How About the Real Thing Instead of Your Fraud???????
(too old to reply)
2003-09-11 18:46:33 UTC
Clark Set to Enter 2004 Presidential Race
37 minutes ago

By RON FOURNIER, AP Political Writer

WASHINGTON - Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark has told friends he is likely to
become the 10th Democratic presidential candidate, a move that could shake
up the crowded field just four months before the first ballots are cast.

Clark, 58, has not made a final decision, but the Arkansas resident has
begun to recruit campaign staff and plans to announce his intentions next
week, friends and party officials said on condition of anonymity.

He could still put the brakes on a campaign, they said.

While mulling his options, Clark has met with several presidential
contenders who covet his endorsement and might consider him for a vice
presidential slot. He met Saturday with former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean
(news - web sites), who said it is too soon to talk about political

"There is a lot of vetting that would have to be done before you would have
those kinds of discussions," Dean said when asked whether he had discussed
the vice presidency with Clark.

A senior adviser to another Democratic contender described Clark's talks
with his candidate as "almost an audition for the vice presidential

If Clark were to enter the race, it would be to win the nomination and not
simply position himself for the No. 2 slot, associates said.

Clark has a resume that unnerves potential rivals - Rhodes scholar, first in
his 1966 class at West Point, White House fellow, head of the U.S. Southern
Command and NATO (news - web sites) commander during the 1999 campaign in

A Clark White House bid would grab the political spotlight and undercut the
strengths of several in the nine-way Democratic race.

Dean's effort to solidify his front-runner status might suffer from the
distraction of a Clark candidacy. Sen. John Kerry (news, bio, voting record)
of Massachusetts would no longer be the race's only decorated combat
veteran. Sens. John Edwards of North Carolina and Bob Graham of Florida
would face another Southerner.

"He's all potential and upside," said Democratic strategist Donna Brazile.
"The question will be whether he could put together the organization so

A senior Democratic Party strategist said Clark told him this week that he
was "90 percent sure" he would run. Asked what would hold him back, Clark
had no answer, according to the official, who also said Clark didn't seem to
have answers to key questions about organizing a race.

Two acquaintances of Clark said he has told him he is likely to run, and the
only thing stopping him is a last-minute change of heart or realization that
he can't get an organization ready.

An Internet-fueled draft-Clark movement has developed the seeds of a
campaign and more than $1 million in pledges. Dean, who also has used the
Internet as an organizational tool, has said Clark would have an immediate
impact on the race.

Senior party leaders say Clark or his advisers have contacted several
prominent Democrats about jobs in the campaign should he take the plunge.
Among them are Mark Fabiani, who ran Al Gore (news - web sites)'s
communications team in the 2000 campaign.

Clark also asked John Weaver, a top strategist in the 2000 presidential
campaign of Republican Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) of
Arizona, to manage his campaign. Weaver declined because of health problems.

If he enters the race, Clark would enjoy the support of at least two
longtime associates of former President Clinton (news - web sites) - Skip
Rutherford and Bruce Lindsey, both of Arkansas. Clinton has spoken glowingly
of Clark, but he has not taken sides in the nomination fight.

Clark believes his four-star military service would counter Bush's political
advantage as a wartime commander in chief, associates say. The retired
general has been critical of the Iraq (news - web sites) war and Bush's
postwar efforts, positions that would put him alongside Dean, Graham and
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (news, bio, voting record) of Ohio as the most vocal
anti-war candidates.

Dean has met four times with Clark. In the last several months, Clark talked
to Kerry and Sen. Joe Lieberman (news - web sites) of Connecticut, among
other contenders.

Dean's campaign manager, Joe Trippi, and Clark's advisers also talked
frequently. Officials familiar with the conversations say Dean has sought
Clark's endorsement, but there has been no promises made about putting Clark
on a potential Dean ticket.

Clark is scheduled to deliver a speech at the University of Iowa on Sept.
19, but he has said he'll make his decision before that. Officials say next
week's announcement will likely be made in Little Rock, Ark.
Steven D. Litvintchouk
2003-09-11 19:30:57 UTC
Post by Enceladus
Clark Set to Enter 2004 Presidential Race
37 minutes ago
By RON FOURNIER, AP Political Writer
WASHINGTON - Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark has told friends he is likely to
become the 10th Democratic presidential candidate, a move that could shake
up the crowded field just four months before the first ballots are cast.
Yes, I would rather have Clark than that fraud, Kerry.
Steven D. Litvintchouk
Email: ***@earthlinkNOSPAM.net

Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.
2003-09-12 00:09:46 UTC
Post by Steven D. Litvintchouk
Post by Enceladus
Clark Set to Enter 2004 Presidential Race
37 minutes ago
By RON FOURNIER, AP Political Writer
WASHINGTON - Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark has told friends he is likely to
become the 10th Democratic presidential candidate, a move that could shake
up the crowded field just four months before the first ballots are cast.
Yes, I would rather have Clark than that fraud, Kerry.
Steve — Clark is even a greater fraud than Kerry

The peter principle kicked in on clark when he got his "bird".

As NATO Commander, he had to be shunted aside by
subordinates because he was messing up big time
Post by Steven D. Litvintchouk
Steven D. Litvintchouk
Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.