Candidate speaks from the heart
(too old to reply)
2003-10-17 19:14:32 UTC

Candidate speaks from the heart

Rebecca Myers, Turner

Little publicized Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, a
congressman from Ohio, is perhaps the most eloquent and visionary
spokesman the country has seen since the likes of Robert Kennedy and
Martin Luther King Jr.

Kucinich's campaign is experiencing widespread grass-roots support,
since so many who hear his message recognize that he lends a desperately
needed soul to today's political field. Dennis Kucinich speaks from the
heart on education and the elderly, supports an end to all war and
values such fleeting national treasures as Social Security, family farms
and decent paying jobs.

The Bush administration wants us to live in fear of terrorism so that we
will blindly trust their ruthless political agenda. Let us not
underestimate the downward spiral our beloved country is now embarked
upon, under the rule of wealthy corporate and political co-conspirators.

Kucinich does not accept campaign contributions from corporate donors
who will later want laws bent and forged in their favor. His success
will depend on the people he truly cares about - you and me. Every
caring person among us needs to wake up and vote.

As one Kucinich supporter put it, we are facing a monumental turning
point in global history. When our grandchildren ask us about our role in
deciding whether the future holds peace or unprecedented wars, will we
sadly say, "I'm sorry," or will we be able to say "You're welcome."

Dennis Kucinich in 2004; The Antidote to Bush
2003-10-17 19:50:31 UTC
Democrats speak from their heart.

repugs speak from their ass.
Post by StreetImperial
Candidate speaks from the heart
Rebecca Myers, Turner
Little publicized Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, a
congressman from Ohio, is perhaps the most eloquent and visionary
spokesman the country has seen since the likes of Robert Kennedy and
Martin Luther King Jr.
Kucinich's campaign is experiencing widespread grass-roots support,
since so many who hear his message recognize that he lends a desperately
needed soul to today's political field. Dennis Kucinich speaks from the
heart on education and the elderly, supports an end to all war and
values such fleeting national treasures as Social Security, family farms
and decent paying jobs.
The Bush administration wants us to live in fear of terrorism so that we
will blindly trust their ruthless political agenda. Let us not
underestimate the downward spiral our beloved country is now embarked
upon, under the rule of wealthy corporate and political co-conspirators.
Kucinich does not accept campaign contributions from corporate donors
who will later want laws bent and forged in their favor. His success
will depend on the people he truly cares about - you and me. Every
caring person among us needs to wake up and vote.
As one Kucinich supporter put it, we are facing a monumental turning
point in global history. When our grandchildren ask us about our role in
deciding whether the future holds peace or unprecedented wars, will we
sadly say, "I'm sorry," or will we be able to say "You're welcome."
Dennis Kucinich in 2004; The Antidote to Bush
Bill Brown
2003-11-06 22:20:54 UTC
U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich is by far the best qualified candidate to serve as
President of the United States. Representative Kucinich is clearly on the
side of everyday people over big-money interests. He is bold and willing to
stand up against reckless mob hysteria exemplified by his vote to oppose the
invasion and occupation of Iraq. He consistently fought against
surrendering public interests over to for-profit corporations. President
Kucinich would bring honor and trust to the White House along with
international respect, all of which the Bush Regime trashed. I would be
ecstatic if Rep. Kucinich made it to the White House. The world would
become a safer and more secure place for everyone. Thanks to the
chickenhawk warmongers running the Bush Regime, the U.S. is considered one
of the greatest threats to peace and security in the world. In Europe, only
Israel, Iran and N. Korea, were considered worse threats to world peace than
the U.S.A.-Bill Brown
Post by StreetImperial
Candidate speaks from the heart
Rebecca Myers, Turner
Little publicized Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, a
congressman from Ohio, is perhaps the most eloquent and visionary
spokesman the country has seen since the likes of Robert Kennedy and
Martin Luther King Jr.
Kucinich's campaign is experiencing widespread grass-roots support,
since so many who hear his message recognize that he lends a desperately
needed soul to today's political field. Dennis Kucinich speaks from the
heart on education and the elderly, supports an end to all war and
values such fleeting national treasures as Social Security, family farms
and decent paying jobs.
The Bush administration wants us to live in fear of terrorism so that we
will blindly trust their ruthless political agenda. Let us not
underestimate the downward spiral our beloved country is now embarked
upon, under the rule of wealthy corporate and political co-conspirators.
Kucinich does not accept campaign contributions from corporate donors
who will later want laws bent and forged in their favor. His success
will depend on the people he truly cares about - you and me. Every
caring person among us needs to wake up and vote.
As one Kucinich supporter put it, we are facing a monumental turning
point in global history. When our grandchildren ask us about our role in
deciding whether the future holds peace or unprecedented wars, will we
sadly say, "I'm sorry," or will we be able to say "You're welcome."
Dennis Kucinich in 2004; The Antidote to Bush