Bush sends 1.4 million into poverty
(too old to reply)
2003-09-03 18:02:03 UTC
WASHINGTON (Sept. 2) - The nation's rocky economy sent 1.4 million more
into poverty last year, a Census Bureau survey found. Nearly half of the
impoverished were children.
Roughly 17.2 percent of children, or 12.2 million, lived in poverty in
2002, up
from 16.4 percent, or over 11.5 million, in 2001, according to the
Community Survey results released Wednesday.
Overall, 12.4 percent of the population, or nearly 34.8 million people,
in poverty in 2002, up from 12.1 percent, or 33.4 million, the previous
Median household income rose by $51, when accounting for inflation, to
after a similarly slight drop the previous year, when the nation was in
recession from March to November. Median income refers to the point at
half of households earn more and half earn less.
The increases in poverty in 2002 were ``not out of the ordinary'' for a
recession, and less severe than expected, said Sheldon Danzinger,
of the National Poverty Center at the University of Michigan.
``Results of the surveys have been consistent with what one would expect
a down economic period,'' said Chuck Nelson, who helps oversee income and
poverty statistics for the Census Bureau.
But Robert Greenstein, executive director of the liberal-leaning Center
Budget and Policy Priorities, blamed the increase in poverty on rising
unemployment and the government's failure to promote more child tax
credits for
low-income families and stronger unemployment insurance.
``People at the bottom tend to live paycheck to paycheck,'' Greenstein
``This underscores that in trying to stimulate the economy, we should
be doing more to assist low-income working families affected by the
The poverty threshold differs by the size and makeup of a household. For
instance, a person under 65 living alone in 2002 was considered in poverty
income was $9,359 or less; for a household of three including one child,
it was
Robert Rector of the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation,
welfare reform helped keep more single mothers in the labor force than in
previous economic downturns, and therefore, out of poverty.
``So now coming out of the recession, in terms of child poverty, it's a
optimistic picture,'' Rector said. ``In terms of the population overall,
looks like an ordinary recession.''
The American Community Survey is a questionnaire being tested by the
Bureau as a possible yearly replacement for the 53-question ``long form''
out at the start of each decade.
The new survey covers about 62,000 households each month nationwide. The
arrives at annual estimates by averaging survey results for each of the 12
months in a year.
The official government statistics on income and poverty come from a
more comprehensive survey that tracks economic status typically released
late September.
But Nelson said American Community Survey results still provide a glimpse
overall economic and demographic trends in the United States.
About 6.8 million households in 2002 received food stamps, up from 6.4
in 2001.
The number of people employed in the manufacturing industry dropped by
almost 5
percent, or 830,000, to under 17.1 million. There were also slight
decreases in
the retail trade, information, and transportation and warehousing
There was roughly a 4 percent rise in the number of people working in the
fields of education, health or social services to nearly 27.1 million. An
increase was also seen in the arts, entertainment, recreation,
and food services category.
09/03/03 01:51 EDT
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the
pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."
- Hermann Goering
2003-09-03 18:05:38 UTC
Post by Enceladus
WASHINGTON (Sept. 2) - The nation's rocky economy sent 1.4 million more
into poverty last year, a Census Bureau survey found. Nearly half of the
impoverished were children.
I read yesterday that since Bush Jr took over there has been a net job loss
of 2.5 million jobs.
2003-10-06 20:12:17 UTC
YOu people are realy something. Hallo! r u all born yesterday? Bush has been
screwing the poor bastard for years long before he became the president of
the United State.

Ask any poor in Texas, they couold tell you the real story.
Post by basho007
Post by Enceladus
WASHINGTON (Sept. 2) - The nation's rocky economy sent 1.4 million more
into poverty last year, a Census Bureau survey found. Nearly half of the
impoverished were children.
I read yesterday that since Bush Jr took over there has been a net job loss
of 2.5 million jobs.
Richard J
2003-10-06 23:18:45 UTC
Post by Nagaer
YOu people are realy something. Hallo! r u all born yesterday? Bush has been
screwing the poor bastard for years long before he became the president of
the United State.
Ask any poor in Texas, they couold tell you the real story.
Please tell me you are not a product of Texas schools.

Post by Nagaer
Post by basho007
Post by Enceladus
WASHINGTON (Sept. 2) - The nation's rocky economy sent 1.4 million more
into poverty last year, a Census Bureau survey found. Nearly half of the
impoverished were children.
I read yesterday that since Bush Jr took over there has been a net job
Post by basho007
of 2.5 million jobs.