2003-07-13 03:28:17 UTC***@24.NaVVaJXhniB^***@.ee6ea9c/88
From a soldier's father:
"My son is in the U.S.Army and currently stationed in Baghdad. I hear
from him every three or four days. He is like most of the young men
and women who went to fight over there inasmuch as he was proud to go
and achieve what President Bush said was necessary. I have seen his
attitude take a U-turn during the last month. At first he was saying:
"I wonder why we are not doing this or that to help make life better
for our soldiers?" Then he started to wonder why we were not doing
more to help the Iraqi people who are suffering under terrible
conditions. Not enough water or food, no electricity most of the time,
a terrible shortage of medical supplies and medical staff, basically
they are living like animals. Then he started to worry about the
safety of our troops in the area. He says they are sitting ducks and
easy targets for Iraqi people bent upon gaining revenge for slain
family members and by those who hold the U.S. responsible for the
terrible conditions they find themselves in. Yesterday he had a
different message altogether."
"Get us out of here now! There is nothing we can do to pacify the
Iraqi people except get out of their country and allow them to restore
order in whatever way THEY wish."
And, allow me to give you his remarks when he was informed of
President Bush's brash remarks saying "Bring them on." He said:
"Myself and every last man in my unit are deeply offended that our
President would make such a statement inviting us to be attacked.
President Bush has lost the respect of every soldier I have spoken to
because of his speaking those irresponsible words. Those words spread
like wild-fire amoung the troops. We are here because he ordered us to
be here and now for him to make such a ridiculous statement inviting
violence towards us causes us to lose respect for him and his
judgement. We are learning that we never should have come here in the
first place. Believe me Dad, there is a completely different attitude
now. The fact that the President gave rich people a tax cut and didn't
do anything for military families is hurtful. Where there was once
pride and satisfaction in
defeating an enemy there is now regret and shame. God Bless America.
Your loving Son, Donny"
From a soldier's father:
"My son is in the U.S.Army and currently stationed in Baghdad. I hear
from him every three or four days. He is like most of the young men
and women who went to fight over there inasmuch as he was proud to go
and achieve what President Bush said was necessary. I have seen his
attitude take a U-turn during the last month. At first he was saying:
"I wonder why we are not doing this or that to help make life better
for our soldiers?" Then he started to wonder why we were not doing
more to help the Iraqi people who are suffering under terrible
conditions. Not enough water or food, no electricity most of the time,
a terrible shortage of medical supplies and medical staff, basically
they are living like animals. Then he started to worry about the
safety of our troops in the area. He says they are sitting ducks and
easy targets for Iraqi people bent upon gaining revenge for slain
family members and by those who hold the U.S. responsible for the
terrible conditions they find themselves in. Yesterday he had a
different message altogether."
"Get us out of here now! There is nothing we can do to pacify the
Iraqi people except get out of their country and allow them to restore
order in whatever way THEY wish."
And, allow me to give you his remarks when he was informed of
President Bush's brash remarks saying "Bring them on." He said:
"Myself and every last man in my unit are deeply offended that our
President would make such a statement inviting us to be attacked.
President Bush has lost the respect of every soldier I have spoken to
because of his speaking those irresponsible words. Those words spread
like wild-fire amoung the troops. We are here because he ordered us to
be here and now for him to make such a ridiculous statement inviting
violence towards us causes us to lose respect for him and his
judgement. We are learning that we never should have come here in the
first place. Believe me Dad, there is a completely different attitude
now. The fact that the President gave rich people a tax cut and didn't
do anything for military families is hurtful. Where there was once
pride and satisfaction in
defeating an enemy there is now regret and shame. God Bless America.
Your loving Son, Donny"