Not A Democrat - Not A Republican - Just An American
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Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-28 01:03:53 UTC
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"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the
people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise
their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by education."
- Thomas Jefferson, Author of the declaration of Independence and 3rd
President of the United States.
2003-11-09 19:08:24 UTC
Does the subject line describe you?
If so, check us out at http://www.cooper2004.us
Do it for yourself - Do it for our future!
VOTE 2004
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Does the subject line describe you?
If so, check us out at http://www.cooper2004.us
Do it for yourself - Do it for our future!
VOTE 2004
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"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the
people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise
their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by education."
- Thomas Jefferson, Author of the declaration of Independence and 3rd
President of the United States.
Efonious Sanders
2004-10-27 09:36:46 UTC
Proud Values

Kerry Lies

McGreedy Sodomizes

Clinton Cheats

Dump Democratics Defeating America
2004-10-27 10:10:21 UTC
What a powerful group of moral men there. John Kerry committed war crimes,
McGreedy felt up small children, Clinton got head from a intern in the oval
office. Sick soulless moral vacuums the democrats have become.
Post by Efonious Sanders
Proud Values
Kerry Lies
McGreedy Sodomizes
Clinton Cheats
Dump Democratics Defeating America
2004-10-27 16:32:27 UTC
Post by BadBender
What a powerful group of moral men there. John Kerry committed war crimes,
McGreedy felt up small children, Clinton got head from a intern in the oval
office. Sick soulless moral vacuums the democrats have become.
they WERE "powerful" - until God plunged a giant wooden cross into
Jesse Jackson's head!!

here's the proof;

it's really Sad - what the Democratic party has become.

Mike Morgan
2004-10-27 17:43:25 UTC
Post by Efonious Sanders
Proud Values
Kerry Lies
McGreedy Sodomizes
Clinton Cheats
Dump Democratics Defeating America
You would be hard pressed to find a politician who doesn't lie.

If you want to dredge up Clinton's cheating, maybe we should talk about
how Dole and Gingrich each divorced his wife so he could marry a younger
woman. And let's not forget Kemp's little tryst with another man.

If only all politicians could be as ethical as George W. Bush. While
Kerry was risking his life in Vietnam, Bush was finding a way to use
daddy's money to leave the national guard and still avoid the draft. He
was too busy going to frat parties, snorting coke, and driving drunk.

And then this is the president who sets a precedent by sending the
national guard into overseas combat. Add to that the fact that he's the
first president since Hoover to lose more jobs than he adds, and one of
the few to take office after failing to get 50% of the popular vote.

The few. The proud. The ignorant hicks.
"When you say 'radical right' today, I think of these moneymaking
ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take
the Republican Party and make a religious organization out of it. If
that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye."
-- Barry Goldwater

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