New scholarship created for whites only
(too old to reply)
2004-02-18 23:48:20 UTC
The Left is going to have to begin learning to celebrate diversity! The
latest example which the Left must now face is a scholarship program for
whites-only which has been set up. It parallels various scholarship
programs for blacks-only which have been in place for years, and which
Leftists have never protested or found fault with.
Affirmative action scholarships recognize that blacks and others were
discriminated against for years. For example, if Bush's grandfather had
been black, he wouldn't have gone to Yale or become a Senator, thus Bush
wouldn't have gone to Yale as a legacy. Even starting with equal treatment
now continues discrimination if people like Bush are given preferencial
treatment because of the ancestors who benefited from racism. NO blacks,
browns, women, etc. benefit in such a way. Where were these people when
Bush was being given "affirmative action" for rich preppies to get into
Yale? Or does outrage only count when it is blacks who are given a leg up?
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
The -.-Frog.
2004-02-19 01:09:54 UTC
Post by Nate
The Left is going to have to begin learning to celebrate diversity! The
latest example which the Left must now face is a scholarship program for
whites-only which has been set up. It parallels various scholarship
programs for blacks-only which have been in place for years, and which
Leftists have never protested or found fault with.
Affirmative action scholarships recognize that blacks and others were
discriminated against for years. For example, if Bush's grandfather had
been black, he wouldn't have gone to Yale or become a Senator, thus Bush
wouldn't have gone to Yale as a legacy. Even starting with equal treatment
now continues discrimination if people like Bush are given preferencial
treatment because of the ancestors who benefited from racism. NO blacks,
browns, women, etc. benefit in such a way. Where were these people when
Bush was being given "affirmative action" for rich preppies to get into
Yale? Or does outrage only count when it is blacks who are given a leg up?
It is making decisions by race...RACISM.
Whatever happend to the character of the heart instead of the color of
the skin?

Liberalism is Communism one drink at a time. - P.J. O'Rourke
The Finger
2004-02-20 01:01:40 UTC
Post by Nate
The Left is going to have to begin learning to celebrate diversity! The
latest example which the Left must now face is a scholarship program for
whites-only which has been set up. It parallels various scholarship
programs for blacks-only which have been in place for years, and which
Leftists have never protested or found fault with.
Affirmative action scholarships recognize that blacks and others were
discriminated against for years. For example, if Bush's grandfather had
been black, he wouldn't have gone to Yale or become a Senator, thus Bush
wouldn't have gone to Yale as a legacy. Even starting with equal treatment
now continues discrimination if people like Bush are given preferencial
treatment because of the ancestors who benefited from racism. NO blacks,
browns, women, etc. benefit in such a way. Where were these people when
Bush was being given "affirmative action" for rich preppies to get into
Yale? Or does outrage only count when it is blacks who are given a leg up?
Nate is a racist. Your wasting your time replying to this troll post.