(too old to reply)
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-27 18:29:44 UTC
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One of
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and we
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the reason
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to please
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am.... Then
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your opinions.
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully, with
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be Washington, DC.
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the actual
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets share
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand out...
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME ON...
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone and
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of OURS.

Thank You America - I love you all!


To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please visit

To visit our chat rooms please visit

To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit


"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the
people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise
their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by education."
- Thomas Jefferson, Author of the declaration of Independence and 3rd
President of the United States.
Terry Austin
2003-10-27 18:48:09 UTC
Fucking spammers.
Terry Austin
I love children. They taste like chicken.
2003-10-27 22:45:34 UTC
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One of
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and we
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the reason
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to please
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am.... Then
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your opinions.
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully, with
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be Washington, DC.
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the actual
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets share
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand out...
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME ON...
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone and
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of OURS.
Thank You America - I love you all!

I just read "What I believe" and I'm not sure where to start. It's
filled with SO many cliched false premise, mish-mash of ideology and
idealized non-sense. You're swinging from libertarian to communist
philosphy in every other point. It would make my head spin to join the
blog at this point...
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-27 23:20:12 UTC
Well, let's not be offensive here. I, and my views, are far from communism
or libertarian (I believe in taxation and a HUGE and advanced military - not
that either should be used frivolously). I do not identify with either
party or any party for that matter. I look at myself and my views as being
Liberal Progressive. My views are sometimes to the 'right' and sometimes to
the 'left'. I try to think about our forefathers, what they envisioned,
what they wanted, and what we deserve. The commonality between those three
is one thing - greatness. They wanted a free and democratic society where
people wanted to be a part of their government. Where "big brother" was a
caring and progressive creature not what we are facing today with a Justice
Department that wouldn't know Justice nor Intelligence if it slapped them
upside of their heads. A Defense Department that knows not how to Defend,
but they do know how to invade... and occupy. A State Department that is
too worried about an out-of-line Justice and Defense Departments that they
can't "go against the grain" of the Administration. Which in itself is sad
because Colin Powell is the most respectable of all "the Presidents Men".
We have a group of people that still to this day have to fight to be counted
as an equal and engaged part of our society - that is not what our
forefathers wanted. Your statements frustrate me greatly as I consider
myself as this: I am an American, I was born of this soil and of this blood,
though some of my ancestors came from foreign lands, I was born here. This
is my past and I have but only my future. I want to secure my homeland and
the dreams that were handed down to me. I am 25 years old, I believe in
Freedom, I believe that if you were born on this soil or raised your hand in
allegiance then you are and by right ought to be a free and equal part of
this society, this dream, this America. I believe that government should
work with the people - not against them. I believe that the dreams of
Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King Jr, John F & Robert F Kennedy, and
countless other American hero's should be secured for all of America's
children. I hope to have many years left in my life and on this land - I
just want to know, for certain, that the government, country, and people I
love will be around long after I myself am not. I want to know that America
will always be the strongest force of Freedom and the greatest lover of
hope. I want an America that is worthy of being handed over to my
generation, because the generation prior to us - haven't done that well of a
job - again sad, my grandparents along with the greatest generation this
country has know made an America to be proud of - not one whose name has
been squandered into hatred. I thank you for your comments, though I do not
agree. Please keep up your activism - no matter your opinion that is what
America needs!

Respectfully Submitted,

Kenneth R Cooper Jr
http://www.cooper2004.us <---visit me here!
Post by Miles
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One of
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and we
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the reason
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to please
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am.... Then
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your opinions.
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully, with
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be Washington, DC.
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the actual
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets share
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand out...
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME ON...
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone and
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of OURS.
Thank You America - I love you all!
I just read "What I believe" and I'm not sure where to start. It's
filled with SO many cliched false premise, mish-mash of ideology and
idealized non-sense. You're swinging from libertarian to communist
philosphy in every other point. It would make my head spin to join the
blog at this point...
2003-10-28 01:28:16 UTC
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
we are facing today with a Justice
Department that wouldn't know Justice
slavery is freedom
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
nor Intelligence
ignorance is truth
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
if it slapped them
upside of their heads. A Defense Department that knows not how to Defend,
but they do know how to invade... and occupy.
war is peace
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
A State Department that is
too worried about an out-of-line Justice and Defense Departments that they
can't "go against the grain" of the Administration.
kinda like the Demopussies today........(except Dean!!).

good post BTW.
