Liberals Have No Idea Why We Went To War! and really don't care...
(too old to reply)
2003-12-21 15:38:36 UTC
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;

10:16 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.


These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!

Truth has never been a friend to liberals!
2003-12-21 18:16:10 UTC
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
Truth has never been a friend to liberals!
What WMD? There are no WMD. Haven't you figured that out yet? It was
just another Bush lie to get us to go to war so he can get re-selected. Lies
are great friends to idiot right wingers.
2003-12-21 21:16:09 UTC
Post by Dickmcb
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for
Post by HOD
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade
Post by HOD
Truth has never been a friend to liberals!
What WMD?
These WMD's.... Your Queen's WMD's......

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Dickmcb
There are no WMD.
Unless you are a soothsayer there is no way for you to know that!
Post by Dickmcb
Haven't you figured that out yet?
Nope, what's to figure? The reasons we went to war are "to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger."... you don't
read to well, do you?
Post by Dickmcb
It was just another Bush lie to get us to go to war so he can get

Dilbert... if you could prove that, you would have by now but you can't so
you just as well give it up cause the folks on the right, the ones with high
IQ's, think you are totally full of shit!

Truth has never been a friend to liberals
2003-12-21 18:27:01 UTC
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the jackboot of
American soldiers

Better luck next time :-)

And I'm still civil!
2003-12-21 20:16:51 UTC
Post by abracadabra
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
this one is still in debate, if it is discovered you are wrong will you vote
for bush in 2004?
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Wrong, Iraq funded and supported terrorism, had terrorist camps in it's
borders, was involved in the first WTC bombing, was waiting for a time when
the UN sanctions would be lifted to go back to business as usual (SH never
felt he had done anything wrong and wanted to restart all of his weapons
programs as soon as he could).
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the jackboot of
American soldiers
Right... Name one source that might even hint to such a belief?
Post by abracadabra
Better luck next time :-)
You too!
2003-12-21 20:25:39 UTC
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
this one is still in debate, if it is discovered you are wrong will you vote
for bush in 2004?
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Wrong, Iraq funded and supported terrorism, had terrorist camps in it's
borders, was involved in the first WTC bombing, was waiting for a time when
the UN sanctions would be lifted to go back to business as usual (SH never
felt he had done anything wrong and wanted to restart all of his weapons
programs as soon as he could).
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the jackboot of
American soldiers
Right... Name one source that might even hint to such a belief?
Post by abracadabra
Better luck next time :-)
You too!
Please name one, just one terrorist that was "trained" in Iraq that has
had anything to do with 9/11 or any other terrorist act anywhere else in the
world. Name just one!
2003-12-21 21:00:15 UTC
Post by Dickmcb
Please name one, just one terrorist that was "trained" in Iraq that has
had anything to do with 9/11 or any other terrorist act anywhere else in the
world. Name just one!
Adbul Rahman Yasin

HTH Rhinehold
2003-12-21 21:54:14 UTC
Post by Rhinehold
Post by Dickmcb
Please name one, just one terrorist that was "trained" in Iraq that
Post by Dickmcb
had anything to do with 9/11 or any other terrorist act anywhere else in
Post by Dickmcb
world. Name just one!
Adbul Rahman Yasin
HTH Rhinehold
And just what has Mr. Yasin done in the way of terrorism?
2003-12-22 02:44:57 UTC
Post by Dickmcb
Post by Rhinehold
Post by Dickmcb
Please name one, just one terrorist that was "trained" in Iraq that
Post by Dickmcb
had anything to do with 9/11 or any other terrorist act anywhere else in
Post by Dickmcb
world. Name just one!
Adbul Rahman Yasin
HTH Rhinehold
And just what has Mr. Yasin done in the way of terrorism?
He's the one who mixed the chemicals that was used in the truck bomb that
attempted to take down the WTC the first time.
Mr. N
2003-12-22 03:55:00 UTC
Post by Rhinehold
Adbul Rahman Yasin
Born in Bloomington, Indiana.

Dumbass. When he fled to Iraq after the first WTC bombing - the Iraqis
threw him in prison.
-My Real Name
2003-12-21 20:40:22 UTC
Post by Rhinehold
Wrong, Iraq funded and supported terrorism, had terrorist camps in
it's borders, was involved in the first WTC bombing, was waiting for a
time when the UN sanctions would be lifted to go back to business as
usual (SH never felt he had done anything wrong and wanted to restart
all of his weapons programs as soon as he could).
2003-12-21 21:41:23 UTC
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
this one is still in debate, if it is discovered you are wrong will you vote
for bush in 2004?
It's not open to debate. The Administration said they were there. They
If we did find
1) weaponized WMDs
2) Evidence that Saddam was going to give them to Al Qaida
I'd say I was wrong about the war.
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Wrong, Iraq funded and supported terrorism
1/2 right. Saddam gave a little money to some Palestinian groups. He gave
nothing to anti-American terrorists.
Post by Rhinehold
had terrorist camps in it's
borders, was involved in the first WTC bombing,
That is totally unfounded and you know it.

was waiting for a time when
Post by Rhinehold
the UN sanctions would be lifted to go back to business as usual (SH never
felt he had done anything wrong and wanted to restart all of his weapons
programs as soon as he could).
But there aren't any WMDs, and Saddam has a history of using WMDs only
against weaker groups - not people who can hit back.
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the jackboot of
American soldiers
Right... Name one source that might even hint to such a belief?
Listen to interviews of Iraqis. NPR and BBC talkks to real Iraqis.
2003-12-21 22:04:14 UTC
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
this one is still in debate, if it is discovered you are wrong will you
Post by Rhinehold
for bush in 2004?
It's not open to debate. The Administration said they were there. They
Based on intelligence at hand leading conservatives as well as liberals
concluded that WMD's were there and many still do!
Post by abracadabra
If we did find
1) weaponized WMDs
Uh oh, now we're qualifying the WMD's..... Dead is dead cowboy! A WMD is a
WMD !!!!
Post by abracadabra
2) Evidence that Saddam was going to give them to Al Qaida
I'd say I was wrong about the war.
You're completely wrong because you don't yet understand why we went there
in the first place!
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Wrong, Iraq funded and supported terrorism
1/2 right. Saddam gave a little money to some Palestinian groups. He gave
nothing to anti-American terrorists.
You still don't get it! A terrorist is a terrorist.... kill them before they
kill us. Who cares how they comb their hair or from which end they mount a
camel... they all need to be dead!
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
had terrorist camps in it's
borders, was involved in the first WTC bombing,
That is totally unfounded and you know it.
was waiting for a time when
Post by Rhinehold
the UN sanctions would be lifted to go back to business as usual (SH never
felt he had done anything wrong and wanted to restart all of his weapons
programs as soon as he could).
But there aren't any WMDs, and Saddam has a history of using WMDs only
against weaker groups - not people who can hit back.
Iran didn't "hit back"??????? Maybe you want to try that again!
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
American soldiers
Right... Name one source that might even hint to such a belief?
Listen to interviews of Iraqis. NPR and BBC talkks to real Iraqis.
and it gets worse, how many people in Iraq? How many of them have you seen
being interviewed by anyone?
Come on..... you should be better than this!
2003-12-22 00:17:38 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
this one is still in debate, if it is discovered you are wrong will you
Post by Rhinehold
for bush in 2004?
It's not open to debate. The Administration said they were there. They
Based on intelligence at hand leading conservatives as well as liberals
concluded that WMD's were there and many still do!
It was thought that WMDs were there. Hence the support for continued
inspections. Had the inspections been allowed to continue, we'd know there
were no WMDs and not lost hundreds of American lives.
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
If we did find
1) weaponized WMDs
Uh oh, now we're qualifying the WMD's..... Dead is dead cowboy! A WMD is a
WMD !!!!
Your side likes to say WMDs and "WMD programs" are the same thing. They
aren't. Simply having WMDs doesn't make a country a threat to the USA. A
bottle of bleach is a WMD, by your definition. The WMDs have to be in a
usable form to be a threat.
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
2) Evidence that Saddam was going to give them to Al Qaida
I'd say I was wrong about the war.
You're completely wrong because you don't yet understand why we went there
in the first place!
Prove it.
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Wrong, Iraq funded and supported terrorism
1/2 right. Saddam gave a little money to some Palestinian groups. He gave
nothing to anti-American terrorists.
You still don't get it! A terrorist is a terrorist....
No it isn't. Libyan terrorists murdered hundreds of American civilians over
Scotland. Far more dangerous to America then Palestinian suicide bombers,
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
had terrorist camps in it's
borders, was involved in the first WTC bombing,
That is totally unfounded and you know it.
was waiting for a time when
Post by Rhinehold
the UN sanctions would be lifted to go back to business as usual (SH
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
felt he had done anything wrong and wanted to restart all of his weapons
programs as soon as he could).
But there aren't any WMDs, and Saddam has a history of using WMDs only
against weaker groups - not people who can hit back.
Iran didn't "hit back"??????? Maybe you want to try that again!
Iran never "hit back" with WMDs silly. The Kurds and the Sunni were never in
a position to "hit back"
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
American soldiers
Right... Name one source that might even hint to such a belief?
Listen to interviews of Iraqis. NPR and BBC talkks to real Iraqis.
and it gets worse, how many people in Iraq? How many of them have you seen
being interviewed by anyone?
Come on..... you should be better than this!
The poster has nothing supporting his assertions.
2003-12-22 02:24:59 UTC
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
this one is still in debate, if it is discovered you are wrong will
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
for bush in 2004?
It's not open to debate. The Administration said they were there. They
Based on intelligence at hand leading conservatives as well as liberals
concluded that WMD's were there and many still do!
It was thought that WMDs were there. Hence the support for continued
inspections. Had the inspections been allowed to continue, we'd know there
were no WMDs and not lost hundreds of American lives.
I just do not see it that way! Doesn't make much sense to me in all honesty!
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
If we did find
1) weaponized WMDs
Uh oh, now we're qualifying the WMD's..... Dead is dead cowboy! A WMD is a
WMD !!!!
Your side likes to say WMDs and "WMD programs" are the same thing. They
aren't. Simply having WMDs doesn't make a country a threat to the USA. A
bottle of bleach is a WMD, by your definition. The WMDs have to be in a
usable form to be a threat.
History has recorded the nature of this beast and he didn't use bleach to
kill! (that I know about)
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
2) Evidence that Saddam was going to give them to Al Qaida
I'd say I was wrong about the war.
You're completely wrong because you don't yet understand why we went there
in the first place!
Prove it.
The legal authority that approved the invasion of Iraq said: "My fellow
citizens, at this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early
stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to
defend the world from grave danger."

That's proof enough for me and 70% of Americans according to polls... should
be enough for you as well...
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Wrong, Iraq funded and supported terrorism
1/2 right. Saddam gave a little money to some Palestinian groups. He
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
nothing to anti-American terrorists.
You still don't get it! A terrorist is a terrorist....
No it isn't. Libyan terrorists murdered hundreds of American civilians over
Scotland. Far more dangerous to America then Palestinian suicide bombers,
What gets me about your argument is that I think that you think you are
privy to Saddam's inner circle and somehow have the scoop on who he did and
did not support! That's plain silly! It is my belief and opinion that
terrorist are terrorist and should all be neutralized. I believe Saddam
supported many terrorist groups. I reject your claim that he only focused on
one favorite group the"Palestinians"

Terrorist behind September 11 strike was trained by Saddam
By Con Coughlin
(Filed: 14/12/2003)


Iraq's coalition government claims that it has uncovered documentary proof
that Mohammed Atta, the al-Qaeda mastermind of the September 11 attacks
against the US, was trained in Baghdad by Abu Nidal, the notorious
Palestinian terrorist.

Details of Atta's visit to the Iraqi capital in the summer of 2001, just
weeks before he launched the most devastating terrorist attack in US
history, are contained in a top secret memo written to Saddam Hussein, the
then Iraqi president, by Tahir Jalil Habbush al-Tikriti, the former head of
the Iraqi Intelligence Service.

The handwritten memo, a copy of which has been obtained exclusively by the
Telegraph, is dated July 1, 2001 and provides a short resume of a three-day
"work programme" Atta had undertaken at Abu Nidal's base in Baghdad.

In the memo, Habbush reports that Atta "displayed extraordinary effort" and
demonstrated his ability to lead the team that would be "responsible for
attacking the targets that we have agreed to destroy".

The second part of the memo, which is headed "Niger Shipment", contains a
report about an unspecified shipment - believed to be uranium - that it says
has been transported to Iraq via Libya and Syria.

Although Iraqi officials refused to disclose how and where they had obtained
the document, Dr Ayad Allawi, a member of Iraq's ruling seven-man
Presidential Committee, said the document was genuine.

"We are uncovering evidence all the time of Saddam's involvement with
al-Qaeda," he said. "But this is the most compelling piece of evidence that
we have found so far. It shows that not only did Saddam have contacts with
al-Qaeda, he had contact with those responsible for the September 11

Although Atta is believed to have been resident in Florida in the summer of
2001, he is known to have used more than a dozen aliases, and intelligence
experts believe he could easily have slipped out of the US to visit Iraq.

Abu Nidal, who was responsible for the failed assassination of the Israeli
ambassador to London in 1982, was based in Baghdad for more than two
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
had terrorist camps in it's
borders, was involved in the first WTC bombing,
That is totally unfounded and you know it.
was waiting for a time when
Post by Rhinehold
the UN sanctions would be lifted to go back to business as usual (SH
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
felt he had done anything wrong and wanted to restart all of his
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
programs as soon as he could).
But there aren't any WMDs, and Saddam has a history of using WMDs only
against weaker groups - not people who can hit back.
Iran didn't "hit back"??????? Maybe you want to try that again!
Iran never "hit back" with WMDs silly. The Kurds and the Sunni were never in
a position to "hit back"
"and Saddam has a history of using WMDs only against weaker groups - not
people who can hit back." No mention here of hitting back with "WMDs,
perhaps I misunderstood your point!
So, let's see if this is your position.... If you knew of a murderer that
had only killed short weak folks with blonde hair you wouldn't feel
threatened if you were tall and muscular with red hair! Is that the logic
you're offering here? Surely not!
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the
Post by abracadabra
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
American soldiers
Right... Name one source that might even hint to such a belief?
Listen to interviews of Iraqis. NPR and BBC talkks to real Iraqis.
and it gets worse, how many people in Iraq? How many of them have you seen
being interviewed by anyone?
Come on..... you should be better than this!
The poster has nothing supporting his assertions.
You're just chicken-shitting out here Bubba..... you make a less than
intelligent statement like "The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam
then under the jackboot of American soldiers" and when I ask two basic
questions in an effort to point out the error of your ways,... you cop-out
and run home to mama with an immature 'sidestep' like "The poster has
nothing supporting his assertions." A question is not intended to be an
assertion, it's a question. You claim that you know how all the "people of
Iraq" feel about America's presence. You claim to know how happy they are
and then you attempt to support this silliness by claiming you heard all of
them declare same on the radio......

"Listen to interviews of Iraqis. NPR and BBC talkks to real Iraqis"....
(these are your words, not mine!)

Would you like to think about this silly claim and perhaps re-phrase it !
2003-12-22 02:51:03 UTC
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Based on intelligence at hand leading conservatives as well as liberals
concluded that WMD's were there and many still do!
It was thought that WMDs were there. Hence the support for continued
inspections. Had the inspections been allowed to continue, we'd know there
were no WMDs and not lost hundreds of American lives.
Iraq was ordered to let inspectors have unfettered access. They refused to
comply. There was no way we had a chance of getting good inspections
without that access needed and after 12 years of being denied that access
(that they agreed to give in 45 days in 1991) anyone with a brain realizes
that another 6 months would have accomplished nothing.

If you can't handle it, sorry, but I have a strong feeling that it doesn't
matter how long we gave the inspectors, how many times they reported that
they weren't getting the access they needed, you'd always say that we should
have given them more time.

For grins and giggles, how long do you suggest they should have been given?
1 year? 5 years? 10 years? Any sort of definate date will do,
ambiguousness isn't going to work...
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
You're completely wrong because you don't yet understand why we went there
in the first place!
Prove it.
How much proof do we need that you don't understand other than you making
statements that show you don't understand?
Mr. N
2003-12-22 03:51:13 UTC
Post by Rhinehold
this one is still in debate, if it is discovered you are wrong will you vote
for bush in 2004?
If you are the one who are wrong - will you vote Democrat?
-My Real Name
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Wrong, Iraq funded and supported terrorism
The Saudis have done far more, and far more directly. Hussein
retroactively gave cash to the families of suicide bombers in Israel. So
did the Saudis.
Post by Rhinehold
had terrorist camps in it's borders
---with Iran. Out there in the desert, "borders" get a bit blurry.
Post by Rhinehold
was involved in the first WTC bombing
This is just a lie. Why do you lie?
Post by Rhinehold
was waiting for a time when the UN sanctions would be lifted to go back
to business as usual (SH never
Post by Rhinehold
felt he had done anything wrong and wanted to restart all of his weapons
programs as soon as he could).
Being a sovereign nation with enemies on all borders - he probably did.

Wouldn't you?
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the jackboot of
American soldiers
Right... Name one source that might even hint to such a belief?
I don't know of any such source, nor do I believe that statement. I also
don't think the Iraqis are any happier about U.S. occupation than they were
-My Real Name
2003-12-22 15:12:47 UTC
Post by Mr. N
Post by Rhinehold
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Wrong, Iraq funded and supported terrorism
The Saudis have done far more, and far more directly. Hussein
retroactively gave cash to the families of suicide bombers in Israel. So
did the Saudis.
You confuse me with someone who thinks that the Saudis are our friend.
Redirection of the point back to you, Iraq funded and supported terrorism,
didn't it?
Post by Mr. N
Post by Rhinehold
had terrorist camps in it's borders
---with Iran. Out there in the desert, "borders" get a bit blurry.
Where was Salmon Pak again? On the border with Iran? Try again...
Post by Mr. N
Post by Rhinehold
was involved in the first WTC bombing
This is just a lie. Why do you lie?
I don't lie. Why do you ignore the truth?

Mr. N
2003-12-22 21:43:27 UTC
Post by Rhinehold
You confuse me with someone who thinks that the Saudis are our friend.
So when do we invade?
Post by Rhinehold
Redirection of the point back to you, Iraq funded and supported terrorism,
didn't it?
Iraq assisted the families of suicide bombers, and offered an incentive for
them to kill Israelis, yes. Oddly, there were no U.S. sponsored U.N.
resolutions condemning this behavior - or any other human rights violations
of the Iraqi regime. Not one. And the Saudis did the exact same thing, on
a much grander scale, providing direct financial support to Palestinians in
the millions.
Post by Rhinehold
Where was Salmon Pak again? On the border with Iran? Try again...
It was an Iraqi military base. Are we now labelling all Iraqi military
bases "terrorist training camps"? That's convenient.
Post by Rhinehold
Post by Mr. N
Post by Rhinehold
was involved in the first WTC bombing
This is just a lie. Why do you lie?
I don't lie.
You're doing it right now.
Post by Rhinehold
Why do you ignore the truth?
Why do you make shit up, and expect people to swallow it?
-My Real Name
2003-12-21 21:46:37 UTC
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for
Post by HOD
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
Proof! (either, your choice)
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Well lets see..... Iraq....under your cousin, Saddam... has reportedly
killed tens of thousands of it's own people as well as it's neighbors Kuwait
and Iran. On more than one occasion it is reported that WMD's were utilized
by Iraq. Every single victim of these tragedies was living in this
"world"... why don't you ask the families of these thousands of victims if
Saddam represented "grave danger" to them. Any thinking person should
understand that if a maniac like Saddam will kill his own people as well as
people living right next door he would not hesitate to kill his worst
enemies..... that's you and me Gomer! Of course we were right to defend the
world from this "grave danger".
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the jackboot of
American soldiers
What utter silliness! How could you possibly know this.... have you asked
them! Come on, grow up!.. Let's wait a while to judge this outcome either
Post by abracadabra
Better luck next time :-)
Thanks, but I don't need nor believe in luck!
Post by abracadabra
And I'm still civil!
Yep, you're ok!.... you'd be a lot better if you started seeing things my
way though! :-))
2003-12-22 00:21:11 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for
Post by HOD
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
Proof! (either, your choice)
We haven't found any - hence they are not there.
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Well lets see..... Iraq....under your cousin, Saddam... has reportedly
killed tens of thousands of it's own people as well as it's neighbors Kuwait
and Iran.
We supported the attack against Iran, so that's meaningless. The attack on
Kuwait we repulsed with almost no loss of life, so there is no threat.
Post by HOD
On more than one occasion it is reported that WMD's were utilized
by Iraq. Every single victim of these tragedies was living in this
"Grave threat to the world" means, to me, more then a threat to Saddams own
Post by HOD
why don't you ask the families of these thousands of victims if
Saddam represented "grave danger" to them. Any thinking person should
understand that if a maniac like Saddam will kill his own people as well as
people living right next door he would not hesitate to kill his worst
BY your definition the USA needs to be nuked, because we have enslaved
people, practiced genocide, locked people in concentration camps, made war
just to seize land, and used WMDs.
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the jackboot of
American soldiers
What utter silliness! How could you possibly know this.... have you asked
them! Come on, grow up!.. Let's wait a while to judge this outcome either
Listen to the people in Iraq silly, rather to the opinoins on FOXNEWS
2003-12-22 02:55:47 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
Post by HOD
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade
1) Iraq had no WMDs (not WADs)
Proof! (either, your choice)
We haven't found any - hence they are not there.
Have you ever seen a fart?

None of us know for sure either way about WMDs....... but you and I both
know that bacause we haven't seen them does not in any way prove that they
do not exist!
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
2) Iraq was no grave danger to the World
Well lets see..... Iraq....under your cousin, Saddam... has reportedly
killed tens of thousands of it's own people as well as it's neighbors
Post by HOD
and Iran.
We supported the attack against Iran, so that's meaningless.
Slow down Gomer, I care not about our support as it relates to my statement!
Did he or did he not kill thousands of his neighbors? yes or no?... stop
ducking, answer the question please!
Post by HOD
The attack on Kuwait we repulsed with almost no loss of life, so there is
no threat.

Would you be so phony and dishonest as to tell the people of Kuwait that
Saddam "is no threat"?

The seven months of brutal Iraqi occupation of Kuwait from August 2,
1990 to February 26, 1991 affected each and every aspect of Kuwaiti life.
Human, social, economic and environmental losses that Kuwait suffered were

Loss of Life

The Iraqi invasion caused widespread damage across Kuwait.

Kuwaitis paid the highest human price relative to their population.
An estimated number of 439 foreign nationals, 118 Kuwaiti soldiers and
113 Kuwaiti civilians were killed. Kuwait's human loss was proportionately
equivalent to about 400,000 Americans or 100,000 British.
The widespread landmines, estimated to be 2 million (92.4 mines per
square kilometre or 1.1 mine per Kuwaiti), left many more dead and
physically disabled.

Social and Psychological Damage

The use of coercion by Iraqis left a permanent scar on the Kuwaiti
people. All kinds of crime and torture were perpetrated by the aggressors
against civilians --- women, men, children and the elderly.

A list of methods used by the Iraqis, drawn by the Amnesty
International, reveals the extent of torture inflicted on innocent Kuwaitis.
These methods and their intentions were devilish. The methods included
fracturing limbs and ribs, administration of electric shocks, burning naked
body parts, pouring acid into the eyes eventually leading to blindness,
subjecting victims to mock trials, etc. The Iraqis denied medical care to
the Kuwaitis unless they changed their nationality to Iraq, a clear case of
human rights violation.

Public places such as hospitals, schools, parks, museums etc. were
used by the Iraqis as detention and torture centres. On their retreat,
Iraqis took away hundreds of innocent civilians as hostages and subjected
them to torture in Iraqi jails. Many of such prisoners of war are yet

Memories of such incidents continue to haunt Kuwaitis till date.
Kuwaitis continue to suffer from emotional disorders such as depression,
sleeplessness, anxiety, nightmares, absentmindedness, etc. Recalling the
days of horror is a traumatic experience for them and Kuwaitis are doing
their best to put the trauma behind them.

Destruction of Health Care Facilities

Once the centre of excellence, the health care sector was worst hit.
The Iraqis destroyed primary health centres, super-speciality hospitals, in
fact the total health care infrastructure. Looting, rioting and lack of
health staff caused a total collapse of the system. The impact on the public
health was most severe, as many diseases could not be controlled. Statistics
reveal the high prevalence of infant mortality, cases of miscarriages,
underweight babies, abnormal foetus, heart diseases etc.


Tell those folks that had acid poured in their eyes what a nice guy you
believe Saddam to be!
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
On more than one occasion it is reported that WMD's were utilized
by Iraq. Every single victim of these tragedies was living in this
"Grave threat to the world" means, to me, more then a threat to Saddams own
I don't understand your logic... but so be it!
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
why don't you ask the families of these thousands of victims if
Saddam represented "grave danger" to them. Any thinking person should
understand that if a maniac like Saddam will kill his own people as well
Post by HOD
people living right next door he would not hesitate to kill his worst
BY your definition the USA needs to be nuked, because we have enslaved
people, practiced genocide, locked people in concentration camps, made war
just to seize land, and used WMDs.
You just don't get it..... and it's possible you never will!

We are not talking about judgment for Iraq, we are talking about defending
ourselves against an evil, wicked dictator that the majority of Americans
happen to agree with President Bush who declared Saddam to represent a grave
danger of which the world needed to be defended!

(if you really believe those things about the U.S.A., why hang around/)
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
3) The people of Iraq were happier under Saddam then under the
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Post by abracadabra
American soldiers
What utter silliness! How could you possibly know this.... have you asked
them! Come on, grow up!.. Let's wait a while to judge this outcome either
Listen to the people in Iraq silly, rather to the opinoins on FOXNEWS
Goober there are over 22,000,000 people in Iraq and you are immature enough
to make a loonie liberal claim that you know how they feel about us being
there. When I asked how you know, you said that you heard them say so on the

Is this truly your position?
Harry Krause
2003-12-21 21:34:03 UTC
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, so as to prop up
my failing presidency at any cost.
This is clearly the 'reason of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
Thanks for sharing!
Email sent to ***@yahoo.com is never read.
2003-12-21 22:13:42 UTC
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
This is clearly the 'reason of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
Thanks for sharing!
any time Gomer!
2003-12-21 23:07:10 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without
Post by HOD
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons
Post by HOD
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
This is clearly the 'reason of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
Thanks for sharing!
any time Gomer!
OK but where the hell are the WMD?
2003-12-22 03:01:25 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without
Post by HOD
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons
Post by HOD
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
Post by Harry Krause
Post by HOD
This is clearly the 'reason of record' for the coalition to invade
Post by HOD
Post by Harry Krause
Thanks for sharing!
any time Gomer!
OK but where the hell are the WMD?
We'll know about 30-days before election! :-))
Mr. N
2003-12-22 03:17:12 UTC
Post by HOD
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
"Grave danger" represented by weapons of mass destruction that don't exist.

In other words - the reasons given by Bush for going to war were a lie.

Thanks for backing up what most Americans know.
Post by HOD
Truth has never been a friend to liberals!
It sure seems to be kicking the ass of you brain-dead unAmerican
big-government loving right wingers. Or would be if you knew the truth from
a hole in the ground.
-My Real Name
2003-12-22 17:50:16 UTC
Post by Mr. N
Post by HOD
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade
"Grave danger" represented by weapons of mass destruction that don't exist.
In other words - the reasons given by Bush for going to war were a lie.
Thanks for backing up what most Americans know.
That's it moron, if the facts as written don't support the liberal
agenda.... just rearrange the facts until they do!
Liberal bullshit 101......... Hey Gomer where do you get this "most
American" crap.... You are so stupid as to not know that the majority of
Americans, 70%... believe that attacking Iraq was a good thing.... Hello
Mr. N
2003-12-22 21:45:30 UTC
Post by HOD
That's it moron, if the facts as written don't support the liberal
agenda.... just rearrange the facts until they do!
Name some. Fact: this administration cited Iraq's development and
posession of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological and chemical)
as justification for invading.

Fact: none have been found. Not so much as a q-tip sample.

Fact: you're a jackass.

End of story, lying unAmerican asshole.
-My Real Name
2003-12-22 23:20:14 UTC
Post by Mr. N
Post by HOD
That's it moron, if the facts as written don't support the liberal
agenda.... just rearrange the facts until they do!
Name some.
"Name some" ???? name some what? Make yourself clear are hurry along, no
time for slugs!
Post by Mr. N
Fact: this administration cited Iraq's development and
posession of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological and chemical)
as justification for invading.
Never did! Only made statements based on intelligence at hand... no more, no
less... prove different or shut the shit up!
Post by Mr. N
Fact: none have been found. Not so much as a q-tip sample.
And that would prove.............?
Post by Mr. N
Fact: you're a jackass.
Look I know I'm too much for you... I really pull back often out of sympathy
but you are so completely deficient and you keep saying the same crap over
and over and over again..... you're just too easy! There are NG's , I
believe that would be more suited to your mental level....I asked the
administrator and he suggested www.ibstupid.pleasebgentle.com or maybe
www.boyiamdumb.com Try them and let us know....
Post by Mr. N
End of story, lying unAmerican asshole.
Good luck!
Mr. N
2003-12-23 07:17:21 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Mr. N
Post by HOD
That's it moron, if the facts as written don't support the liberal
agenda.... just rearrange the facts until they do!
Name some.
"Name some" ???? name some what?
Elements of "the liberal agenda".
Post by HOD
Post by Mr. N
Fact: this administration cited Iraq's development and
posession of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological and
Post by Mr. N
as justification for invading.
Never did!
Post by HOD
Only made statements based on intelligence at hand... no more, no
less... prove different or shut the shit up!
Sounds like fun:

"We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological
-GW Bush on Polish television

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of
mass destruction."
-Dick Cheney, Speech to VFW convention, 8/26/1992

"We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"
-Condoleeza Rice, 9/8/2002

"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for
the production of biological weapons."
-GW Bush, speech to the UN assembly, 9/12/2002

"Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the
facilities used to make more of those weapons."
-GW Bush, 10/5/2002

"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological
weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons."
"Saddam Hussein still has chemical and biological weapons and is increasing
his capabilities to make more. And he is moving ever closer to developing a
nuclear weapon."
"Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could
be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas"
-GW Bush, 10/7/2002

"The president of the United States and the secretary of defense would not
assert as plainly and bluntly as they have that Iraq has weapons of mass
destruction if it was not true, and if they did not have a solid basis for
saying it."
-Ari Fleischer, 12/4/2002

"We know for a fact that there are weapons there."

"the weapon of mass destruction which can kill more people than an atomic
bomb -- that is, biological weapons -- is in the hands of the leadership of
-Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader, 1/10/2003

"We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass
destruction, is determined to make more."

"Saddam Hussein has biological weapons and the capability to rapidly produce
more, many more. And he has the ability to dispense these lethal poisons and
diseases in ways that can cause massive death and destruction. "
-Colin Powell, 2/5/2003

"In Iraq, a dictator is building and hiding weapons that could enable him to
dominate the Middle East and intimidate the civilized world"
GW Bush, 2/26/2003

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that
the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal
weapons ever devised."
-GW Bush, 3/17/2003

"There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of
mass destruction."
-Tommy Franks, 3/22/2003

"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and
east, west, south and north somewhat."
-Donald Rumsfeld, 3/30/2003

"make no mistake -- as I said earlier -- we have high confidence that they
have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is
-Ari Fleischer, 4/10/2003

"We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so."
-GW Bush, 5/3/2003

"I'm not sure that's the major reason we went to war"
-Bill Frist, 6/26/2003
Post by HOD
Post by Mr. N
Fact: none have been found. Not so much as a q-tip sample.
And that would prove.............?
Bush and his cabinet and other advisors are either pathological liars or the
most grossly incompetent boobs to ever disgrace the White House in American

That (so far) over 400 American soldiers have died and over 10,000 wounded
for a series of eggregious lies?

Oh, lots of stuff.
-My Real Name
2003-12-24 04:30:58 UTC
Post by Mr. N
Post by HOD
Post by Mr. N
Post by HOD
That's it moron, if the facts as written don't support the liberal
agenda.... just rearrange the facts until they do!
Name some.
"Name some" ???? name some what?
Elements of "the liberal agenda".
"if the facts as written don't support the liberal agenda.... just rearrange
the facts until they do!"...
you are really one dumb slug, boy!
Post by Mr. N
Post by HOD
Post by Mr. N
Fact: this administration cited Iraq's development and
posession of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological and
Post by Mr. N
as justification for invading.
Never did!
Never..... always "based on intelligence"... prove otherwise or run!
Post by Mr. N
Post by HOD
Only made statements based on intelligence at hand... no more, no
less... prove different or shut the shit up!
so try it!
Post by Mr. N
"We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological
-GW Bush on Polish television
heh, heh, heh... you are the dumbest of the dumb!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of
mass destruction."
-Dick Cheney, Speech to VFW convention, 8/26/1992
"based on intelligence"

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"
-Condoleeza Rice, 9/8/2002
Post by Mr. N
"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for
the production of biological weapons."
-GW Bush, speech to the UN assembly, 9/12/2002
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"Iraq has stockpiled biological and chemical weapons, and is rebuilding the
facilities used to make more of those weapons."
-GW Bush, 10/5/2002
True, based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological
weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons."
"Saddam Hussein still has chemical and biological weapons and is increasing
his capabilities to make more. And he is moving ever closer to developing a
nuclear weapon."
"Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could
be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas"
-GW Bush, 10/7/2002
True, based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"The president of the United States and the secretary of defense would not
assert as plainly and bluntly as they have that Iraq has weapons of mass
destruction if it was not true, and if they did not have a solid basis for
saying it."
-Ari Fleischer, 12/4/2002
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"We know for a fact that there are weapons there."
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"the weapon of mass destruction which can kill more people than an atomic
bomb -- that is, biological weapons -- is in the hands of the leadership of
-Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader, 1/10/2003
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass
destruction, is determined to make more."
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"Saddam Hussein has biological weapons and the capability to rapidly produce
more, many more. And he has the ability to dispense these lethal poisons and
diseases in ways that can cause massive death and destruction. "
-Colin Powell, 2/5/2003
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"In Iraq, a dictator is building and hiding weapons that could enable him to
dominate the Middle East and intimidate the civilized world"
GW Bush, 2/26/2003
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that
the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal
weapons ever devised."
-GW Bush, 3/17/2003
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of
mass destruction."
-Tommy Franks, 3/22/2003
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and
east, west, south and north somewhat."
-Donald Rumsfeld, 3/30/2003
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"make no mistake -- as I said earlier -- we have high confidence that they
have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is
-Ari Fleischer, 4/10/2003
True based on intelligence!

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence
reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his
chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile
delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also
given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists,
including Al Qaeda members..."
---- Hillary Clinton, Oct 10, 2002
Post by Mr. N
"We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so."
-GW Bush, 5/3/2003
irrelevant !
Post by Mr. N
"I'm not sure that's the major reason we went to war"
-Bill Frist, 6/26/2003
irrelevant !
Post by Mr. N
Bush and his cabinet and other advisors are either pathological liars or the
most grossly incompetent boobs to ever disgrace the White House in American
irrelevant !... simply an idiot's opinion!
Post by Mr. N
That (so far) over 400 American soldiers have died and over 10,000 wounded
for a series of eggregious lies?
irrelevant !... simply an idiot's opinion!
Post by Mr. N
Oh, lots of stuff.
simply an idiot's opinion!

I'm still waiting....................................................zzzzzzz
2003-12-27 20:33:56 UTC
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
Truth has never been a friend to liberals!
It's been said that truth to a liberal is like Kryptonite to Superman!
Jeff George
2003-12-30 19:42:14 UTC
Post by Cleopatra
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
Truth has never been a friend to liberals!
It's been said that truth to a liberal is like Kryptonite to Superman!
So you are saying that you blindly follow what Chimpy says to you?

Jeff George
SLAP (Socialist Liberation Army of the People)
SLUG (Socialists for Liberty United Government)

Power to the People! Vive la revolution!
2003-12-31 02:21:22 UTC
Post by Jeff George
Post by Cleopatra
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
Truth has never been a friend to liberals!
It's been said that truth to a liberal is like Kryptonite to Superman!
So you are saying that you blindly follow what Chimpy says to you?
Gee Jeffy, I don't recall saying that. Do you have a post of mine that says
that? What I do believe to be reasonable is to trust him until it is proven
by people of sound minds (not liberals) that he has betrayed that trust. Now
Jeffy, that hasn't happened yet and I doubt that you bring much to the
table... so I'm just going to keep on trusting until I have reason not to!
Michael Zalar
2003-12-29 12:43:44 UTC
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
Truth has never been a friend to liberals!
What amazes me at frightens me is that there are still people who
believe that any of the above it true. Democracy requires a
well-informed public to work properly. What I have been seing over
the past dozen years or so, and in greater and greater preponderance
lately is the dumbing of America. I have no great fear that terrorists
will ever bring this country down. It is the people themselves that
end up spouting rhetoric instead of taking the time to inform
themselves that will be the death of the United States.


2003-12-29 14:36:02 UTC
Post by Michael Zalar
Post by HOD
Liberals are so consumed with beating on the "WAD" drum, without regard to
it's relevance, that they've refused to acknowledge the real reasons for war
as recorded by our President on March 19, 2003;
10:16 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition
forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to
free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.
These are clearly the 'reasons of record' for the coalition to invade Iraq!
Truth has never been a friend to liberals!
What amazes me at frightens me is that there are still people who
believe that any of the above it true.
Over 60% believe the above to be true!
Post by Michael Zalar
Democracy requires a
well-informed public to work properly.
More information available to the public today than anytime in history!
Post by Michael Zalar
What I have been seing over
the past dozen years or so, and in greater and greater preponderance
lately is the dumbing of America.
I've noticed that as well..... the common connection I've discovered is that
the dumbest of the dumb are habitual listeners of CNN, NPR, Peter Jennings
and Dan Rather!
Post by Michael Zalar
I have no great fear that terrorists
will ever bring this country down.
Did you think that they would ever bring down the World Trade Center Towers?
Post by Michael Zalar
It is the people themselves that
end up spouting rhetoric instead of taking the time to inform
themselves that will be the death of the United States.
Nope, if the United States is, in fact, destined to death.... it will be due
to the bleeding heart liberal agenda! If our destiny is left up to the loony
left... we will whine ourselves into total destruction!
Post by Michael Zalar
I agree with Pogo!
Jeff George
2003-12-30 20:54:45 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Michael Zalar
What amazes me at frightens me is that there are still people who
believe that any of the above it true.
Over 60% believe the above to be true!
Which just makes the whole situation even worse. If 60% or more of our
population believe lies to be true it either shows how manipulative
our government is, how gullible the population is, or both.
Post by HOD
More information available to the public today than anytime in history!
Post by Michael Zalar
What I have been seing over
the past dozen years or so, and in greater and greater preponderance
lately is the dumbing of America.
I've noticed that as well..... the common connection I've discovered is that
the dumbest of the dumb are habitual listeners of CNN, NPR, Peter Jennings
and Dan Rather!
Don't forge to include Rush Limburger, Bill O'Reilly, Mike Savage,
Mike Reagan, et al. in that list. The people that listen to those I've
listed don't actually get information, they get propaganda, and end up
becoming mindless zombies who follow every word of their masters'
Post by HOD
Post by Michael Zalar
I have no great fear that terrorists
will ever bring this country down.
Did you think that they would ever bring down the World Trade Center Towers?
Even if one didn't anticipate that, unlike our government who did and
let it happen, it doesn't mean you have to live in fear of terrorism.
Post by HOD
Post by Michael Zalar
It is the people themselves that
end up spouting rhetoric instead of taking the time to inform
themselves that will be the death of the United States.
Nope, if the United States is, in fact, destined to death.... it will be due
to the bleeding heart liberal agenda! If our destiny is left up to the loony
left... we will whine ourselves into total destruction!
Unlikely. It will be the war pig conservative corporations that bring
about our ruin. And we can only blame ourselves for letting it happen.

Jeff George
SLAP (Socialist Liberation Army of the People)
SLUG (Socialists for Liberty United Government)

Power to the People! Vive la revolution!
2003-12-31 02:26:22 UTC
Post by Jeff George
Post by HOD
Post by Michael Zalar
What amazes me at frightens me is that there are still people who
believe that any of the above it true.
Over 60% believe the above to be true!
Which just makes the whole situation even worse. If 60% or more of our
population believe lies to be true it either shows how manipulative
our government is, how gullible the population is, or both.
Man this gets old......
Jeffy can you provide proof that the above is a lie from Bush or anyone else
for that matter?
No, of course you can't so please run along.... you are trying my patience!
Post by Jeff George
Post by HOD
More information available to the public today than anytime in history!
Post by Michael Zalar
What I have been seing over
the past dozen years or so, and in greater and greater preponderance
lately is the dumbing of America.
I've noticed that as well..... the common connection I've discovered is that
the dumbest of the dumb are habitual listeners of CNN, NPR, Peter Jennings
and Dan Rather!
Don't forge to include Rush Limburger, Bill O'Reilly, Mike Savage,
Mike Reagan, et al. in that list. The people that listen to those I've
listed don't actually get information, they get propaganda, and end up
becoming mindless zombies who follow every word of their masters'
Post by HOD
Post by Michael Zalar
I have no great fear that terrorists
will ever bring this country down.
Did you think that they would ever bring down the World Trade Center Towers?
Even if one didn't anticipate that, unlike our government who did and
let it happen, it doesn't mean you have to live in fear of terrorism.
Jeffy, either declare these wild-eyed rants your simple opinion or provide
proof for these outlandish immature accusations!
Post by Jeff George
Post by HOD
Post by Michael Zalar
It is the people themselves that
end up spouting rhetoric instead of taking the time to inform
themselves that will be the death of the United States.
Nope, if the United States is, in fact, destined to death.... it will be due
to the bleeding heart liberal agenda! If our destiny is left up to the loony
left... we will whine ourselves into total destruction!
Unlikely. It will be the war pig conservative corporations that bring
about our ruin. And we can only blame ourselves for letting it happen.
We agree to disagree!
Fredric L. Rice
2003-12-31 23:18:01 UTC
Post by Jeff George
Post by HOD
Post by Michael Zalar
What amazes me at frightens me is that there are still people who
believe that any of the above it true.
Over 60% believe the above to be true!
Which just makes the whole situation even worse. If 60% or more of our
population believe lies to be true it either shows how manipulative
our government is, how gullible the population is, or both.
The American populace is extremely ignorant and gullible, concerned
solely with having all the food they can stuff into themselves and
whether The Simpsons is on television. The atrocities the United
States government engages in around the world rarely make it into
the conscience of the average American sheep.

Steve Allen called the level of willful stupidity "dumbth." When
the vast majority of a nation's people are kept fillfully ignorant
and superstitious, a handfull of fascists can control them. It's
one of the reasons why invaders ban domestic religions and install
their owns.

CAUTION: Reading these Scientoloy "secrets" will give you pneumonia:
2004-02-09 07:18:45 UTC
... the common connection I've discovered is that the dumbest of the dumb
habitual listeners of CNN, NPR, Peter Jennings and Dan Rather!
Consider this: There was a survey done of news viewers. The surveyor asked
1,700 Americans (a number that gives significance at the .5 level, which is
very high), which, if any, of the following falsehoods they believed: 1)
Most of the world supports Americas invasion of Iraq. 2) A connection
between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein has been proven. 3) We have found WMD’
s. The results were interesting. Those who get their news from the
networks (ABC, NBC, CBS), on average, believed one of those falsehoods was
true. Those who got their news from Fox, on average, believe that all three
falsehoods were true. Those who read newspapers believed none were true.
Those who listened to NPR and CPB (public broadcasting) were the best
informed. However, nothing changes the mind of true believers and they
can't be confused with the facts.
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
Gentleman Jim fights for you!
2004-02-10 20:57:06 UTC
Post by Nate
... the common connection I've discovered is that the dumbest of the dumb
habitual listeners of CNN, NPR, Peter Jennings and Dan Rather!
Consider this: There was a survey done of news viewers. The surveyor asked
1,700 Americans (a number that gives significance at the .5 level, which is
very high), which, if any, of the following falsehoods they believed: 1)
Most of the world supports Americas invasion of Iraq. 2) A connection
between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein has been proven. 3) We have found
Post by Nate
s. The results were interesting. Those who get their news from the
networks (ABC, NBC, CBS), on average, believed one of those falsehoods was
true. Those who got their news from Fox, on average, believe that all three
falsehoods were true. Those who read newspapers believed none were true.
Those who listened to NPR and CPB (public broadcasting) were the best
informed. However, nothing changes the mind of true believers and they
can't be confused with the facts.
Please don't present statements as facts without a
site/source/reference..... it's rather boring! You want to imply that all
listeners/viewers of Fox believe the three sillies listed above and I say to
you without reservation..... Bullshit!... if you really believe that, you
are an ignorant moron!

2004-02-09 07:13:34 UTC
Post by Michael Zalar
What amazes me at frightens me is that there are still people who
believe that any of the above it true. Democracy requires a
well-informed public to work properly. What I have been seing over
the past dozen years or so, and in greater and greater preponderance
lately is the dumbing of America. I have no great fear that terrorists
will ever bring this country down. It is the people themselves that
end up spouting rhetoric instead of taking the time to inform
themselves that will be the death of the United States.
I think the biggest problem in America right now, the greatest threat, is
the ignorant majority of American who refuse to be changed by the facts, or
dismissing facts because of who they come from or because what the facts say
doesn't fit with their ideology.
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
Gentleman Jim fights for you!
2003-12-31 23:49:43 UTC
Post by Jeff George
Which just makes the whole situation even worse. If 60% or more of our
population believe lies to be true it either shows how manipulative
our government is, how gullible the population is, or both.
It would also be saying that the other 40% do not fall for lies and are not
gullible. And this would be amazing because the government has almost all the
tools to control the population from education in public schools to all branches
of media to economic/job/credit controls.

Under these conditions if even 10% of the public remained honest and sought the
truth it means humanity still can be saved.

This message was posted via two or more anonymous remailing services.
2004-01-01 00:31:49 UTC
Post by doppelganger
Post by Jeff George
Which just makes the whole situation even worse. If 60% or more of our
population believe lies to be true it either shows how manipulative
our government is, how gullible the population is, or both.
It would also be saying that the other 40% do not fall for lies and are not
gullible. And this would be amazing because the government has almost all the
tools to control the population from education in public schools to all branches
of media to economic/job/credit controls.
Under these conditions if even 10% of the public remained honest and sought the
truth it means humanity still can be saved.
I like the way you think. It is always the remnant, the peculiar, the few
that make the difference...