Lies and Deception
(too old to reply)
2003-12-18 04:22:36 UTC
I wonder how much more deception could we take from the Bush
He has been ducking the very important question about WMD or lack there of.
But instead he has been boasting about the "liberty" and "democracy". The
problem with these two things is they are as real as the existence of WMD
Bush and his gang had used as the excuse to go into Iraq. Everyone knows
this. Well, not quite.... I guess some idiots can't seem to see this. But
then again, even Sadam Husein still has "loyalists". The only difference is
Bush's loyalists mostly are "paid" or those few who stand to benefit from
this massive deception.

How far will the American voters let Bush lies to them?
2003-12-20 15:15:27 UTC
Post by Sydney
How far will the American voters let Bush lies to them?
Oh, the capacity for the American voter to sponge up the absurdities goes
beyond believable limits.
