(too old to reply)
2004-09-12 04:39:48 UTC
This explosion supposedly occurred on Thursday. What the fuck is going on?
Did Georgie girl take his eye off the ball?

Big blast reported in North Korea
A big explosion rocked a northern province of North Korea near the border
with China last week, South Korea's Yonhap new agency is reporting.
The blast on Thursday was seen from a satellite, Yonhap quoted an unnamed
source in Beijing as saying.

The cause has yet to be determined, the source said.

In April, an explosion at a railway station in North Korea killed more than
150 people - but Pyongyang only admitted the incident three days later.

Yonhap quoted a diplomatic source in Seoul as saying a mushroom cloud, with
a radius of 3.5-4 kms (2.2-2.5 miles), was spotted in Kimhyungjik county in
Yanggang province.

But Seoul's top negotiator with North Korea, Unification Minister Chung
Dong-young, reportedly played down the possibility that it might have been a
nuclear weapons' test.

He said South Korea was trying to get confirmation of the explosion and its
effects, Yonhap reported.

The blast is said to have happened on 9 September, as North Korea marked the
56th anniversary of its founding.
Hanoi John
2004-09-12 04:44:57 UTC
The following chronology of events is by no means complete.

Read the Cox Report. Download it all or read it at:

http://web783a6.ntx.net/Cox_Report/ and don't get side-tracked from the sale of
America. The media and the Clinton admimistration are using every hot button
issue to keep your mind off this. How many news reports or posts have you seen
today on this topic? Probably one. This one. This issue has teeth and the
traitors that betrayed America should be charged with treason and executed like
the Rosenburg's were if they are found guilty. This is treason.

1978 - The PRC stolen design information on the U.S. W-70 "neutron bomb" warhead
and the theft included design information. It was discovered several months
after it took place.

1983 - The PRC is presumed to have exploited the CFM-56 jet engine technology
from a civilian program. The CFM-56 contains the same core section as the engine
used in the B-1B bomber.

1985 - Peter Lee who formerly worked at the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratories, passed classified information to the PRC. He stole for
the PRC, classified information about the use of lasers to create nuclear
explosions on a miniature scale. The FBI first learns of this theft by Peter Lee
in 1997.


1992 - Clinton administration starts a trend towards liberalization of dual-use
technology transfers to the PRC.


1993 - Clinton administration ignores the PRC transfer of missile technology to
Pakistan and continues with technology transfers to China.

1993 - Clinton administration ignores convictions of Bin Wu, and two other PRC
nationals, convicted in a U.S. court of smuggling third-generation night-vision
equipment to the PRC.

1993 - Clinton administration's Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, met directly
with the head of Loral on at least four occasions and he accompanied Brown on a
1994 trade mission to the PRC.

1993 - Clinton administration ignores further warning signals when PRC national
Yen Men Kao, a North Carolina restaurant owner, was arrested by the FBI and
charged with conspiring to steal and export classified and export-controlled
high-technology items to the PRC.

1993 - Clinton administration approves the first of several waivers or export
licenses for an aggregate of five satellite projects by Loral and Hughes.


1994 - China National Aero-Technology Import-Export Corporation (CATIC)
purchases advanced machine tools from McDonnell Douglas.


1995 - Clinton administration is informed of massive Chinese espionage on
nuclear technology secrets concerning our weapons laboratories.

1995 - Clinton administration dual technology transfers study by the Office of
Technology Assessment found that the PRC’s joint ventures with the United States
in commercial aircraft production appear to have enabled the PLA to machine
smoother skins on its fighter aircraft. 122 Other PRC military products, such
as air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles, submarines, and short-range ballistic
missiles, also appear to have benefited from foreign technical help.

1995 - Following the CIA’s receipt of evidence that the PRC had acquired
technical information on a number of U.S. thermonuclear warheads, including not
only the W-88 Trident D-5 but five other warheads as well, the Department of
Energy’s investigation intensified. One individual who had hosted PRC visitors
in the past emerged from this inquiry as a suspect by the spring of 1995. Even
after being identified as a suspect, the individual, who still had a security
clearance, continued to work in one of the most sensitive divisions at Los
Alamos National Laboratory, Division X, which handles thermonuclear weapons
designs and computer codes. In this position, the suspect requested and received
permission to hire a PRC graduate student who was studying in the U.S. for the
summer. In December 1998, the suspect traveled to Taiwan. Following his return
from Taiwan in December 1998, he was removed from Division X.


1996 - Clinton administration allows sale of 600 SUPER COMPUTERS necessary to
realize practical bomb designs.

1996 - Clinton administration get large contribution from president of LORAL.

1996 - Clinton administration ignores the U.S. Customs confiscation of over
2,000 AK-47 assault rifles that were being smuggled into the United States
aboard COSCO ships and continues with it's "business as usual" policy towards
the PRC.

1996 - Clinton administration hosts a "coffee" for Wang Jun. Wang is publicly
known in the United States for his role in the 1996 campaign finance scandal and
for Polytechnologies’ indictment stemming from its 1996 attempt to smuggle 2,000
Chinese AK-47 assault rifles into the United States. He attended a White House
"coffee" with President Clinton in February 1996 and was given a meeting with
Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown the following day. Wang Jun was also connected
to over $600,000 in illegal campaign contributions made by Charlie Trie to the
U.S. Democratic National Committee (DNC).

1996 - Hong Kong Customs officials intercepted air-to-air missile parts bound
for China on a commercial airliner.

1996 - Clinton administration on June 18, 1996, hosts a coffee at the White
House for executives Dhanin Chearavanont (CP Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer), Sumet Chearavanont (Vice Chairman and President), and Sarasin Virapol
(employee and translator). The CP executives were invited to the coffee by their
Washington, D.C., lobbyist, Pauline Kanchanalak.

1996 - Clinton meets with Col. Liu, in July 1996 in a meeting arranged by and
Johnny Chung at a DNC fundraiser where she met President Clinton and executives
involved in the import-export business.

1996 - The U.S. Intelligence Community reported the PRC stole neutron bomb
technology from a U.S. national weapons laboratory.

1996 - 1997 Clinton administration ignores warning signals when the Los Angeles
office of the U.S. Customs Service seized over $36 million in excess military
property that was being shipped overseas illegally. Among the seized U.S.
military surplus equipment on its way to the PRC and Hong Kong were:

37 inertial navigation systems for the U.S. F-117 and FB-111 aircraft.
Thousands of computers and computer disks containing classified Top Secret and
higher information.
Patriot missile parts.
500 electron tubes used in the U.S. F-14 fighter.
Tank and howitzer parts.
26,000 encryption devices.


1997 - Clinton administration stops investigation of LORAL'S transfer of missile
guidance secrets to the Chinese.

1997 - Clinton administration rejects wire tapping request (THREE TIMES!) of
suspected spy, the only such request that was rejected out of hundreds.

1997 - Clinton administration supports efforts made by China Ocean Shipping
Company (COSCO), to lease port space that was being vacated by the U.S. Navy in
Long Beach, California. Legislation passed by both houses of Congress in 1997
barred the lease and voided the President’s authority to grant a waiver.

1997 - July 1, 1997. U.S. trade officials report that no inspections by the Hong
Kong regional government nor by any other government, including the United
States, are permitted when PLA vehicles cross the Hong Kong border.

1997 - Communist Party Secretary Jiang Zemin, in March 1997, publicly called for
an "extensive, thoroughgoing and sustained upsurge" in the PLA’s acquisition of
high technology.

1997 - Clinton administration's State Department said in Senate testimony, it
could identify only two PLA companies that were doing business in the United
States, while the AFL-CIO identified at least 12, and a Washington based
think-tank identified 20 to 30 such companies. The Select Committee has
determined that all three figures are far below the true figure.

1997 - The FBI learns of the Peter Lee thefts in 1985 and 1997 while he worked
at TRW and Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Peter Lee, a Taiwanese-born,
naturalized U.S. citizen who formerly worked at the Los Alamos and Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratories, passed classified information to the PRC. Lee
passed to the PRC classified U.S. developmental research on very sensitive
detection techniques that, if successfully concluded, could be used to threaten
previously invulnerable U.S. nuclear submarines.

1997 - Stanley Ho hands a check for $250.000.00 to Clinton at a 1997 White House
reception to fund the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial. Ho is a suspected
"member/leader" of the notorious Kung Lok triad.


1998 - Clinton administration is repeatedly briefed on the ongoing Chinese
espionage at our national laboratories.

1998 - The PRC’s 1998 Defense White Paper pointedly stated that "no effort will
be spared to improve the modernization level of weaponry." (My personal note on
this: HELLO! Is anyone home?)


1999 - January - Clinton administration received the ONLY copy of the Cox Report
outlining the Chinese espionage. Clinton is briefed on a number of occasion by
aides on the espionage.

1999 - January 3, 1999, Loral and Hughes succeeded in obtaining the last of 5
waivers or export licenses for an aggregate of five satellite projects.

1999 - March - Clinton denies any espionage of nuclear technology during his
administration directly in front of millions of people on national television.

1999 - June 27 - Clinton admits he picked a poor choice of words when he made
his March denial of spying during his administration. That's lawyer talk for I
lied and I got caught.


Clinton is linked to Stanley Ho with a 1/4 Million dollar contribution. Ho is a
suspected “member/leader” of the notorious Kung Lok triad.
Post by enceladus
This explosion supposedly occurred on Thursday. What the fuck is going on?
Did Georgie girl take his eye off the ball?
Big blast reported in North Korea
A big explosion rocked a northern province of North Korea near the border
with China last week, South Korea's Yonhap new agency is reporting.
The blast on Thursday was seen from a satellite, Yonhap quoted an unnamed
source in Beijing as saying.
The cause has yet to be determined, the source said.
In April, an explosion at a railway station in North Korea killed more than
150 people - but Pyongyang only admitted the incident three days later.
Yonhap quoted a diplomatic source in Seoul as saying a mushroom cloud, with
a radius of 3.5-4 kms (2.2-2.5 miles), was spotted in Kimhyungjik county in
Yanggang province.
But Seoul's top negotiator with North Korea, Unification Minister Chung
Dong-young, reportedly played down the possibility that it might have been a
nuclear weapons' test.
He said South Korea was trying to get confirmation of the explosion and its
effects, Yonhap reported.
The blast is said to have happened on 9 September, as North Korea marked the
56th anniversary of its founding.


We might have burned your house

We might have shot your dog

We might have shot you...

We might have raped your wife and daughter

We might have turned you over to your government for torture

We might have taken souvenirs from your property

We might have shot things up a bit...

We might have done ALL these things to you

and your whole TOWN!

If it doesn't bother you that American Soldiers
do these things every day to the Vietnamese
simply because they are "Gooks", then picture YOURSELF
as one of the silent VICTIMS.

or a corpse.

156 Fifth Avenue, New York City, New York 10010

source: 611.mystarband.net/images/VVAW06.jpg

I'm NOT John Kerry and I approve of this message.

*** Communist Vietnamese honor John Kerry ***

Hero in their victory over the United States.

(5 Meg download of Video of the Kerry Medal Toss)

Jane Fonda tells the student audience at the Michigan State
University in 1969; "I would think that if you understood what
communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees,
that we would someday become communist."


John and Jane forever...
Mr. Smith
2004-09-12 06:19:27 UTC
What part of North Korea did you not understand?
Hanoi John
2004-09-12 06:44:20 UTC
What part of Communist China shared W88 info with Communist N. Korea
because 1 their missiles fell over when they tried to launch them and
the handy-dandy inertial guidance system the ChiCom's bought at a DNC
clearance sale made them fly perfectly...

over Taiwan
Post by Mr. Smith
What part of North Korea did you not understand?
What part of Communist nations sharing didn't you get?



We might have burned your house

We might have shot your dog

We might have shot you...

We might have raped your wife and daughter

We might have turned you over to your government for torture

We might have taken souvenirs from your property

We might have shot things up a bit...

We might have done ALL these things to you

and your whole TOWN!

If it doesn't bother you that American Soldiers
do these things every day to the Vietnamese
simply because they are "Gooks", then picture YOURSELF
as one of the silent VICTIMS.

or a corpse.

156 Fifth Avenue, New York City, New York 10010

source: 611.mystarband.net/images/VVAW06.jpg

I'm NOT John Kerry and I approve of this message.

*** Communist Vietnamese honor John Kerry ***

Hero in their victory over the United States.

(5 Meg download of Video of the Kerry Medal Toss)

Jane Fonda tells the student audience at the Michigan State
University in 1969; "I would think that if you understood what
communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees,
that we would someday become communist."


John and Jane forever...
2004-09-12 14:42:58 UTC
Post by Hanoi John
The following chronology of events is by no means complete.
http://web783a6.ntx.net/Cox_Report/ and don't get side-tracked from the sale of
America. The media and the Clinton admimistration are using every hot button
issue to keep your mind off this. How many news reports or posts have you seen
today on this topic? Probably one. This one. This issue has teeth and the
traitors that betrayed America should be charged with treason and executed like
the Rosenburg's were if they are found guilty. This is treason.
1978 - The PRC stolen design information on the U.S. W-70 "neutron bomb" warhead
and the theft included design information. It was discovered several months
after it took place.
1983 - The PRC is presumed to have exploited the CFM-56 jet engine technology
from a civilian program. The CFM-56 contains the same core section as the engine ( General Electric Jet Engine Service is Doing Bussiness in China Over Hauling CFM-56 and allows one of the Engines to dissapear.)
used in the B-1B bomber.
December 20, 1983 found Rumsfeld in Baghdad supping with Saddam and
Iraq's foreign minister Tariq Aziz. By all accounts the day long
session was amiable and cordial. Rumsfeld chose not to issue a
remonstrance about Iraq's lethal use of chemical weapons against Iran.
Rumsfeld, known as the Prince of Darkness by some of his staffers, was
well acquainted with the slaughter. He was in possession of a State
Department memo dated November 1, 1983 by Middle East specialist
Jonathan Howe who warned the administration of "almost daily use of CW
by Iraq against Iranian forces."
Rumsfeld blew off the reports of atrocities and instead encouraged
Saddam to press his war on Iran. By February 1984, a UN investigation
publicly confirmed the gassings, but that didn't deter Rumsfeld from
meeting with Tariq Aziz again on March 26, 1984, where he again failed
to reprimand the Iraqis (now essentially pursuing a proxy war for the
US) for the war crimes. Two decades later, Rumsfeld, without cracking
a grin, repeatedly invoked Saddam's use of poison gas in the 1980s as
a justification for Bush's pre-emptive war.
Post by Hanoi John
1985 - Peter Lee who formerly worked at the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratories, passed classified information to the PRC. He stole for
the PRC, classified information about the use of lasers to create nuclear
explosions on a miniature scale. The FBI first learns of this theft by Peter Lee
in 1997.
1992 - Clinton administration starts a trend towards liberalization of dual-use
technology transfers to the PRC.
1993 - Clinton administration ignores the PRC transfer of missile technology to
Pakistan and continues with technology transfers to China.
1993 - Clinton administration ignores convictions of Bin Wu, and two other PRC
nationals, convicted in a U.S. court of smuggling third-generation night-vision
equipment to the PRC.
1993 - Clinton administration's Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, met directly
with the head of Loral on at least four occasions and he accompanied Brown on a
1994 trade mission to the PRC.

Cut to 1994. Now Rumsfeld plying his craft back in the corporate
milieu, this time for the Swiss engineering giant ABB, which
specializes in the construction of nuclear power plants. In the fall
of that year, ABB received a $200 million contract to construct two
light-water reactors for the Pyongyang government, under a deal
sanctioned by the State Department during the Clinton years.

Oddly, Rumsfeld was later to cite the reactors as evidence of North
Korea's malign intention to pursue the development of nuclear weapons
and used the reactors as justification for sinking billions in Bush's
Star Wars scheme.

When confronted by the fact that the reactors under scrutiny had been
sold to North Korea by his very own company, Rumsfeld feigned
ignorance, just has he had done when presented with a videotape of him
greeting Saddam.
Post by Hanoi John
1993 - Clinton administration ignores further warning signals when PRC national
Yen Men Kao, a North Carolina restaurant owner, was arrested by the FBI and
charged with conspiring to steal and export classified and export-controlled
high-technology items to the PRC.
( Israel is later found to have supplied Over the Horizon Radar Technology, and reversed Engineered Patriot Missile Technology)
1993 - Clinton administration approves the first of several waivers or export
licenses for an aggregate of five satellite projects by Loral and Hughes.
1994 - China National Aero-Technology Import-Export Corporation (CATIC)
purchases advanced machine tools from McDonnell Douglas.
1995 - Clinton administration is informed of massive Chinese espionage on
nuclear technology secrets concerning our weapons laboratories.
1995 - Clinton administration dual technology transfers study by the Office of
Technology Assessment found that the PRC?s joint ventures with the United States
in commercial aircraft production appear to have enabled the PLA to machine
smoother skins on its fighter aircraft. 122 Other PRC military products, such
as air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles, submarines, and short-range ballistic
missiles, also appear to have benefited from foreign technical help.
1995 - Following the CIA?s receipt of evidence that the PRC had acquired
technical information on a number of U.S. thermonuclear warheads, including not
only the W-88 Trident D-5 but five other warheads as well, the Department of
Energy?s investigation intensified. One individual who had hosted PRC visitors
in the past emerged from this inquiry as a suspect by the spring of 1995. Even
after being identified as a suspect, the individual, who still had a security
clearance, continued to work in one of the most sensitive divisions at Los
Alamos National Laboratory, Division X, which handles thermonuclear weapons
designs and computer codes. In this position, the suspect requested and received
permission to hire a PRC graduate student who was studying in the U.S. for the
summer. In December 1998, the suspect traveled to Taiwan. Following his return
from Taiwan in December 1998, he was removed from Division X.
1996 - Clinton administration allows sale of 600 SUPER COMPUTERS necessary to
realize practical bomb designs.
1996 - Clinton administration get large contribution from president of LORAL.
1996 - Clinton administration ignores the U.S. Customs confiscation of over
2,000 AK-47 assault rifles that were being smuggled into the United States
aboard COSCO ships and continues with it's "business as usual" policy towards
the PRC.
1996 - Clinton administration hosts a "coffee" for Wang Jun. Wang is publicly
known in the United States for his role in the 1996 campaign finance scandal and
for Polytechnologies? indictment stemming from its 1996 attempt to smuggle 2,000
Chinese AK-47 assault rifles into the United States. He attended a White House
"coffee" with President Clinton in February 1996 and was given a meeting with
Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown the following day. Wang Jun was also connected
to over $600,000 in illegal campaign contributions made by Charlie Trie to the
U.S. Democratic National Committee (DNC).
As of 09/13/04 Bush has allowed AK-47 assault weapons to become legal,
in early 2004 the Italians find a container full of these AK-47
weapons on a ship destined to NYC. Have not heard anymore about that.
Post by Hanoi John
1996 - Hong Kong Customs officials intercepted air-to-air missile parts bound
for China on a commercial airliner.
( That originated from Israel)
1996 - Clinton administration on June 18, 1996, hosts a coffee at the White
House for executives Dhanin Chearavanont (CP Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer), Sumet Chearavanont (Vice Chairman and President), and Sarasin Virapol
(employee and translator). The CP executives were invited to the coffee by their
Washington, D.C., lobbyist, Pauline Kanchanalak.
1996 - Clinton meets with Col. Liu, in July 1996 in a meeting arranged by and
Johnny Chung at a DNC fundraiser where she met President Clinton and executives
( And also took a tour of the General Electric Engine Manufacturing
plant in Evendale, Ohio. Where Military Jet engines are Built.)
Post by Hanoi John
involved in the import-export business.
1996 - The U.S. Intelligence Community reported the PRC stole neutron bomb
technology from a U.S. national weapons laboratory.
1978 - The PRC stolen design information on the U.S. W-70 "neutron
bomb" warhead
Post by Hanoi John
and the theft included design information. It was discovered several months
after it took place.
1996 - 1997 Clinton administration ignores warning signals when the Los Angeles
office of the U.S. Customs Service seized over $36 million in excess military
property that was being shipped overseas illegally. Among the seized U.S.
37 inertial navigation systems for the U.S. F-117 and FB-111 aircraft.
Thousands of computers and computer disks containing classified Top Secret and
higher information.
Patriot missile parts.
500 electron tubes used in the U.S. F-14 fighter.
Tank and howitzer parts.
26,000 encryption devices.
( Funny way of Ignoring Problem when all this is seized, if ignoring
the problem you would not have heard about them being seized. The real
problem is Company's like General Electric, Hughs, and Countries like
Israel and others are allowed to sell Technology to China. General
Electric built a State of the Art Jet Engine Overhaul Plant in
partnership with the PRC. All that crap you buy from Wal-Mart that
comes from China, the profits go to the Chinese Military through a
front company)
Post by Hanoi John
1997 - Clinton administration stops investigation of LORAL'S transfer of missile
guidance secrets to the Chinese.
1997 - Clinton administration rejects wire tapping request (THREE TIMES!) of
suspected spy, the only such request that was rejected out of hundreds.
1997 - Clinton administration supports efforts made by China Ocean Shipping
Company (COSCO), to lease port space that was being vacated by the U.S. Navy in
Long Beach, California. Legislation passed by both houses of Congress in 1997
barred the lease and voided the President?s authority to grant a waiver.
1997 - July 1, 1997. U.S. trade officials report that no inspections by the Hong
Kong regional government nor by any other government, including the United
States, are permitted when PLA vehicles cross the Hong Kong border.
1997 - Communist Party Secretary Jiang Zemin, in March 1997, publicly called for
an "extensive, thoroughgoing and sustained upsurge" in the PLA?s acquisition of
high technology.
1997 - Clinton administration's State Department said in Senate testimony, it
could identify only two PLA companies that were doing business in the United
States, while the AFL-CIO identified at least 12, and a Washington based
think-tank identified 20 to 30 such companies. The Select Committee has
determined that all three figures are far below the true figure.
( Gee I wonder what Company's did not want this to happen, bet it is
the same ones by Bush insiders and sitting right now on Bush's
Post by Hanoi John
1997 - The FBI learns of the Peter Lee thefts in 1985 and 1997 while he worked
at TRW and Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Peter Lee, a Taiwanese-born,
naturalized U.S. citizen who formerly worked at the Los Alamos and Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratories, passed classified information to the PRC. Lee
passed to the PRC classified U.S. developmental research on very sensitive
detection techniques that, if successfully concluded, could be used to threaten
previously invulnerable U.S. nuclear submarines.
1997 - Stanley Ho hands a check for $250.000.00 to Clinton at a 1997 White House
reception to fund the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial. Ho is a suspected
"member/leader" of the notorious Kung Lok triad.
1998 - Clinton administration is repeatedly briefed on the ongoing Chinese
espionage at our national laboratories.
1998 - The PRC?s 1998 Defense White Paper pointedly stated that "no effort will
be spared to improve the modernization level of weaponry." (My personal note on
this: HELLO! Is anyone home?)
1999 - January - Clinton administration received the ONLY copy of the Cox Report
outlining the Chinese espionage. Clinton is briefed on a number of occasion by
aides on the espionage. ( funny I read the Cox Report and had have a Copy on Disc downloaded it from the Government back in 1999)
1999 - January 3, 1999, Loral and Hughes succeeded in obtaining the last of 5
waivers or export licenses for an aggregate of five satellite projects.
1999 - March - Clinton denies any espionage of nuclear technology during his
administration directly in front of millions of people on national television.
1999 - June 27 - Clinton admits he picked a poor choice of words when he made
his March denial of spying during his administration. That's lawyer talk for I
lied and I got caught.
Clinton is linked to Stanley Ho with a 1/4 Million dollar contribution. Ho is a
suspected ?member/leader? of the notorious Kung Lok triad.
Post by enceladus
This explosion supposedly occurred on Thursday. What the fuck is going on?
Did Georgie girl take his eye off the ball?
Big blast reported in North Korea
A big explosion rocked a northern province of North Korea near the border
with China last week, South Korea's Yonhap new agency is reporting.
The blast on Thursday was seen from a satellite, Yonhap quoted an unnamed
source in Beijing as saying.
The cause has yet to be determined, the source said.
In April, an explosion at a railway station in North Korea killed more than
150 people - but Pyongyang only admitted the incident three days later.
Yonhap quoted a diplomatic source in Seoul as saying a mushroom cloud, with
a radius of 3.5-4 kms (2.2-2.5 miles), was spotted in Kimhyungjik county in
Yanggang province.
But Seoul's top negotiator with North Korea, Unification Minister Chung
Dong-young, reportedly played down the possibility that it might have been a
nuclear weapons' test.
He said South Korea was trying to get confirmation of the explosion and its
effects, Yonhap reported.
The blast is said to have happened on 9 September, as North Korea marked the
56th anniversary of its founding.
We might have burned your house
We might have shot your dog
We might have shot you...
We might have raped your wife and daughter
We might have turned you over to your government for torture
We might have taken souvenirs from your property
We might have shot things up a bit...
We might have done ALL these things to you
and your whole TOWN!
If it doesn't bother you that American Soldiers
do these things every day to the Vietnamese
simply because they are "Gooks", then picture YOURSELF
as one of the silent VICTIMS.
or a corpse.
156 Fifth Avenue, New York City, New York 10010
source: 611.mystarband.net/images/VVAW06.jpg
I'm NOT John Kerry and I approve of this message.
*** Communist Vietnamese honor John Kerry ***
Hero in their victory over the United States.
(5 Meg download of Video of the Kerry Medal Toss)
Jane Fonda tells the student audience at the Michigan State
University in 1969; "I would think that if you understood what
communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees,
that we would someday become communist."
John and Jane forever...
Righteous Dan
2004-09-14 19:55:26 UTC
Noooooo, Thank You: Bill Clinton and his Marxist Administration, Jimmy
Carter and his Human Rights organizations, and all the idiots (read:
Marxists) at the DNC!!!
Post by enceladus
This explosion supposedly occurred on Thursday. What the fuck is going
on? Did Georgie girl take his eye off the ball?
Big blast reported in North Korea
A big explosion rocked a northern province of North Korea near the border
with China last week, South Korea's Yonhap new agency is reporting.
The blast on Thursday was seen from a satellite, Yonhap quoted an unnamed
source in Beijing as saying.
The cause has yet to be determined, the source said.
In April, an explosion at a railway station in North Korea killed more
than 150 people - but Pyongyang only admitted the incident three days
Yonhap quoted a diplomatic source in Seoul as saying a mushroom cloud,
with a radius of 3.5-4 kms (2.2-2.5 miles), was spotted in Kimhyungjik
county in Yanggang province.
But Seoul's top negotiator with North Korea, Unification Minister Chung
Dong-young, reportedly played down the possibility that it might have been
a nuclear weapons' test.
He said South Korea was trying to get confirmation of the explosion and
its effects, Yonhap reported.
The blast is said to have happened on 9 September, as North Korea marked
the 56th anniversary of its founding.
2004-09-18 23:57:22 UTC
Post by enceladus
This explosion supposedly occurred on Thursday. What the fuck is going on?
Did Georgie girl take his eye off the ball?
Big blast reported in North Korea
A big explosion rocked a northern province of North Korea near the border
with China last week, South Korea's Yonhap new agency is reporting.
The blast on Thursday was seen from a satellite, Yonhap quoted an unnamed
source in Beijing as saying.
The cause has yet to be determined, the source said.
In April, an explosion at a railway station in North Korea killed more than
150 people - but Pyongyang only admitted the incident three days later.
Yonhap quoted a diplomatic source in Seoul as saying a mushroom cloud, with
a radius of 3.5-4 kms (2.2-2.5 miles), was spotted in Kimhyungjik county in
Yanggang province.
But Seoul's top negotiator with North Korea, Unification Minister Chung
Dong-young, reportedly played down the possibility that it might have been a
nuclear weapons' test.
He said South Korea was trying to get confirmation of the explosion and its
effects, Yonhap reported.
The blast is said to have happened on 9 September, as North Korea marked the
56th anniversary of its founding.
It was a dam collapsing. They told our allies that they can come in and
see it. They weren't exploding nukes. Relax.
