C-SPAN Right-wing Loon Call of the Day: ". . . his big fat African-American mouth."
(too old to reply)
Alric Knebel
2004-11-07 14:43:05 UTC
Well, here it is, just two days later and that, sputtering, enraged
right-wing loon from Michigan (or Ohio) is already calling.

Select Line 2 here:

Go directly to the recording here:

Just two days ago, he was doing his usual shtick of shouting and ranting at
Democrats, and this was AFTER his man was elected to the White House. This
time, he's claiming to be from a place he hasn't yet claimed he's from,
Washington Township, Ohio, and this time he's accusing the Democrats of
being "sore losers." But listen to him. He's a sore WINNER. What will
make this man happy. Jesus, I can't get over him. As I described just two
days ago (message news:%gSid.31809$***@bignews5.bellsouth.net), he
continuously ignores the C-SPAN 30-day rule between calls, clearly has NO
regard for it at all. At least last month he limited his shrill commentary
to about once a week. Evidently, showering the phone with his spittle must
be like crack for him, and he's in a downward addiction spiral, and he can't
get enough. His calls aren't triggered by the topics being discussed at the
time of his call or the guest at hand, so you have to ask, what's this guy
doing when he's not on the phone. Is he calling EVERY day, frantically
hitting the redial button, the receiver in a white-knuckle grip as he dials,
then hears that busy signal, hangs up, jabs that redial button, hears the
busy signal, repeats the whole cycle again -- dialing, hearing the busy
response, hanging up, dialing -- in a near-meltdown when he can't get in,
and in a near explosive rage when he does?

Here all four of his previous calls here:
Alric Knebel
2004-11-07 23:32:27 UTC
Post by Alric Knebel
Well, here it is, just two days later and that, sputtering, enraged
right-wing loon from Michigan (or Ohio) is already calling.
Just two days ago, he was doing his usual shtick of shouting and ranting
at Democrats, and this was AFTER his man was elected to the White House.
This time, he's claiming to be from a place he hasn't yet claimed he's
from, Washington Township, Ohio, and this time he's accusing the Democrats
of being "sore losers." But listen to him. He's a sore WINNER. What
will make this man happy. Jesus, I can't get over him.
That's painfully obvious

Post by Alric Knebel
Alric Knebel
Alric Knebel
2004-11-07 23:58:19 UTC
Post by Dean
That's painfully obvious
Oh, don't get me wrong. I can't get over how STUPID he is. I love
listening to him and making fun of him. Did you enjoy listening to him,
Alric Knebel
2004-11-09 21:36:08 UTC
Post by Alric Knebel
Post by Dean
That's painfully obvious
Oh, don't get me wrong. I can't get over how STUPID he is. I love
listening to him and making fun of him. Did you enjoy listening to him,

Post by Alric Knebel
Alric Knebel
Alric Knebel
2004-11-10 18:32:02 UTC
Post by Alric Knebel
Post by Dean
That's painfully obvious
Oh, don't get me wrong. I can't get over how STUPID he is. I love
listening to him and making fun of him. Did you enjoy listening to him,
So, I take it you won't be back to visit my site or to read listen to some
of the other ranting, foaming, vile, hate-filled examples from your side of
the political spectrum.
Alric Knebel