Good Going Bush Voters (war-mongers) the blood is now on your hands !!
(too old to reply)
2004-11-04 01:50:00 UTC
Good Going Bush Voters (war-mongers) the blood is now on your hands !!


please forgive them for they know not what they do (or do they?)

only the TRUTH will set us free.

get informed

2004-11-05 10:20:04 UTC
Actually, since you enabled the starvation of 700,000 Iraqui Children
[according to the U.N. ]over the decade that you leftists so well enabled
by claiming that 'sanctions' were responsible when every impartial person
every fact was pointed out to you that he had access to billion after
billion and
purposely starved his people to win 'political victories' over the U.S. When
we '
point out to you that Saddam was responsible for 2 million deaths from
1988 -2002
-then - you need to thank George Bush for preventing you and your Proxy
from continuing the killing rampage. Robert
Post by GreenParty2008
Good Going Bush Voters (war-mongers) the blood is now on your hands !!
please forgive them for they know not what they do (or do they?)
only the TRUTH will set us free.
get informed
2004-11-05 01:46:40 UTC
Post by bob
Actually, since you enabled the starvation of 700,000 Iraqui Children
[according to the U.N. ]over the decade that you leftists so well
enabled Saddam
by claiming that 'sanctions' were responsible when every impartial
person and
every fact was pointed out to you that he had access to billion after
billion and
purposely starved his people to win 'political victories' over the
U.S. When we '
point out to you that Saddam was responsible for 2 million deaths from
1988 -2002
-then - you need to thank George Bush for preventing you and your
Proxy Saddam
from continuing the killing rampage. Robert
Wake up America your children are being sent into "harms way" for power and
greed not a terrorist threat. Bush IS the terrorist using fear tactics to
acomplish his sick agenda of world domination. (nazis)
Please open your eyes and minds and as painful as it is , look for the
truth that is hiding somewhere in america. Hint Hint your not gonna find it
on Fox News or any other corporate news agencies.

Prediction for future will be another "attack" or another national threat
will occur giving the president no choice but to reinstate the draft and
blame it on an "invisible" threat . " I must make hard choices as
president" he will say also "May God Bless America" Dont believe him as he
is not a man of GOD by no means. Anybody who says "I believe I believe"
Christian Americans follow . Dont be fooled by a wolf in sheeps clothing.
I feel more threatened by my constitutional rights being dwindled away than
any threat from a cave dwelling extremist whom i dont believe has the
capabilities to pull of such an act of terror to begin with. The only way
the usa was attacked the way it was , is for it to have been an "inside"
job. Start by looking for PROOF that a plane crashed into the pentagon. If
you find any please let me know.

You watch people , its your children he wants to put at risk for death not
his , remember that.

Knowledge is Power

2004-11-06 03:59:24 UTC
If 'KNOWLEDGE IS POWER' - then realize that President Bush
just KICKED your Clueless 'arse' all up and down the streets of
America. You wacky Lefties never even saw it coming and continue
to live on in this the same Leftist Dream World that resulted in your
enabling Saddam to kill 2+ million People. Thankfully you have this
President to protect you from your own clueless idiocy. :) nothing personal
Post by GreenParty2008
Post by bob
Actually, since you enabled the starvation of 700,000 Iraqui Children
[according to the U.N. ]over the decade that you leftists so well
enabled Saddam
by claiming that 'sanctions' were responsible when every impartial
person and
every fact was pointed out to you that he had access to billion after
billion and
purposely starved his people to win 'political victories' over the
U.S. When we '
point out to you that Saddam was responsible for 2 million deaths from
1988 -2002
-then - you need to thank George Bush for preventing you and your
Proxy Saddam
from continuing the killing rampage. Robert
Wake up America your children are being sent into "harms way" for power and
greed not a terrorist threat. Bush IS the terrorist using fear tactics to
acomplish his sick agenda of world domination. (nazis)
Please open your eyes and minds and as painful as it is , look for the
truth that is hiding somewhere in america. Hint Hint your not gonna find it
on Fox News or any other corporate news agencies.
Prediction for future will be another "attack" or another national threat
will occur giving the president no choice but to reinstate the draft and
blame it on an "invisible" threat . " I must make hard choices as
president" he will say also "May God Bless America" Dont believe him as he
is not a man of GOD by no means. Anybody who says "I believe I believe"
Christian Americans follow . Dont be fooled by a wolf in sheeps clothing.
I feel more threatened by my constitutional rights being dwindled away than
any threat from a cave dwelling extremist whom i dont believe has the
capabilities to pull of such an act of terror to begin with. The only way
the usa was attacked the way it was , is for it to have been an "inside"
job. Start by looking for PROOF that a plane crashed into the pentagon. If
you find any please let me know.
You watch people , its your children he wants to put at risk for death not
his , remember that.
Knowledge is Power