbeats.
It is proposed that people such as Al Franken or Michael Moore wheedle such
angry geezers away from right-wing talk radio, from Limbaugh and Hannity and
O'Reilly and Schlesinger, from their anger and frustration. I don't think
As skeptics keep pointing out, liberal talk radio experiments with former
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower and former New York Gov. Mario
Cuomo found that no one was listening.
Nor is it likely that liberal broadcasters can build a faithful audience of
the young and not yet disappointed. Those are already owned by late-night TV
satirists, by Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Conan O'Brien, the programs that
older people hardly ever watch. But it is older people who vote in large
numbers, and younger people hardly at all. If you are a liberal in an
election year, that is another dilemma that you face.
Reuven Frank is a former president of NBC News.
Problem with for lack of a better term, Liberals they think with their
and feel with their heads. Functions those organs were not designed to do.

Logic and intellectual honesty come difficult to impossible to many in this
group. They tend to exaggerate, and change the subject when they are
challenged. If things don't fit their pre-constructed point of view they
tend to disregard new facts that invalidate old facts.

If you think you know everything important you can't learn anything new
that is important. If you think you are right then others must be wrong.
If you can't question what you believe and why, you will miss the clues
that are all around you.
If you can't understand the most fundamental fraud, because it's what
you've always known, how can you discern more subtle and complicated
frauds sold to us by 5th Avenue marketing and unlimited funding?

George Bush is not the problem, and Howard Dean is not the solution.
To understand the problem and how to fix it you have to follow the
money. The problem is much bigger than the Presidency and it's
international in scope.
None of it can you learn in the news papers, television, or the radio. I
can't give you the answers. These news groups do not have the answer.

I have had to spend many hours at the Federal Repository and Law Library
at Emory U. to find answers. That's where I learned about Prescott Bush
violating the Trading with the Enemies Act. I can not trust any fact I get
from this News Group as a fact. However I can have a much greater
level of faith in the legal documents I find in the Federal Repository.

Problem is perhaps 999 people in 1000 are to lazy or uninterested to
do the basic research to understand what the problem is. So that when
you see a solution that after thousands of hours of consideration you
can be comfortable with the actions you take will not make the problem
But you have to be in favor of being honest with yourself and those
around you comewhatmay!

Robert Miller
member of www.norfed.org
Bringing America back to value $1 at a time!
2004-01-08 15:33:37 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
For some time now, a group of people who classify themselves liberal has
been making plans and raising money to launch a broadcast network. For
Post by HOD
the almost total command that conservatives have of radio and TV talk
Post by HOD
has lost them elections. They are tired of hearing that the country is
Post by HOD
undermined by socialized medicine, progressive taxation and handouts to
Post by HOD
lazy and incompetent.
At this moment, this brave band is shopping for broadcast frequencies or a
cable network, hiring secretaries, renting office space and raising money
Post by HOD
and down Sunset Boulevard and Central Park West. They are eager to
Post by HOD
the national debate from people who grew up ignorant of economic
Post by HOD
the poll tax or world war.
They remember 1994, when then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich drove the
Democrats out of Congress and snuffed out 60 years of federal activism.
Post by HOD
also remember how that victory was celebrated: It was at a posh resort. No
press allowed. Adam Smith being unavailable, the keynote speaker was radio
talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, the acknowledged architect of their victory.
But the outlook for the current plan is gloomy. Luring audiences from
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the others may be harder than the liberals
imagine. It is not just a matter of talking louder or funnier; it's a
question of who listens to right-wing radio and watches conservative talk
shows on TV. Do they listen because they agree, or are they waiting for a
liberal Lorelei to seduce them with Third World poverty, job training for
single mothers and saving various varmints?
These audiences have been carefully measured. Advertisers won't spend
Post by HOD
otherwise, and that's the point, isn't it? So there are experts to be
Post by HOD
And their answer is that those listening to Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest
``skew older and male.''
To be specific, at least two-thirds of the audience for the array of
conservative talkers are men. More than a quarter of Limbaugh's listeners
are over 65, as are almost as many of those who tune in Dr. Laura
Schlesinger, another right-wing advocate.
The picture is even stronger for television. As all-news cable evolved
Post by HOD
all-talk cable, the unquestioned star and runaway leader of the form is
Post by HOD
News Channel's Bill O'Reilly. But Nielsen says that almost half his
audience -- 49 percent -- is 65 and older. (Also mostly men.)
Likewise 46 percent of those watching Fox's Shepard Smith. Old people.
Mostly men. Angry geezers.
You can sketch in the rest. Retired men, or unemployed because the plant
closed and the manufacturing moved to Asia somewhere. Eking out a living
Post by HOD
Social Security; maybe the wife works at Wal-Mart. The men who wait for
Post by HOD
public library to open so they can be first at The Wall Street Journal.
Post by HOD
complain that their taxes are sent abroad to support socialist experiments
and corrupt leaders. Or to pay for welfare for ''those people.'' (What do
those people want?)
For them, government is a conspiracy of pencil-pushers and pantywaists who
won't let them burn leaves in the fall and who give away their tax money
Post by HOD
foreigners and other deadbeats.
It is proposed that people such as Al Franken or Michael Moore wheedle
Post by HOD
angry geezers away from right-wing talk radio, from Limbaugh and Hannity
Post by HOD
O'Reilly and Schlesinger, from their anger and frustration. I don't think
As skeptics keep pointing out, liberal talk radio experiments with former
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower and former New York Gov.
Post by HOD
Cuomo found that no one was listening.
Nor is it likely that liberal broadcasters can build a faithful audience
Post by HOD
the young and not yet disappointed. Those are already owned by late-night
Post by HOD
satirists, by Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Conan O'Brien, the programs that
older people hardly ever watch. But it is older people who vote in large
numbers, and younger people hardly at all. If you are a liberal in an
election year, that is another dilemma that you face.
Reuven Frank is a former president of NBC News.
Problem with for lack of a better term, Liberals they think with their
and feel with their heads. Functions those organs were not designed to do.
Logic and intellectual honesty come difficult to impossible to many in this
group. They tend to exaggerate, and change the subject when they are
challenged. If things don't fit their pre-constructed point of view they
tend to disregard new facts that invalidate old facts.
If you think you know everything important you can't learn anything new
that is important. If you think you are right then others must be wrong.
If you can't question what you believe and why, you will miss the clues
that are all around you.
If you can't understand the most fundamental fraud, because it's what
you've always known, how can you discern more subtle and complicated
frauds sold to us by 5th Avenue marketing and unlimited funding?
George Bush is not the problem, and Howard Dean is not the solution.
To understand the problem and how to fix it you have to follow the
money. The problem is much bigger than the Presidency and it's
international in scope.
None of it can you learn in the news papers, television, or the radio. I
can't give you the answers. These news groups do not have the answer.
I have had to spend many hours at the Federal Repository and Law Library
at Emory U. to find answers. That's where I learned about Prescott Bush
violating the Trading with the Enemies Act. I can not trust any fact I get
from this News Group as a fact. However I can have a much greater
level of faith in the legal documents I find in the Federal Repository.
Prescott Bush's trading with Hitler has been well reported here in the
newsgroups, long before anyone in the media picked it up and long
before you considered researching it.

Face facts, the newsgroups are a great source of information and
research when cites are provided. A simple Google search on any
subject you want will verify this.

And a vast majority of cites are provided by those on the left. The
right is only known for their insults and crass behavior.
Post by HOD
Problem is perhaps 999 people in 1000 are to lazy or uninterested to
do the basic research to understand what the problem is. So that when
you see a solution that after thousands of hours of consideration you
can be comfortable with the actions you take will not make the problem
But you have to be in favor of being honest with yourself and those
around you comewhatmay!
Robert Miller
member of www.norfed.org
Bringing America back to value $1 at a time!
Robert Miller
2004-01-08 18:26:23 UTC
Post by Tempest
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
For some time now, a group of people who classify themselves liberal has
been making plans and raising money to launch a broadcast network. For
Post by HOD
the almost total command that conservatives have of radio and TV talk
Post by HOD
has lost them elections. They are tired of hearing that the country is
Post by HOD
undermined by socialized medicine, progressive taxation and handouts to
Post by HOD
lazy and incompetent.
At this moment, this brave band is shopping for broadcast frequencies or a
cable network, hiring secretaries, renting office space and raising money
Post by HOD
and down Sunset Boulevard and Central Park West. They are eager to
Post by HOD
the national debate from people who grew up ignorant of economic
Post by HOD
the poll tax or world war.
They remember 1994, when then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich drove the
Democrats out of Congress and snuffed out 60 years of federal activism.
Post by HOD
also remember how that victory was celebrated: It was at a posh resort. No
press allowed. Adam Smith being unavailable, the keynote speaker was radio
talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, the acknowledged architect of their victory.
But the outlook for the current plan is gloomy. Luring audiences from
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the others may be harder than the liberals
imagine. It is not just a matter of talking louder or funnier; it's a
question of who listens to right-wing radio and watches conservative talk
shows on TV. Do they listen because they agree, or are they waiting for a
liberal Lorelei to seduce them with Third World poverty, job training for
single mothers and saving various varmints?
These audiences have been carefully measured. Advertisers won't spend
Post by HOD
otherwise, and that's the point, isn't it? So there are experts to be
Post by HOD
And their answer is that those listening to Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest
``skew older and male.''
To be specific, at least two-thirds of the audience for the array of
conservative talkers are men. More than a quarter of Limbaugh's listeners
are over 65, as are almost as many of those who tune in Dr. Laura
Schlesinger, another right-wing advocate.
The picture is even stronger for television. As all-news cable evolved
Post by HOD
all-talk cable, the unquestioned star and runaway leader of the form is
Post by HOD
News Channel's Bill O'Reilly. But Nielsen says that almost half his
audience -- 49 percent -- is 65 and older. (Also mostly men.)
Likewise 46 percent of those watching Fox's Shepard Smith. Old people.
Mostly men. Angry geezers.
You can sketch in the rest. Retired men, or unemployed because the plant
closed and the manufacturing moved to Asia somewhere. Eking out a living
Post by HOD
Social Security; maybe the wife works at Wal-Mart. The men who wait for
Post by HOD
public library to open so they can be first at The Wall Street Journal.
Post by HOD
complain that their taxes are sent abroad to support socialist experiments
and corrupt leaders. Or to pay for welfare for ''those people.'' (What do
those people want?)
For them, government is a conspiracy of pencil-pushers and pantywaists who
won't let them burn leaves in the fall and who give away their tax money
Post by HOD
foreigners and other deadbeats.
It is proposed that people such as Al Franken or Michael Moore wheedle
Post by HOD
angry geezers away from right-wing talk radio, from Limbaugh and Hannity
Post by HOD
O'Reilly and Schlesinger, from their anger and frustration. I don't think
As skeptics keep pointing out, liberal talk radio experiments with former
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower and former New York Gov.
Post by HOD
Cuomo found that no one was listening.
Nor is it likely that liberal broadcasters can build a faithful audience
Post by HOD
the young and not yet disappointed. Those are already owned by late-night
Post by HOD
satirists, by Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Conan O'Brien, the programs that
older people hardly ever watch. But it is older people who vote in large
numbers, and younger people hardly at all. If you are a liberal in an
election year, that is another dilemma that you face.
Reuven Frank is a former president of NBC News.
Problem with for lack of a better term, Liberals they think with their
and feel with their heads. Functions those organs were not designed to do.
Logic and intellectual honesty come difficult to impossible to many in this
group. They tend to exaggerate, and change the subject when they are
challenged. If things don't fit their pre-constructed point of view they
tend to disregard new facts that invalidate old facts.
If you think you know everything important you can't learn anything new
that is important. If you think you are right then others must be wrong.
If you can't question what you believe and why, you will miss the clues
that are all around you.
If you can't understand the most fundamental fraud, because it's what
you've always known, how can you discern more subtle and complicated
frauds sold to us by 5th Avenue marketing and unlimited funding?
George Bush is not the problem, and Howard Dean is not the solution.
To understand the problem and how to fix it you have to follow the
money. The problem is much bigger than the Presidency and it's
international in scope.
None of it can you learn in the news papers, television, or the radio.
Post by Tempest
Post by HOD
can't give you the answers. These news groups do not have the answer.
I have had to spend many hours at the Federal Repository and Law Library
at Emory U. to find answers. That's where I learned about Prescott Bush
violating the Trading with the Enemies Act. I can not trust any fact I get
from this News Group as a fact. However I can have a much greater
level of faith in the legal documents I find in the Federal Repository.
Prescott Bush's trading with Hitler has been well reported here in the
newsgroups, long before anyone in the media picked it up and long
before you considered researching it.
You can't believe anything you read in these news groups. I know I don't!
I belive little of what I read. But when doing research on the Trading with
the Enemies Act of 1917 at the Federal Archives and I see that Prescott
Bush was charged with that crime, I can believe it much better from
any news group or media outlet.
Post by Tempest
Face facts, the newsgroups are a great source of information and
research when cites are provided. A simple Google search on any
subject you want will verify this.
I would agree except I would say News Groups are a great place to look
for hints about where to look up these facts that will stand up to the light
of day.
Post by Tempest
And a vast majority of cites are provided by those on the left. The
right is only known for their insults and crass behavior.
I disagree. The left is too emotional and often less educated than the
right. For evidence I'll ask you one question to see if you can answer it
without bias. If you have 100 high school students. 50 of them drop
out of school, and the other 50 graduate. Which group is more likely to
join the Democrat party and which group is more likely to join the
Republican party?
Post by Tempest
Post by HOD
Problem is perhaps 999 people in 1000 are to lazy or uninterested to
do the basic research to understand what the problem is. So that when
you see a solution that after thousands of hours of consideration you
can be comfortable with the actions you take will not make the problem
But you have to be in favor of being honest with yourself and those
around you comewhatmay!
Robert Miller
member of www.norfed.org
Bringing America back to value $1 at a time!
Robert Miller
2004-01-08 23:02:06 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
For some time now, a group of people who classify themselves liberal
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
been making plans and raising money to launch a broadcast network. For
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
the almost total command that conservatives have of radio and TV talk
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
has lost them elections. They are tired of hearing that the country is
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
undermined by socialized medicine, progressive taxation and handouts
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
lazy and incompetent.
At this moment, this brave band is shopping for broadcast frequencies
or a
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
cable network, hiring secretaries, renting office space and raising
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
and down Sunset Boulevard and Central Park West. They are eager to
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
the national debate from people who grew up ignorant of economic
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
the poll tax or world war.
They remember 1994, when then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich drove the
Democrats out of Congress and snuffed out 60 years of federal
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
also remember how that victory was celebrated: It was at a posh
resort. No
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
press allowed. Adam Smith being unavailable, the keynote speaker was
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, the acknowledged architect of their
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
But the outlook for the current plan is gloomy. Luring audiences from
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the others may be harder than the liberals
imagine. It is not just a matter of talking louder or funnier; it's a
question of who listens to right-wing radio and watches conservative
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
shows on TV. Do they listen because they agree, or are they waiting
for a
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
liberal Lorelei to seduce them with Third World poverty, job training
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
single mothers and saving various varmints?
These audiences have been carefully measured. Advertisers won't spend
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
otherwise, and that's the point, isn't it? So there are experts to be
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
And their answer is that those listening to Limbaugh, Hannity and the
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
``skew older and male.''
To be specific, at least two-thirds of the audience for the array of
conservative talkers are men. More than a quarter of Limbaugh's
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
are over 65, as are almost as many of those who tune in Dr. Laura
Schlesinger, another right-wing advocate.
The picture is even stronger for television. As all-news cable evolved
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
all-talk cable, the unquestioned star and runaway leader of the form
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
News Channel's Bill O'Reilly. But Nielsen says that almost half his
audience -- 49 percent -- is 65 and older. (Also mostly men.)
Likewise 46 percent of those watching Fox's Shepard Smith. Old people.
Mostly men. Angry geezers.
You can sketch in the rest. Retired men, or unemployed because the
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
closed and the manufacturing moved to Asia somewhere. Eking out a
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
Social Security; maybe the wife works at Wal-Mart. The men who wait
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
public library to open so they can be first at The Wall Street
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
complain that their taxes are sent abroad to support socialist
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
and corrupt leaders. Or to pay for welfare for ''those people.'' (What
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
those people want?)
For them, government is a conspiracy of pencil-pushers and pantywaists
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
won't let them burn leaves in the fall and who give away their tax
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
foreigners and other deadbeats.
It is proposed that people such as Al Franken or Michael Moore wheedle
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
angry geezers away from right-wing talk radio, from Limbaugh and
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
O'Reilly and Schlesinger, from their anger and frustration. I don't
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
As skeptics keep pointing out, liberal talk radio experiments with
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower and former New York Gov.
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
Cuomo found that no one was listening.
Nor is it likely that liberal broadcasters can build a faithful
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
the young and not yet disappointed. Those are already owned by
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
satirists, by Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Conan O'Brien, the programs
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
older people hardly ever watch. But it is older people who vote in
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
numbers, and younger people hardly at all. If you are a liberal in an
election year, that is another dilemma that you face.
Reuven Frank is a former president of NBC News.
Problem with for lack of a better term, Liberals they think with their
and feel with their heads. Functions those organs were not designed to
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Logic and intellectual honesty come difficult to impossible to many in
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
group. They tend to exaggerate, and change the subject when they are
challenged. If things don't fit their pre-constructed point of view
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
tend to disregard new facts that invalidate old facts.
If you think you know everything important you can't learn anything new
that is important. If you think you are right then others must be
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
If you can't question what you believe and why, you will miss the clues
that are all around you.
If you can't understand the most fundamental fraud, because it's what
you've always known, how can you discern more subtle and complicated
frauds sold to us by 5th Avenue marketing and unlimited funding?
George Bush is not the problem, and Howard Dean is not the solution.
To understand the problem and how to fix it you have to follow the
money. The problem is much bigger than the Presidency and it's
international in scope.
None of it can you learn in the news papers, television, or the radio.
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
can't give you the answers. These news groups do not have the answer.
I have had to spend many hours at the Federal Repository and Law Library
at Emory U. to find answers. That's where I learned about Prescott Bush
violating the Trading with the Enemies Act. I can not trust any fact I
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
from this News Group as a fact. However I can have a much greater
level of faith in the legal documents I find in the Federal Repository.
Prescott Bush's trading with Hitler has been well reported here in the
newsgroups, long before anyone in the media picked it up and long
before you considered researching it.
You can't believe anything you read in these news groups. I know I don't!
I belive little of what I read. But when doing research on the Trading with
the Enemies Act of 1917 at the Federal Archives and I see that Prescott
Bush was charged with that crime, I can believe it much better from
any news group or media outlet.
Post by Tempest
Face facts, the newsgroups are a great source of information and
research when cites are provided. A simple Google search on any
subject you want will verify this.
I would agree except I would say News Groups are a great place to look
for hints about where to look up these facts that will stand up to the light
of day.
Post by Tempest
And a vast majority of cites are provided by those on the left. The
right is only known for their insults and crass behavior.
I disagree. The left is too emotional and often less educated than the
right. For evidence I'll ask you one question to see if you can answer it
without bias. If you have 100 high school students. 50 of them drop
out of school, and the other 50 graduate. Which group is more likely to
join the Democrat party and which group is more likely to join the
Republican party?
There's a lot more factors involved than just who graduated and who

But if a study in Florida is any indication, the group who dropped out
are more likely to vote Republican and Democrat.
Post by HOD
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Problem is perhaps 999 people in 1000 are to lazy or uninterested to
do the basic research to understand what the problem is. So that when
you see a solution that after thousands of hours of consideration you
can be comfortable with the actions you take will not make the problem
But you have to be in favor of being honest with yourself and those
around you comewhatmay!
Robert Miller
member of www.norfed.org
Bringing America back to value $1 at a time!
Robert Miller
Robert Miller
2004-01-09 01:59:29 UTC
Post by Tempest
Post by HOD
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
For some time now, a group of people who classify themselves liberal
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
been making plans and raising money to launch a broadcast network. For
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
the almost total command that conservatives have of radio and TV talk
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
has lost them elections. They are tired of hearing that the country is
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
undermined by socialized medicine, progressive taxation and handouts
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
lazy and incompetent.
At this moment, this brave band is shopping for broadcast frequencies
or a
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
cable network, hiring secretaries, renting office space and raising
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
and down Sunset Boulevard and Central Park West. They are eager to
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
the national debate from people who grew up ignorant of economic
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
the poll tax or world war.
They remember 1994, when then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich drove the
Democrats out of Congress and snuffed out 60 years of federal
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
also remember how that victory was celebrated: It was at a posh
resort. No
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
press allowed. Adam Smith being unavailable, the keynote speaker was
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, the acknowledged architect of their
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
But the outlook for the current plan is gloomy. Luring audiences from
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the others may be harder than the liberals
imagine. It is not just a matter of talking louder or funnier; it's a
question of who listens to right-wing radio and watches conservative
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
shows on TV. Do they listen because they agree, or are they waiting
for a
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
liberal Lorelei to seduce them with Third World poverty, job training
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
single mothers and saving various varmints?
These audiences have been carefully measured. Advertisers won't spend
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
otherwise, and that's the point, isn't it? So there are experts to be
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
And their answer is that those listening to Limbaugh, Hannity and the
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
``skew older and male.''
To be specific, at least two-thirds of the audience for the array of
conservative talkers are men. More than a quarter of Limbaugh's
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
are over 65, as are almost as many of those who tune in Dr. Laura
Schlesinger, another right-wing advocate.
The picture is even stronger for television. As all-news cable evolved
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
all-talk cable, the unquestioned star and runaway leader of the form
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
News Channel's Bill O'Reilly. But Nielsen says that almost half his
audience -- 49 percent -- is 65 and older. (Also mostly men.)
Likewise 46 percent of those watching Fox's Shepard Smith. Old people.
Mostly men. Angry geezers.
You can sketch in the rest. Retired men, or unemployed because the
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
closed and the manufacturing moved to Asia somewhere. Eking out a
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
Social Security; maybe the wife works at Wal-Mart. The men who wait
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
public library to open so they can be first at The Wall Street
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
complain that their taxes are sent abroad to support socialist
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
and corrupt leaders. Or to pay for welfare for ''those people.'' (What
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
those people want?)
For them, government is a conspiracy of pencil-pushers and pantywaists
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
won't let them burn leaves in the fall and who give away their tax
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
foreigners and other deadbeats.
It is proposed that people such as Al Franken or Michael Moore wheedle
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
angry geezers away from right-wing talk radio, from Limbaugh and
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
O'Reilly and Schlesinger, from their anger and frustration. I don't
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
As skeptics keep pointing out, liberal talk radio experiments with
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower and former New York Gov.
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
Cuomo found that no one was listening.
Nor is it likely that liberal broadcasters can build a faithful
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
the young and not yet disappointed. Those are already owned by
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
satirists, by Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Conan O'Brien, the programs
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
older people hardly ever watch. But it is older people who vote in
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Post by HOD
numbers, and younger people hardly at all. If you are a liberal in an
election year, that is another dilemma that you face.
Reuven Frank is a former president of NBC News.
Problem with for lack of a better term, Liberals they think with their
and feel with their heads. Functions those organs were not designed to
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Logic and intellectual honesty come difficult to impossible to many in
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
group. They tend to exaggerate, and change the subject when they are
challenged. If things don't fit their pre-constructed point of view
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
tend to disregard new facts that invalidate old facts.
If you think you know everything important you can't learn anything new
that is important. If you think you are right then others must be
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
If you can't question what you believe and why, you will miss the clues
that are all around you.
If you can't understand the most fundamental fraud, because it's what
you've always known, how can you discern more subtle and complicated
frauds sold to us by 5th Avenue marketing and unlimited funding?
George Bush is not the problem, and Howard Dean is not the solution.
To understand the problem and how to fix it you have to follow the
money. The problem is much bigger than the Presidency and it's
international in scope.
None of it can you learn in the news papers, television, or the radio.
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
can't give you the answers. These news groups do not have the answer.
I have had to spend many hours at the Federal Repository and Law Library
at Emory U. to find answers. That's where I learned about Prescott Bush
violating the Trading with the Enemies Act. I can not trust any fact I
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
from this News Group as a fact. However I can have a much greater
level of faith in the legal documents I find in the Federal Repository.
Prescott Bush's trading with Hitler has been well reported here in the
newsgroups, long before anyone in the media picked it up and long
before you considered researching it.
You can't believe anything you read in these news groups. I know I don't!
I belive little of what I read. But when doing research on the Trading with
the Enemies Act of 1917 at the Federal Archives and I see that Prescott
Bush was charged with that crime, I can believe it much better from
any news group or media outlet.
Post by Tempest
Face facts, the newsgroups are a great source of information and
research when cites are provided. A simple Google search on any
subject you want will verify this.
I would agree except I would say News Groups are a great place to look
for hints about where to look up these facts that will stand up to the light
of day.
Post by Tempest
And a vast majority of cites are provided by those on the left. The
right is only known for their insults and crass behavior.
I disagree. The left is too emotional and often less educated than the
right. For evidence I'll ask you one question to see if you can answer it
without bias. If you have 100 high school students. 50 of them drop
out of school, and the other 50 graduate. Which group is more likely to
join the Democrat party and which group is more likely to join the
Republican party?
There's a lot more factors involved than just who graduated and who
But if a study in Florida is any indication, the group who dropped out
are more likely to vote Republican and Democrat.
Who did the graduates vote for Libertarian? or didn't vote at all?
Post by Tempest
Post by HOD
Post by Tempest
Post by Robert Miller
Problem is perhaps 999 people in 1000 are to lazy or uninterested to
do the basic research to understand what the problem is. So that when
you see a solution that after thousands of hours of consideration you
can be comfortable with the actions you take will not make the problem
But you have to be in favor of being honest with yourself and those
around you comewhatmay!
Robert Miller
member of www.norfed.org
Bringing America back to value $1 at a time!
Robert Miller
Robert Miller
member of www.norfed.org
Bringing America back to value $1 at a time!
2004-01-08 20:34:08 UTC
Post by Tempest
Face facts, the newsgroups are a great source of information and
research when cites are provided. A simple Google search on any
subject you want will verify this.
And when they're given to you leftists, you either impugn the source
or categorically reject them as irrelevant. The *facts,* sir, are
rarely ever in dispute in these political discussions, but rather
one's take on them. If it were not otherwise, we'd all stipulate to
their *meaning* and that would be the end of it.
Post by Tempest
And a vast majority of cites are provided by those on the left. The
right is only known for their insults and crass behavior.
Respectfully, sir, you don't read these posts very carefully, do you?
Liberals rarely craft literate, coherent arguments on any issues. Any
objective reader of these newsgroups would soon conclude just who the
ill-tutored, immature and half-literate simpletons are. Typically,
most liberals posting in here do little more than type one-line
insults and total inanities to carefully-crafted arguments. And those
that do get insulted usually do so because they started in with them.
That's the other side of the equation most of you conveniently ignore.

2004-08-25 22:19:46 UTC
Spare us your poolroom social theories.
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Liberals unable to capture talk-show audiences
For some time now, a group of people who classify themselves liberal has
been making plans and raising money to launch a broadcast network. For
Post by HOD
the almost total command that conservatives have of radio and TV talk
Post by HOD
has lost them elections. They are tired of hearing that the country is
Post by HOD
undermined by socialized medicine, progressive taxation and handouts to
Post by HOD
lazy and incompetent.
At this moment, this brave band is shopping for broadcast frequencies or a
cable network, hiring secretaries, renting office space and raising
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
and down Sunset Boulevard and Central Park West. They are eager to
Post by HOD
the national debate from people who grew up ignorant of economic
Post by HOD
the poll tax or world war.
They remember 1994, when then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich drove the
Democrats out of Congress and snuffed out 60 years of federal activism.
Post by HOD
also remember how that victory was celebrated: It was at a posh resort. No
press allowed. Adam Smith being unavailable, the keynote speaker was radio
talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, the acknowledged architect of their victory.
But the outlook for the current plan is gloomy. Luring audiences from
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the others may be harder than the liberals
imagine. It is not just a matter of talking louder or funnier; it's a
question of who listens to right-wing radio and watches conservative talk
shows on TV. Do they listen because they agree, or are they waiting for a
liberal Lorelei to seduce them with Third World poverty, job training for
single mothers and saving various varmints?
These audiences have been carefully measured. Advertisers won't spend
Post by HOD
otherwise, and that's the point, isn't it? So there are experts to be
Post by HOD
And their answer is that those listening to Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest
``skew older and male.''
To be specific, at least two-thirds of the audience for the array of
conservative talkers are men. More than a quarter of Limbaugh's listeners
are over 65, as are almost as many of those who tune in Dr. Laura
Schlesinger, another right-wing advocate.
The picture is even stronger for television. As all-news cable evolved
Post by HOD
all-talk cable, the unquestioned star and runaway leader of the form is
Post by HOD
News Channel's Bill O'Reilly. But Nielsen says that almost half his
audience -- 49 percent -- is 65 and older. (Also mostly men.)
Likewise 46 percent of those watching Fox's Shepard Smith. Old people.
Mostly men. Angry geezers.
You can sketch in the rest. Retired men, or unemployed because the plant
closed and the manufacturing moved to Asia somewhere. Eking out a living
Post by HOD
Social Security; maybe the wife works at Wal-Mart. The men who wait for
Post by HOD
public library to open so they can be first at The Wall Street Journal.
Post by HOD
complain that their taxes are sent abroad to support socialist experiments
and corrupt leaders. Or to pay for welfare for ''those people.'' (What do
those people want?)
For them, government is a conspiracy of pencil-pushers and pantywaists who
won't let them burn leaves in the fall and who give away their tax money
Post by HOD
foreigners and other deadbeats.
It is proposed that people such as Al Franken or Michael Moore wheedle
Post by HOD
angry geezers away from right-wing talk radio, from Limbaugh and Hannity
Post by HOD
O'Reilly and Schlesinger, from their anger and frustration. I don't think
As skeptics keep pointing out, liberal talk radio experiments with former
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower and former New York Gov.
Post by HOD
Cuomo found that no one was listening.
Nor is it likely that liberal broadcasters can build a faithful audience
Post by HOD
the young and not yet disappointed. Those are already owned by
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
satirists, by Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Conan O'Brien, the programs that
older people hardly ever watch. But it is older people who vote in large
numbers, and younger people hardly at all. If you are a liberal in an
election year, that is another dilemma that you face.
Reuven Frank is a former president of NBC News.
Problem with for lack of a better term, Liberals they think with their
and feel with their heads. Functions those organs were not designed to do.
Logic and intellectual honesty come difficult to impossible to many in this
group. They tend to exaggerate, and change the subject when they are
challenged. If things don't fit their pre-constructed point of view they
tend to disregard new facts that invalidate old facts.
If you think you know everything important you can't learn anything new
that is important. If you think you are right then others must be wrong.
If you can't question what you believe and why, you will miss the clues
that are all around you.
If you can't understand the most fundamental fraud, because it's what
you've always known, how can you discern more subtle and complicated
frauds sold to us by 5th Avenue marketing and unlimited funding?
George Bush is not the problem, and Howard Dean is not the solution.
To understand the problem and how to fix it you have to follow the
money. The problem is much bigger than the Presidency and it's
international in scope.
None of it can you learn in the news papers, television, or the radio. I
can't give you the answers. These news groups do not have the answer.
I have had to spend many hours at the Federal Repository and Law Library
at Emory U. to find answers. That's where I learned about Prescott Bush
violating the Trading with the Enemies Act. I can not trust any fact I get
from this News Group as a fact. However I can have a much greater
level of faith in the legal documents I find in the Federal Repository.
Problem is perhaps 999 people in 1000 are to lazy or uninterested to
do the basic research to understand what the problem is. So that when
you see a solution that after thousands of hours of consideration you
can be comfortable with the actions you take will not make the problem
But you have to be in favor of being honest with yourself and those
around you comewhatmay!
Robert Miller
member of www.norfed.org
Bringing America back to value $1 at a time!
2004-08-26 12:20:13 UTC
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