President Bush is a good guy!
(too old to reply)
2004-02-19 02:12:52 UTC
He keeps getting attacked without anyone proposing solutions to our
domestic & international problems. He's still smiling because he is a
real leader. He sticks by his agenda no matter what polls say because he
is a man of conviction. A real leader does things not because it's
popular, but because he believes it's the right thing to do. President
Bush is a good guy and a strong leader!
Bush's own people are starting to wonder if they should trust him. I admit
that I can understand why they think he is a good leader -- he seems like a
guy with true, honest convictions. But, when you look into it more deeply
without that pre-decided opinion, you'll see the true George W.

There are plenty of examples of Bush being a complete lying hypocrite for
calling himself the "compassionate conservative" that he is not. Because it
wins the votes of people who will believe what they want to hear and dismiss
anything that doesn't coincide with their ideology.

If you want a list of examples of why Bush, his family, and many other right
wing nuts are hypocrites, check this out:
You'll love this video [basically about the hypocrisy of the Republican wing
nuts: http://www.gentlemanjim.net/episodes/familyvalues2_web.mov
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
Mr. Smith
2004-02-19 06:11:12 UTC
Post by Nate
He keeps getting attacked without anyone proposing solutions to our
domestic & international problems. He's still smiling because he is a
real leader. He sticks by his agenda no matter what polls say because he
is a man of conviction. A real leader does things not because it's
popular, but because he believes it's the right thing to do. President
Bush is a good guy and a strong leader!
Bush keeps smiling because he's a VERY simple person.
Ignorance is bliss.
Post by Nate
Bush's own people are starting to wonder if they should trust him. I admit
that I can understand why they think he is a good leader -- he seems like a
guy with true, honest convictions. But, when you look into it more deeply
without that pre-decided opinion, you'll see the true George W.
There are plenty of examples of Bush being a complete lying hypocrite for
calling himself the "compassionate conservative" that he is not. Because it
wins the votes of people who will believe what they want to hear and dismiss
anything that doesn't coincide with their ideology.
If you want a list of examples of why Bush, his family, and many other right
You'll love this video [basically about the hypocrisy of the Republican wing
nuts: http://www.gentlemanjim.net/episodes/familyvalues2_web.mov
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers