A War President
(too old to reply)
2004-02-12 04:47:24 UTC
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war President" --
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
Roedy Green
2004-02-12 06:37:28 UTC
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war President" --
The traditional warrior glorifies war and honours the dead. Bush
won't even give the boobs he tricked into giving their lives that

There bodies are quietly hushed away like so much garbage in plastic
"transfer tubes" as he calls them.

Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.
Steve Richter
2004-02-12 12:54:25 UTC
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war President" --
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.

2004-02-12 17:51:05 UTC
Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war President" --
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.
No need, the Boy King has already done that. Remember the photo op on
top of the rubble with his arm around a firefighter the Friday after 911
pledging federal aid to NYC? We all know much of that aid will never
make it to the hated NYC, so screw the firefighters and other first
responders, not to mention the families of those who died & those who

"Billions for Iraq, but not a cent for health care (or jobless benefits,
2004-02-12 19:27:55 UTC
Post by Gus
Post by Nate
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war
President" --
Post by Gus
Post by Nate
Post by Gus
Post by Nate
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.
No need, the Boy King has already done that. Remember the photo op on
top of the rubble with his arm around a firefighter the Friday after 911
pledging federal aid to NYC? We all know much of that aid will never
make it to the hated NYC, so screw the firefighters and other first
responders, not to mention the families of those who died & those who
"Billions for Iraq, but not a cent for health care (or jobless benefits,
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
Steve Richter
2004-02-13 01:56:04 UTC
Post by Gus
Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war President" --
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.
No need, the Boy King has already done that. Remember the photo op on
top of the rubble with his arm around a firefighter the Friday after 911
pledging federal aid to NYC? We all know much of that aid will never
make it to the hated NYC, so screw the firefighters and other first
responders, not to mention the families of those who died & those who
"Billions for Iraq, but not a cent for health care (or jobless benefits,
As long as the US sides with Israel in its unjustified occupation of
the territories it will be a target of the Islamists. A good health
care plan will not protect those who are the targets of Osama's next

Felix D.
2004-11-05 02:53:31 UTC
Post by Gus
Post by Steve Richter
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.
No need, the Boy King has already done that. Remember the photo op on
top of the rubble with his arm around a firefighter the Friday after 911
pledging federal aid to NYC? We all know much of that aid will never
make it to the hated NYC, so screw the firefighters and other first
responders, not to mention the families of those who died & those who
"President Bush is going to save your ass whether you like it or not."
2004-02-13 01:41:06 UTC
Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war President" --
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.
Do not confuse 9/11 with the war in Iraq. One has nothing to do with
the other.
2004-02-13 04:11:14 UTC
Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war President" --
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.
Why don't you come to NYC and tell the firemen why Bush reneged on his
promise for money to rebuild, and why 7 fire stations had to close
because Bush failed to fund them like he promised?

And while you're at it, explain to them why Bush's EPA head said the air
was safe after 9/11 during the rescues and the health problems they are
now facing is all in their heads?
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act.
- George Orwell
2004-02-13 08:29:04 UTC
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war President" --
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.
Why don't you come to NYC and tell the firemen why Bush reneged on his
promise for money to rebuild, and why 7 fire stations had to close
because Bush failed to fund them like he promised?
Maybe you should take that up with YOUR representative
in congress. You do know that congress decides where
ALL the money goes right?
Now who would your senator be? hmmmmmmm

2004-02-13 16:22:07 UTC
Post by Nate
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war
President" --
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth
fighting for.
Post by Tempest
Why don't you come to NYC and tell the firemen why Bush reneged on his
promise for money to rebuild, and why 7 fire stations had to close
because Bush failed to fund them like he promised?
Maybe you should take that up with YOUR representative
in congress. You do know that congress decides where
ALL the money goes right?
Now who would your senator be? hmmmmmmm
Why don't you learn how government works?

Bush proposes spending, not Congress.
2004-02-14 11:40:54 UTC
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
Post by Tempest
Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war
President" --
Post by Tempest
Post by Steve Richter
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth
fighting for.
Post by Tempest
Why don't you come to NYC and tell the firemen why Bush reneged on his
promise for money to rebuild, and why 7 fire stations had to close
because Bush failed to fund them like he promised?
Maybe you should take that up with YOUR representative
in congress. You do know that congress decides where
ALL the money goes right?
Now who would your senator be? hmmmmmmm
Why don't you learn how government works?
Bush proposes spending, not Congress.
That's a joke right? Either that or you have won the prize
as the NGs dumbfuck of the year.
When you can dig your dictionary out and look up
"proposal" then look up "authority" maybe you can
share you dumbfuck title with the other mealy mouthed
dems wafting in the NG.

Now go back to class little one.

Chris the Liberal
2004-02-14 17:00:02 UTC
Post by Nate
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war
President" --
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth
fighting for.
Post by Tempest
Why don't you come to NYC and tell the firemen why Bush reneged on his
promise for money to rebuild, and why 7 fire stations had to close
because Bush failed to fund them like he promised?
Maybe you should take that up with YOUR representative
in congress. You do know that congress decides where
ALL the money goes right?
Not NOW. With Republicans in total control, GWB gives
them a budget and the dittoheads pass it.
2004-02-14 23:46:14 UTC
Post by Chris the Liberal
Post by Nate
Post by Tempest
Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war
President" --
Post by Tempest
Post by Steve Richter
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth
fighting for.
Post by Tempest
Why don't you come to NYC and tell the firemen why Bush reneged on his
promise for money to rebuild, and why 7 fire stations had to close
because Bush failed to fund them like he promised?
Maybe you should take that up with YOUR representative
in congress. You do know that congress decides where
ALL the money goes right?
Not NOW. With Republicans in total control, GWB gives
them a budget and the dittoheads pass it.
What are the NUMBERS in Congress!
That's "total" control???????????
What is required to pass anything?
Get your ass back to school young man.
You failed government 101!

W_D_Great Divider
2004-02-15 21:22:33 UTC
During any other time I would agree with you (though things may be swinging
back to Republicans being true to themselves now that W is weakened).
Republicans have simply not stepped out of line at all since they gained
control. The Republicans do what the leadership tells them. It doesn't
matter that they control both houses by a relatively small number. You also
have more than a few Republicans in Democratic clothing - especially if they
are from the south. A Texan Democrat is a Democrat in name only. Many
Democrats were also unable to vote their conscious with "traitor" being used
widely and freely. SHIT! The defeated a Vietnam Vet who had lost 3 limbs in
the war on being UNAMERICAN! The Republicans had had COMPLETE control but
that is soon going to change.

Post by Jim
Post by Nate
Post by Nate
Post by Tempest
Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war
President" --
Post by Nate
Post by Tempest
Post by Steve Richter
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth
fighting for.
Post by Tempest
Why don't you come to NYC and tell the firemen why Bush reneged on his
promise for money to rebuild, and why 7 fire stations had to close
because Bush failed to fund them like he promised?
Maybe you should take that up with YOUR representative
in congress. You do know that congress decides where
ALL the money goes right?
Not NOW. With Republicans in total control, GWB gives
them a budget and the dittoheads pass it.
What are the NUMBERS in Congress!
That's "total" control???????????
What is required to pass anything?
Get your ass back to school young man.
You failed government 101!
Steve Richter
2004-02-13 22:47:19 UTC
Post by Tempest
Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war President" --
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.
Why don't you come to NYC and tell the firemen why Bush reneged on his
promise for money to rebuild, and why 7 fire stations had to close
because Bush failed to fund them like he promised?
The federal government does not need to be funding firehouses. NYC is
probably the most wealthy city in the world. It can pay for its own
government services.

I think this thread has to do with whether Bush is doing the right
thing by the takeover of Iraq. As long as the US supports Israel in
its unnecessary occupation of the palestinians the US is going to be
at great risk of more attacks. So when you say we should bring the
troops home, your saying the next attack victims in the US are not
worth the effort to defend.

D Kat
2004-02-13 02:21:44 UTC
I am from NY (Long Island where we lost a lot of our people) and I can tell
you that we would rather have the support from the government that was
promised, which we are not getting, support to the fire and police
departments that have been cut thanks to the massive tax cuts to the OOBER
rich, and a fight against the Terrorist that killed our people rather than
using the tragedy of 911 as a cover to go after oil and Daddy's bad man, who
was a toothless tiger.

Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war
President" --
Post by Steve Richter
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth fighting for.
2004-02-13 04:09:39 UTC
Well put.
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
Post by D Kat
I am from NY (Long Island where we lost a lot of our people) and I can tell
you that we would rather have the support from the government that was
promised, which we are not getting, support to the fire and police
departments that have been cut thanks to the massive tax cuts to the OOBER
rich, and a fight against the Terrorist that killed our people rather than
using the tragedy of 911 as a cover to go after oil and Daddy's bad man, who
was a toothless tiger.
Post by Steve Richter
Post by Nate
Bush, tell the families of these soldiers that you're "a war
President" --
Post by D Kat
Post by Steve Richter
why dont you come to NYC and tell the firemen that they are not worth
fighting for.
Post by Steve Richter