The Headline That All Liberals Hate To See !
(too old to reply)
2004-01-08 23:40:33 UTC
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
John Slade
2004-01-09 00:16:44 UTC
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Are you smoking crack? Liberals didn't want our troops to got there in
the first place. Bush lied to send those men and women to die. You have your
head so far up his ass you will watch him lie to your face then kiss his ass
for doing it.

2004-01-09 01:39:33 UTC
Post by John Slade
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Are you smoking crack? Liberals didn't want our troops to got there in
the first place. Bush lied to send those men and women to die. You have your
head so far up his ass you will watch him lie to your face then kiss his ass
for doing it.
Never smoked crack.... are you eager to share your crack testimony?

If you are an honest liberal you will admit that every day you wish for bad
news from anywhere that you think will hurt Bush. You know and I know that
your favorite news is when some American boy or girl gives their life for
our freedom in Iraq.... this kind of news really makes a losing liberal all
wet! You jump on NG's like this one and blow and blow and blow! Do you not?
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-09 04:26:02 UTC
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
2004-01-09 23:18:34 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that "evil"

We are making progess team! :-))
2004-01-10 02:32:12 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that "evil"
We are making progess team! :-))
Well, yes and no, HOD. You see, they routinely label evil good and
good evil. So, when you get right down to it, it's a wash either way.
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-10 17:55:55 UTC
Post by Cleopatra
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that "evil"
We are making progess team! :-))
Well, yes and no, HOD. You see, they routinely label evil good and
good evil. So, when you get right down to it, it's a wash either way.
Ah, the voice of ignorance speaks. Sorry Cleopatra, but your opinion of
what other people routinely label anything is basically unfounded in fact
of any sort.
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-10 02:50:45 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that "evil"
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
2004-01-10 03:16:03 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that "evil"
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
Do you believe that a majority of liberals believe that "evil" actually
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-10 17:54:50 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
Do you believe that a majority of liberals believe that "evil" actually
What do you think of as "evil"? Are you talking about a concious force of
evil lose in the world that subverts human beings? Then I don't know.
About human beings doing things that sane people regard as evil? Then
certainly. Define what you mean by evil and I'll give it a shot.
2004-01-10 18:30:33 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
Do you believe that a majority of liberals believe that "evil" actually
What do you think of as "evil"? Are you talking about a concious force of
evil lose in the world that subverts human beings? Then I don't know.
I'm talking about recognizing the distinct difference between 'good' and
'evil'. Do you acknowledge that evil exist and is the opposite of good? If
yes, do you believe that all 'evil' originates from the same source?
Post by Ashland Henderson
About human beings doing things that sane people regard as evil? Then
certainly. Define what you mean by evil and I'll give it a shot.
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-10 23:50:03 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
Do you believe that a majority of liberals believe that "evil" actually
What do you think of as "evil"? Are you talking about a concious force of
evil lose in the world that subverts human beings? Then I don't know.
I'm talking about recognizing the distinct difference between 'good' and
'evil'. Do you acknowledge that evil exist and is the opposite of good? If
yes, do you believe that all 'evil' originates from the same source?
I say again what is evil? And what is good? Are you talking about absolutes?
Is evil killing people? Under what circumstances? Is evil doing bad to
people? What sort of bad? What if it helps them in the long run? You appear
to be driving for a black and white world and I certainly don't agree with

People sometimes do bad things that I would certainly characterize as
evil. Do I think that evil originates from one source or that good does?
The answer would be no.
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
About human beings doing things that sane people regard as evil? Then
certainly. Define what you mean by evil and I'll give it a shot.
2004-01-11 00:33:27 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
Do you believe that a majority of liberals believe that "evil" actually
What do you think of as "evil"? Are you talking about a concious force of
evil lose in the world that subverts human beings? Then I don't know.
I'm talking about recognizing the distinct difference between 'good' and
'evil'. Do you acknowledge that evil exist and is the opposite of good? If
yes, do you believe that all 'evil' originates from the same source?
I say again what is evil? And what is good? Are you talking about absolutes?
Is evil killing people? Under what circumstances? Is evil doing bad to
people? What sort of bad? What if it helps them in the long run? You appear
to be driving for a black and white world and I certainly don't agree with
People sometimes do bad things that I would certainly characterize as
evil. Do I think that evil originates from one source or that good does?
The answer would be no.
Interesting, thanks.
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
About human beings doing things that sane people regard as evil? Then
certainly. Define what you mean by evil and I'll give it a shot.
2004-01-10 17:58:12 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
Do you believe that a majority of liberals believe that "evil" actually
Uh, yes, they do. The believe evil exists when a republican suggests
actually lowering taxes. Or hunting down enemies of the United States.
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-10 23:51:20 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
Do you believe that a majority of liberals believe that "evil" actually
Uh, yes, they do. The believe evil exists when a republican suggests
actually lowering taxes. Or hunting down enemies of the United States.
Actually we were talking about the concept of evil and good. It's big
people talk. You wouldn't understand in your endless quest to paint everything
into political boxes that you then label good and evil with no real
understanding of either.
2004-01-11 02:54:25 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Cleopatra
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that
Post by Cleopatra
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
Do you believe that a majority of liberals believe that "evil" actually
Uh, yes, they do. The believe evil exists when a republican suggests
actually lowering taxes. Or hunting down enemies of the United States.
Actually we were talking about the concept of evil and good. It's big
people talk. You wouldn't understand in your endless quest to paint everything
into political boxes that you then label good and evil with no real
understanding of either.
Sir, if you had the intellectual ability to read for content, or read
any of my numerous posts to do precisely with good and evil, you'd
have grasped that what I was driving at is that liberals now frame
ideas of good an evil in purely Marxist, socialist terms. That is to
say, you will condemn as evil and a tyrant a good and decent man such
as Bush purely on the basis of your political opposition to war as a
matter of principle, to almost any conservative policy as evil on a
purely economic, gender or class basis. This explains why liberals
support the things they do, from homosexuality to abortion to
opposition to the death penalty to unfairly taxing rich people - it
has solely to do with issues of class, gender and economic position in
society. This is where your *morality* derives from, and it is YOU who
puts these things in a box, not us.

Ashland Henderson
2004-01-11 18:49:42 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by Cleopatra
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
"No American troops lost their lives today in Iraq"
Hmm. Now and then you let your general ignorance, stupidity and basic
evil out for all to see. Interesting.
Interesting............................ a liberal acknowledging that
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by Cleopatra
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
We are making progess team! :-))
How silly. Sorry that liberals don't conform to your rather ridiculous
picture of them but that's the way the world goes.
Do you believe that a majority of liberals believe that "evil" actually
Uh, yes, they do. The believe evil exists when a republican suggests
actually lowering taxes. Or hunting down enemies of the United States.
Actually we were talking about the concept of evil and good. It's big
people talk. You wouldn't understand in your endless quest to paint everything
into political boxes that you then label good and evil with no real
understanding of either.
Sir, if you had the intellectual ability to read for content, or read
any of my numerous posts to do precisely with good and evil, you'd
have grasped that what I was driving at is that liberals now frame
ideas of good an evil in purely Marxist, socialist terms.
I have grasped the idea that your opinion of good, evil and liberals is
deeply flawed. And as I said, we were discussing good and evil, not
liberals and conservatives or even marxists.
Post by HOD
That is to
say, you will condemn as evil and a tyrant a good and decent man such
as Bush purely on the basis of your political opposition to war as a
matter of principle, to almost any conservative policy as evil on a
purely economic, gender or class basis. This explains why liberals
support the things they do, from homosexuality to abortion to
opposition to the death penalty to unfairly taxing rich people - it
has solely to do with issues of class, gender and economic position in
society. This is where your *morality* derives from, and it is YOU who
puts these things in a box, not us.
And this is where you are full of crap. Not to mention full of ignorance.
And not to mention only considering things from your own narrow viewpoint.
The box is yours. You need to learn to think beyond it. I and liberalism in
general are not in the box you would like us to be. You don't understand
that the only person putting boxes around things is you. I'm not sorry that
the world does not conform to your thinking but that's the way reality is.