Will Jr Invent New Bogeymen to Freak Out Americans?
(too old to reply)
2003-11-03 16:18:35 UTC
MIT professor "Noam Chomsky said that Bush will have to 'manufacture'
another threat to American security to win reelection in 2004 after U.S
failure in occupying Iraq. Chomsky, attending a Latin American social
sciences conference in Cuba, said that since the Sept. 11 attacks on the US,
the Bush administration had redefined U.S. national security policy to
include the use of force abroad, with or without U.N. approval. 'It is a
frightened country and it is easy to conjure up an imminent threat,' Chomsky
said... when asked how Bush could get reelected. 'They have a card that they
can play ... terrify the population with some invented threat, and that is
not very hard to do,' he said. After the 'disaster' of the U.S. invasion of
Iraq, Bush could turn his sights on Communist-run Cuba, which his
administration officials have charged with developing a biological weapons
research program."
2003-11-03 16:29:19 UTC
A new "threat" to be invented by Bush

Noam Chomsky believes that President Bush will have to "manufacture" another threat to
American security to win re-election in 2004,

He believes that the American population might be terrified by a new threat invented by Bush.

For example, Bush might cause widespread fear by accusing Cuba of developing a biological
weapons research programme.

Gregory Gadow
2003-11-03 18:32:53 UTC
Post by Enceladus
MIT professor "Noam Chomsky said that Bush will have to 'manufacture'
another threat to American security to win reelection in 2004 after U.S
failure in occupying Iraq. Chomsky, attending a Latin American social
sciences conference in Cuba, said that since the Sept. 11 attacks on the US,
the Bush administration had redefined U.S. national security policy to
include the use of force abroad, with or without U.N. approval. 'It is a
frightened country and it is easy to conjure up an imminent threat,' Chomsky
said... when asked how Bush could get reelected. 'They have a card that they
can play ... terrify the population with some invented threat, and that is
not very hard to do,' he said. After the 'disaster' of the U.S. invasion of
Iraq, Bush could turn his sights on Communist-run Cuba, which his
administration officials have charged with developing a biological weapons
research program."
Who wants to be that the California wild fires will have been set by al-Qaida operatives?
That West Nile Virus will turn out to be one of Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction" by
biological means?

But why go that far? Simply "capture" some "terrorists" trying to break in to a nuclear
facility in oh, say, early October. Since they will OF COURSE be held without habeas
corpus and without any kind of publicity (other than national headline news and some
official "what if they had succeeded" computer simulations playing 20/7 on Faux News), no
one need know that there never were any terrorists, just a memo from the White House.
Gregory Gadow

"If you make yourself a sheep, the wolves will eat you."
-- Benjamin Franklin
2003-11-05 05:47:30 UTC
Too late. It would have to be actually comitted, the evil deed by or
fostered by the evil planners of such things.

Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?
Post by Enceladus
MIT professor "Noam Chomsky said that Bush will have to 'manufacture'
another threat to American security to win reelection in 2004 after U.S
failure in occupying Iraq. Chomsky, attending a Latin American social
sciences conference in Cuba, said that since the Sept. 11 attacks on the US,
the Bush administration had redefined U.S. national security policy to
include the use of force abroad, with or without U.N. approval. 'It is a
frightened country and it is easy to conjure up an imminent threat,' Chomsky
said... when asked how Bush could get reelected. 'They have a card that they
can play ... terrify the population with some invented threat, and that is
not very hard to do,' he said. After the 'disaster' of the U.S. invasion of
Iraq, Bush could turn his sights on Communist-run Cuba, which his
administration officials have charged with developing a biological weapons
research program."