Just Don't Vote
(too old to reply)
Mike Renzulli
2005-02-21 14:50:58 UTC
As of this month, I have joined the growing constituency in the libertarian
movement and in the American electorate of non-voters.
I have been voting since I was 18 years old. I have been active in politics
for twelve out of the eighteen years I have voted and have seen the
political machinery from the inside of both the Democrats as well as the

After seeing what politics is really like somewhat from the inside, I
decided to make the Libertarian Party as my political home. I do not regret
my past political involvement since it has been very
educational and eye-opening for me. I was proud to hand my last vote for
President to Michael Badnarik as well
as cast votes for the other Libertarians on the ballot as well in 2004 and
previous elections.

I am also proud to have joined in the rebellions here locally via Valley
Business Owners to scale back much of the liberty-destroying legislation
enacted by the Mesa City Council.

However, it is clear that with the coming implementation of electronic
voting machines that are very vulnerable to acts of fraud and manipulation
as well as the lack of any kind of verification requirements of ballots cast
in an election that I can no longer continue to justify voting in a system
that is inherently hostile to the very liberties it was established to

While the act of voting itself is (in my mind) not inherently evil, unless
there are strict safeguards to prevent vote fraud my vote can be easily
manipulated and given to a candidate that I did not want to win in the first
place. I have come to understand that in Arizona third, independent parties
are not allowed to monitor the vote tabulation process.

If this is the case, then how are we supposed to consider the political
process honest if third parties (like the L.P., N.O.W. or even the media)
cannot monitor the poll workers tabulate the ballots cast? It is obvious
that this is intentional to allow only the established political parties to
remain in power.

Unfortunately, the only major event that I see happening to re-establish
liberty in my lifetime is a collapse of the power structures (like the many
federal and state regulatory agencies including the Federal Reserve) that I
believe will happen sometime very soon. In the long term I am very hopeful
for the prospects for liberty. In the long run I am the eternal optimist.

But for now I will withold my consent by not voting until the united States
becomes a free society again. Until it happens I do intend to remain active
in the freedom movement in some fashion but will not be involved or advocate
participating in electoral politics any longer. Until freedom is restored,
you can consider me one of
the "Dissenting Electorate". For those who will remain involved in the
political process, I wish you well but you may want to consider another
course of action.

Mike Renzulli
Brian M.
2005-02-21 16:18:50 UTC
Post by Mike Renzulli
As of this month, I have joined the growing constituency in the libertarian
movement and in the American electorate of non-voters.
I have been voting since I was 18 years old. I have been active in politics
for twelve out of the eighteen years I have voted and have seen the
political machinery from the inside of both the Democrats as well as the
After seeing what politics is really like somewhat from the inside, I
decided to make the Libertarian Party as my political home. I do not regret
my past political involvement since it has been very
educational and eye-opening for me. I was proud to hand my last vote for
President to Michael Badnarik as well
as cast votes for the other Libertarians on the ballot as well in 2004 and
previous elections.
I am also proud to have joined in the rebellions here locally via Valley
Business Owners to scale back much of the liberty-destroying legislation
enacted by the Mesa City Council.
However, it is clear that with the coming implementation of electronic
voting machines that are very vulnerable to acts of fraud and manipulation
as well as the lack of any kind of verification requirements of ballots cast
in an election that I can no longer continue to justify voting in a system
that is inherently hostile to the very liberties it was established to
While the act of voting itself is (in my mind) not inherently evil, unless
there are strict safeguards to prevent vote fraud my vote can be easily
manipulated and given to a candidate that I did not want to win in the first
place. I have come to understand that in Arizona third, independent parties
are not allowed to monitor the vote tabulation process.
If this is the case, then how are we supposed to consider the political
process honest if third parties (like the L.P., N.O.W. or even the media)
cannot monitor the poll workers tabulate the ballots cast? It is obvious
that this is intentional to allow only the established political parties to
remain in power.
Unfortunately, the only major event that I see happening to re-establish
liberty in my lifetime is a collapse of the power structures (like the many
federal and state regulatory agencies including the Federal Reserve) that I
believe will happen sometime very soon. In the long term I am very hopeful
for the prospects for liberty. In the long run I am the eternal optimist.
But for now I will withold my consent by not voting until the united States
becomes a free society again. Until it happens I do intend to remain active
in the freedom movement in some fashion but will not be involved or advocate
participating in electoral politics any longer. Until freedom is restored,
you can consider me one of
the "Dissenting Electorate". For those who will remain involved in the
political process, I wish you well but you may want to consider another
course of action.
Mike Renzulli
Funny stuff, I had thought that the libertarians were the party of
anarchy, as it turns out it's just apathy.

Brian M.
