C-SPAN Right-wing Loon Call of the Day: ". . . Gore was sending subliminal words . . . "
(too old to reply)
Alric Knebel
2005-02-27 12:32:08 UTC
Normally, the criteria for the C-SPAN Right-wing Loon Call of the Day® is
that the caller be loony because he or she is just partisan hateful, so
hateful that's he or she becomes obviously stupid. He or she is crazy only
by the impetus of their partisanship. Sure, we get those zany Christian
callers, with all of their biblical prophesies and their religious
fanaticism making them somewhat crazy in a socially mainstream way. But
rarely does a caller really declare themselves as psychotic in a very
clinical sense. This caller does just that. This is one of those literal
conspiracy nuts -- you know, the type on guard for subliminal messages --
and I almost hate to offer her up as the object of entertainment. In fact,
if she had been on the left, I would have let it go, in sympathy with her:
George Bush drives me crazy, too. But, happily, she's from the right:


This is from Friday's edition of Washington Journal. The call-in portion
was the question, should C-SPAN stop airing the daily White House press
briefings. In her rambling, ambling response, poor woman went off into a
kind of polite rant that just ended up somehow asking Lamb if he's Jewish.
Mr. Lamb was a gentleman and indulged her as long as he possible could, but
when it got off onto this Jewish thing, he cut her off. I feel a little bit
guilty for this one, which is why I'm not putting it on one of the buttons,
instead offering the file through the link only, bypassing the C-SPAN loon
Alric Knebel
Alric Knebel
2005-02-27 22:45:15 UTC
duh . . .?
Poor stupid, stupid Harry. A real cud-chewing, low-lidded, half-dead ninny.
Alric Knebel
Harry Hope
2005-02-28 03:56:25 UTC
On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 16:45:15 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Post by Alric Knebel
duh . . .?
Poor stupid, stupid Harry. A real cud-chewing, low-lidded, half-dead ninny.
Alric Knebel
2005-02-27 22:49:57 UTC
duh . . . ?
Go get 'em Harry.
Harry Hope
2005-02-28 03:56:32 UTC
On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 16:49:57 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Post by Alric Knebel
duh . . . ?
Go get 'em Harry.
Alric Knebel
2005-02-28 12:29:32 UTC
Duh, huh?
Poor, poor Harry. Nothing but clichés about liberals. He should go and see
the wizard for a brain. And some real balls. The little pussy,
tail-coating posts with this simpleton's nonsense.
Alric Knebel
Harry Hope
2005-03-01 04:32:36 UTC
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 06:29:32 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Post by Alric Knebel
Duh, huh?
Poor, poor Harry. Nothing but clichés about liberals. He should go and see
the wizard for a brain. And some real balls. The little pussy,
tail-coating posts with this simpleton's nonsense.
Alric Knebel
2005-03-01 10:29:47 UTC
Harry Hope
2005-03-02 07:55:47 UTC
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 04:29:47 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Alric Knebel
2005-03-04 08:19:33 UTC
Post by Harry Hope
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 04:29:47 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Alric Knebel
2005-02-28 12:44:02 UTC
duh. huh?
Poor, poor Harry. Nothing but clichés about liberals. He should go and see
the wizard for a brain. And some real balls. The little pussy,
tail-coating posts with this simpleton's nonsense.
Alric Knebel
2005-02-28 12:56:03 UTC
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 06:44:02 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Post by Alric Knebel
duh. huh?
Poor, poor Harry. Nothing but clichés about liberals. He should go and see
the wizard for a brain. And some real balls. The little pussy,
tail-coating posts with this simpleton's nonsense.
The "real" Harry Hope is a Liberal. One or two brain-dead righties
think it's clever to use his name to post their retarded crap.
Alric Knebel
2005-02-28 13:08:18 UTC
Post by SteveL
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 06:44:02 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Post by Alric Knebel
duh. huh?
Poor, poor Harry. Nothing but clichés about liberals. He should go and see
the wizard for a brain. And some real balls. The little pussy,
tail-coating posts with this simpleton's nonsense.
The "real" Harry Hope is a Liberal. One or two brain-dead righties
think it's clever to use his name to post their retarded crap.
Thank you for clearing that up. The only Harry Hope I was familiar with was
the writer in alt-writing. He didn't seem stupid, but I had never discussed
politics with him. To see his name here was a shock. Those right-wing
loons. They're a hoot.
Alric Knebel
Harry Hope
2005-03-01 04:32:44 UTC
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 06:44:02 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Post by Alric Knebel
duh. huh?
Poor, poor Harry. Nothing but clichés about liberals. He should go and see
the wizard for a brain. And some real balls. The little pussy,
tail-coating posts with this simpleton's nonsense.
Alric Knebel
2005-03-01 10:31:13 UTC
Harry Hope
2005-03-02 07:55:54 UTC
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 04:31:13 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Alric Knebel
2005-03-04 08:20:31 UTC
Post by Harry Hope
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 04:31:13 -0600, "Alric Knebel"