Jr Really Fucked Up this War!!!!!!!
(too old to reply)
2003-11-03 20:08:26 UTC
"The U.S. military intelligence gathering operation in Iraq is being
undercut by a series of problems in using technology, training intelligence
specialists and managing them in the field, according to an internal Army
evaluation. A report published by the Center for Army Lessons Learned at
Fort Leavenworth, Kan., uses unusually blunt language to identify the
intelligence problems and to recommend solutions. In discussing the training
of intelligence specialists, for example, it states that commanders reported
that younger officers and soldiers were unprepared for their assignments,
'did not understand the targeting process' and possessed 'very little to no
analytical skills.' [Also,] reserve troops specializing in civil affairs and
psychological operations sent earlier this year to Afghanistan received
'marginally effective' training before their deployment. 'The poor quality
of mission preparation was inexcusable given that the operation was over a
year and a half old'."
James Monroe
2003-11-05 13:39:41 UTC
Post by Enceladus
"The U.S. military intelligence gathering operation in Iraq is being
undercut by a series of problems in using technology, training intelligence
specialists and managing them in the field, according to an internal Army
evaluation. A report published by the Center for Army Lessons Learned at
Fort Leavenworth, Kan., uses unusually blunt language to identify the
intelligence problems and to recommend solutions. In discussing the training
of intelligence specialists, for example, it states that commanders reported
that younger officers and soldiers were unprepared for their assignments,
'did not understand the targeting process' and possessed 'very little to no
analytical skills.' [Also,] reserve troops specializing in civil affairs and
psychological operations sent earlier this year to Afghanistan received
'marginally effective' training before their deployment. 'The poor quality
of mission preparation was inexcusable given that the operation was over a
year and a half old'."
Jr. could F**K up an anvil with a rubber mallet.
