Arnold Schwarzenegger does not want labor money, only from corporations and business associations?
(too old to reply)
Douglas Otis
2003-09-09 05:41:04 UTC
Thursday, Arnold Schwarzenegger clarified his statement that he didn't
intend to accept outside campaign contributions. Now he will not take
money from labor unions or Indian tribes. His concern was he may
later negotiate with these groups as governor. Odd, but the same is
true for corporations and business associations? His refusing a
donation from a sheriff's group makes it clear where Arnold intends to
cut. He is already considering school vouchers. Bye-bye public
schools. Ironic, it was corporate influence in politics that inspired
the recall law originally.

Arnold still has not clarified his actions and statements in '77. In
addition, recent actions, and not just those of his youth, showed
little respect for women as reported in "The Groping Governor" by
Wendy Leigh, Daily Mail 18 August 2003. An issue he refuses to


In this article, Arnold gropes young women where insiders label him
‘the octopus’. As example, in a 2000 London interview, Arnold asked
Anna Richardson if her breasts were real. He then pulled her onto his
knee, circled her nipple with his finger, squeezed it and announced:
‘Yeah, they are real.’

The latest from the British magazine Time Out reported this week in
Time magazine, Schwarzenegger said Americans were "money oriented,
lazy and plagued with sexual hang-ups."


Compared to his sexual exploits, anyone would appear to have a
hang-up. Also Arnold does not seem to respect the hours Americans
work, nor labor organizations, nor native Americans. Must be nice to
focus on the serious efforts of flexing muscles and taking steroids.
He does not seem to be exercising his brain very much however. Arnold
still can not offer opinions on many major issues being addressed by
other candidates. On serious concerns, he had the press fawning over
his sensitivity to a ribbing by Davis on his mispronunciation of

Arnold now claims he loves America and, as proof he became a citizen
not mentioning he still is a citizen of Austria. On politics, not
touched was how he views his association with former Nazi, Kurt
Wilhelm. Arnold is not a moderate Republican as he pretends. Will
California take this method actor role playing a politician seriously?
The only debate for Arnold is the one with a script. I fear the
public will never learn anything directly from this Austrian.

2003-09-09 11:14:22 UTC
funny how corporations and business associations are now not considered
*special interests*......
Post by Douglas Otis
Thursday, Arnold Schwarzenegger clarified his statement that he didn't
intend to accept outside campaign contributions. Now he will not take
money from labor unions or Indian tribes. His concern was he may
later negotiate with these groups as governor. Odd, but the same is
true for corporations and business associations? His refusing a
donation from a sheriff's group makes it clear where Arnold intends to
cut. He is already considering school vouchers. Bye-bye public
schools. Ironic, it was corporate influence in politics that inspired
the recall law originally.
Arnold still has not clarified his actions and statements in '77. In
addition, recent actions, and not just those of his youth, showed
little respect for women as reported in "The Groping Governor" by
Wendy Leigh, Daily Mail 18 August 2003. An issue he refuses to
In this article, Arnold gropes young women where insiders label him
'the octopus'. As example, in a 2000 London interview, Arnold asked
Anna Richardson if her breasts were real. He then pulled her onto his
'Yeah, they are real.'
The latest from the British magazine Time Out reported this week in
Time magazine, Schwarzenegger said Americans were "money oriented,
lazy and plagued with sexual hang-ups."
Compared to his sexual exploits, anyone would appear to have a
hang-up. Also Arnold does not seem to respect the hours Americans
work, nor labor organizations, nor native Americans. Must be nice to
focus on the serious efforts of flexing muscles and taking steroids.
He does not seem to be exercising his brain very much however. Arnold
still can not offer opinions on many major issues being addressed by
other candidates. On serious concerns, he had the press fawning over
his sensitivity to a ribbing by Davis on his mispronunciation of
Arnold now claims he loves America and, as proof he became a citizen
not mentioning he still is a citizen of Austria. On politics, not
touched was how he views his association with former Nazi, Kurt
Wilhelm. Arnold is not a moderate Republican as he pretends. Will
California take this method actor role playing a politician seriously?
The only debate for Arnold is the one with a script. I fear the
public will never learn anything directly from this Austrian.
2003-09-09 14:00:04 UTC
Maybe he doesn't intend to negotiate with corporations and business
associations but rather give them everything they want like the Shrub
Post by Douglas Otis
Thursday, Arnold Schwarzenegger clarified his statement that he didn't
intend to accept outside campaign contributions. Now he will not take
money from labor unions or Indian tribes. His concern was he may
later negotiate with these groups as governor. Odd, but the same is
true for corporations and business associations? His refusing a
donation from a sheriff's group makes it clear where Arnold intends to
cut. He is already considering school vouchers. Bye-bye public
schools. Ironic, it was corporate influence in politics that inspired
the recall law originally.
Arnold still has not clarified his actions and statements in '77. In
addition, recent actions, and not just those of his youth, showed
little respect for women as reported in "The Groping Governor" by
Wendy Leigh, Daily Mail 18 August 2003. An issue he refuses to
In this article, Arnold gropes young women where insiders label him
'the octopus'. As example, in a 2000 London interview, Arnold asked
Anna Richardson if her breasts were real. He then pulled her onto his
'Yeah, they are real.'
The latest from the British magazine Time Out reported this week in
Time magazine, Schwarzenegger said Americans were "money oriented,
lazy and plagued with sexual hang-ups."
Compared to his sexual exploits, anyone would appear to have a
hang-up. Also Arnold does not seem to respect the hours Americans
work, nor labor organizations, nor native Americans. Must be nice to
focus on the serious efforts of flexing muscles and taking steroids.
He does not seem to be exercising his brain very much however. Arnold
still can not offer opinions on many major issues being addressed by
other candidates. On serious concerns, he had the press fawning over
his sensitivity to a ribbing by Davis on his mispronunciation of
Arnold now claims he loves America and, as proof he became a citizen
not mentioning he still is a citizen of Austria. On politics, not
touched was how he views his association with former Nazi, Kurt
Wilhelm. Arnold is not a moderate Republican as he pretends. Will
California take this method actor role playing a politician seriously?
The only debate for Arnold is the one with a script. I fear the
public will never learn anything directly from this Austrian.
Douglas Otis
2003-09-18 21:02:59 UTC
Post by GRACE
Maybe he doesn't intend to negotiate with corporations and business
associations but rather give them everything they want like the Shrub
Arnold has maintained his modus operandi. Going on talk shows but
refusing to answer call-in questions. Not granting interviews to
editorial panels. Not participating in a debate where questions are
not known in advance. Using pat sound bite answers to all soft ball
questions. He has gone onto Howard Stern's show now twice to discuss
important topics such as the size of his penis or why Los Angeles has
prohibited lap dances. His attempt to show he is a nice guy to a
largely female audience has again demonstrated a level of sleaze.
While on Oprah's show, Arnold said he enjoyed pumping more than
cumming. His wife, Maria Shriver, gasped and covered her mouth. She
reminded Arnold her mother was watching.

Post by GRACE
Post by Douglas Otis
Thursday, Arnold Schwarzenegger clarified his statement that he didn't
intend to accept outside campaign contributions. Now he will not take
money from labor unions or Indian tribes. His concern was he may
later negotiate with these groups as governor. Odd, but the same is
true for corporations and business associations? His refusing a
donation from a sheriff's group makes it clear where Arnold intends to
cut. He is already considering school vouchers. Bye-bye public
schools. Ironic, it was corporate influence in politics that inspired
the recall law originally.
Arnold still has not clarified his actions and statements in '77. In
addition, recent actions, and not just those of his youth, showed
little respect for women as reported in "The Groping Governor" by
Wendy Leigh, Daily Mail 18 August 2003. An issue he refuses to
In this article, Arnold gropes young women where insiders label him
'the octopus'. As example, in a 2000 London interview, Arnold asked
Anna Richardson if her breasts were real. He then pulled her onto his
'Yeah, they are real.'
The latest from the British magazine Time Out reported this week in
Time magazine, Schwarzenegger said Americans were "money oriented,
lazy and plagued with sexual hang-ups."
Compared to his sexual exploits, anyone would appear to have a
hang-up. Also Arnold does not seem to respect the hours Americans
work, nor labor organizations, nor native Americans. Must be nice to
focus on the serious efforts of flexing muscles and taking steroids.
He does not seem to be exercising his brain very much however. Arnold
still can not offer opinions on many major issues being addressed by
other candidates. On serious concerns, he had the press fawning over
his sensitivity to a ribbing by Davis on his mispronunciation of
Arnold now claims he loves America and, as proof he became a citizen
not mentioning he still is a citizen of Austria. On politics, not
touched was how he views his association with former Nazi, Kurt
Wilhelm. Arnold is not a moderate Republican as he pretends. Will
California take this method actor role playing a politician seriously?
The only debate for Arnold is the one with a script. I fear the
public will never learn anything directly from this Austrian.