Liberal Agenda for 2004
(too old to reply)
2004-02-14 20:32:18 UTC
I have a secret source that has told me the socialist-liberal-dumbocrack
for 2004. I hope you are sitting down because this is truly terrifying!!!
1.Overthrow Bush through dirty smear campaigns and outright lies! WMDs?
cares? I sure don't remember that as the reason for going in! Liberal
Revisionist HIstory is what it is!
2.Destroy marriage by allowing men and men to get married!
3.Weaken national security by ending the war on terror when it is just
started! Iraq is our foot in the door to the middle east, time to break
thing open!
4.Hike up the taxes and take away our hard earned bucks and put the people
out on the streets! The Dumbocracks would rather us toil in the fields
grow rich with one another!
5.Destroy the Church in this country. First it was prayer in school, the
ten commandments in court, WHAT'S NEXT!?
Ah yes, once again the logic of the right is unerring. Of course we didn't
go to war because of WMDs -- that's what Bush said, but it was something
else … oil, Perhaps? And, gay people getting married will cause divorce all
over the country as millions of straight men, now that they can marry other
men, will leave their wives and start looking for a Mr. Right?

Adultery, of course, is far less of a problem, right? It is important to
focus on the real dangers to marriage. I’m glad the Bush administration is
out there protecting my marriage. I spend all too much time watching
football, now I know why. Yes, let's go after the rest of the Middle East
now that our Iraq adventure is such a rollicking success. I'm sure we will
meet with similar results in Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and everywhere else
a Muslim lives, if you can call it living.

Yes, Yes, Yes -- you've found us out! The Democrats have a secret agenda to
turn us all into migrant agricultural workers. You may be unaware of it,
but there IS a clandestine group of Democrats who are working to prevent
anyone from getting rich. In fact, that is the centerpiece of the
Democratic plan -- create a mass of poor people because poor people are more
likely to vote democratic.

Just imagine how liberal Bush would be if he hadn't grown up in
Kennebunkport, attended Andover School (he went to public school for one
school year in his life), and Yale, and then tapped his daddy's friends for
money to start an oil company that went bust, yet still managed to "buy"
into Harkin Energy where he sold his stock for hundreds of thousands in
violation of security laws and just before a huge drop in value and then
became an "owner" of a baseball team. Bush turned a $30,000 investment of
his own money into $20 million or so in just 10 years. Wow, what a business
man. Bring him down, a poor Bush is a Democratic Bush.

Sure Democrats are out to destroy the church. The whole party, including
Reverend Martin Luther King and the rest of the liberal churchmen are all
secretly Satanists, but then you know that, don't you? You ask what's next
after destroying the church, prayer in school, and the Ten Commandments?
Jesus, of course.

There is secret plan to get people to believe he was a carpenter from
Galilee who loved the poor more than the rich. That quote about it being
easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man
to get into heaven was crafted by liberals and stuck into the Bible when
nobody was looking. Thanks for letting me know that there are people out
there who know the truth.
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
Roedy Green
2004-02-15 05:20:32 UTC
4.Hike up the taxes and take away our hard earned bucks and put the people
out on the streets! The Dumbocracks would rather us toil in the fields
grow rich with one another!
SPENDING is the problem. If you spend, sooner or later you have to
pay it off with taxes. Why not tell Mr. Bush to do something about
his trillion dollar deficits. How the hell will they be covered if not
by taxes in some future administration? Or are you so naive you think
you don't have to pay back loans or pay interest on them?

Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.
The -.-Frog.
2004-02-15 14:02:05 UTC
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 05:20:32 GMT, Roedy Green
Post by Roedy Green
4.Hike up the taxes and take away our hard earned bucks and put the people
out on the streets! The Dumbocracks would rather us toil in the fields
grow rich with one another!
SPENDING is the problem. If you spend, sooner or later you have to
pay it off with taxes. Why not tell Mr. Bush to do something about
his trillion dollar deficits. How the hell will they be covered if not
by taxes in some future administration? Or are you so naive you think
you don't have to pay back loans or pay interest on them?
And while you are at it, tell us that Kerry has vowed to spend less.
Has he? If not, then what's the point?

Liberalism is Communism one drink at a time. - P.J. O'Rourke
2004-02-15 20:44:51 UTC
Post by The -.-Frog.
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 05:20:32 GMT, Roedy Green
Post by Roedy Green
4.Hike up the taxes and take away our hard earned bucks and put the people
out on the streets! The Dumbocracks would rather us toil in the fields
grow rich with one another!
SPENDING is the problem. If you spend, sooner or later you have to
pay it off with taxes. Why not tell Mr. Bush to do something about
his trillion dollar deficits. How the hell will they be covered if not
by taxes in some future administration? Or are you so naive you think
you don't have to pay back loans or pay interest on them?
And while you are at it, tell us that Kerry has vowed to spend less.
Has he? If not, then what's the point?
Liberalism is Communism one drink at a time. - P.J. O'Rourke
Actually, none of the Democrats have said they will raise taxes, only that
they will reject the next round of Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. If your
taxes stay the same but you don't get a tax cut, is that a tax increase?
Sounds like fuzzy math to me. And what has Bush said he will do to prevent
another 911? Cheney says another attack is "inevitable". If security
worked, Israel would be the most secure nation in the world.

I ask you, are we safer today than we were when Bush was elected? Are
terrorist attacks more or less likely? The sure don't seem to be afraid of
little bushie no matter than he looks good in a flight suit.

Bush's solution on social security doesn't add up. You see the people
working now pay for the retirement of those who have retired. If those who
work now put money in an individual investment account (which isn’t a bad
idea), those who have retired will be short money and it will have to be
made up. Bush says his plan is fiscally neutral, but where does the money
come from to pay those already retired?

In two months since he produced his budget, he's had to increase the
projections by $130 billion, and that's without any money for Afghanistan or
Iraq. Seems to me Bush might need a little remedial math.
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
Roedy Green
2004-02-15 05:23:19 UTC
5.Destroy the Church in this country. First it was prayer in school, the
ten commandments in court, WHAT'S NEXT!?
That was just telling the Kristians to stop forcing their religion
down everyone else's throats. They are such assholes they feel
persecuted when the courts stop them from cramming their shit
Kristianity (which has nothing to do with Christianity) down other's
throats. NOTHING is interfering with what they do in their churches.

see http://mindprod.com/kristianity.html

Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.
2004-02-15 07:56:46 UTC
Post by Roedy Green
5.Destroy the Church in this country. First it was prayer in school, the
ten commandments in court, WHAT'S NEXT!?
That was just telling the Kristians to stop forcing their religion
down everyone else's throats. They are such assholes they feel
persecuted when the courts stop them from cramming their shit
Kristianity (which has nothing to do with Christianity) down other's
throats. NOTHING is interfering with what they do in their churches.
see http://mindprod.com/kristianity.html
I'm going to have to agree with Roedy on that one. The last time we put
religion in charge of state, they started burning people. I have nothing
against Christianity, or any religion for that matter, but I don't think
it's right to put any religion into the government.
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers