How Bill Gates can single-handedly end corporate rulership of our world.
(too old to reply)
2005-07-24 17:06:40 UTC
Corporations rule our world only because of the money they make selling
products and
services. At this point, their control is so strong and solid that
advocacy/political methods for advancing popular causes like environmental
poverty eradication, education, and health care are almost completely
ineffectual. Each
year corporations get richer and more powerful, and these important popular
stand less and less chance of gaining needed government and private support.

The only answer, (and I mean ONLY unless someone knows of a way to divorce
from politics) is for important popular causes to generate substantially
greater income
for lobbying, campaign finance, public education programs, etc.

Considering that corporations made the money they use to control the world
products and services, it makes strong sense that THE way to disempower them
is to
establish a network of companies that competes with them for consumer
dollars, and
uses its revenue to finance popular causes.

This idea is called Profit-Donation Capitalism. It is a simple concept,
and is
comprehensively explained at www.profitdonationcapitalism.org. In 2005, a
can be very easily founded with a one million dollar initial investment.
(For anyone who
doubts that companies can thrive while giving all of their profit away, you
might consider
that fifty-one such companies listed at
are already doing this.)

In order to address skepticism that an extensive enough network of these
supporting" corporations can be established, I offer the following scenario;

Bill Gates is by far the richest and most generous philanthropist on the
planet. In fact,
Gates is not only ranked number one on Business Week's 2003 list of "The 50
Generous Philanthropists," his having given or pledged $22,906,000,000.00
1999 and 2003 is virtually as much as the COMBINED gifts and pledges of the
other 49
most generous philanthropists ($24,190,000,000.00).

If Bill Gates were approached with the Profit-Donation Capitalism plan, and
decided to
help create these new companies, with $1 billion, he could finance the
creation of one
thousand "profit-donating businesses," (PDBs). Imagine the global media
coverage and
interest this enterprise would generate! Within a year, virtually every
American, and
most of the rest of the world, would know that thousands of new products
were being
sold to support every important popular cause and charity on the planet.

In fact, Gates, would not even have to give the billion dollars away.
Considering the
enormous publicity these new companies would receive, if he were to offer
the money in
the form of loans, it would take these new companies at most two years to
repay the
loans, and Gates could use those repayments to finance another thousand PDBs
if he

It would be very easy for one man, Bill Gates, to single-handedly set the
stage for
disempowering corporations of their great influence by divesting them of
their sales
revenues. To give you an idea of how much profit can be generated by a PDB,
in 2004
The Girl Scouts of the U.S.A raised $300 million from selling one product –
Telephone and Internet service provider Freedom Telecom, one of the largest
now in existence was formed in 2001 to finance lobbying against abortion
rights. They
anticipate having one million customers by 2008, which will provide them
with $74
million EACH YEAR in sales revenue to use for lobbying.

Feel free to disseminate this message anywhere you feel will help promote
the idea it

George Ortega

Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Sam Diego
2005-08-10 04:54:19 UTC
Another, and more probable, way to end the elitest mind set (the belief that
the rich need and therefore deserve more) would be to reinstate the 90% tax
bracket for the truley megarich. There's no reason anyone should be as rich
as Gates or the Waltons. Something is wrong with a system that allows
individuals to obtain so much power they can rule defacto as these and
other's do. They make laws to suit their needs and, as Willian Randolf
Herst, start wars to sell newspapers (or oil and reconstructional supplies).
In a free trade capitalist nation corporations go off shore for cheap labor
but dont' allow dieing Seniors to go offshore for life saving drugs. It's
clear the mind set of corporate America is "Profits are more important than
lives". Can we allow the benolovent intent of the Country's founders to
become so corrupted?
Post by GOrtega
Corporations rule our world only because of the money they make selling
products and
services. At this point, their control is so strong and solid that
advocacy/political methods for advancing popular causes like environmental
poverty eradication, education, and health care are almost completely
ineffectual. Each
year corporations get richer and more powerful, and these important
popular causes
stand less and less chance of gaining needed government and private support.
The only answer, (and I mean ONLY unless someone knows of a way to divorce
from politics) is for important popular causes to generate substantially
greater income
for lobbying, campaign finance, public education programs, etc.
Considering that corporations made the money they use to control the world
products and services, it makes strong sense that THE way to disempower
them is to
establish a network of companies that competes with them for consumer
dollars, and
uses its revenue to finance popular causes.
This idea is called Profit-Donation Capitalism. It is a simple concept,
and is
comprehensively explained at www.profitdonationcapitalism.org. In 2005, a
can be very easily founded with a one million dollar initial investment.
(For anyone who
doubts that companies can thrive while giving all of their profit away,
you might consider
that fifty-one such companies listed at
are already doing this.)
In order to address skepticism that an extensive enough network of these
supporting" corporations can be established, I offer the following scenario;
Bill Gates is by far the richest and most generous philanthropist on the
planet. In fact,
Gates is not only ranked number one on Business Week's 2003 list of "The
50 Most
Generous Philanthropists," his having given or pledged $22,906,000,000.00
1999 and 2003 is virtually as much as the COMBINED gifts and pledges of
the other 49
most generous philanthropists ($24,190,000,000.00).
If Bill Gates were approached with the Profit-Donation Capitalism plan,
and decided to
help create these new companies, with $1 billion, he could finance the
creation of one
thousand "profit-donating businesses," (PDBs). Imagine the global media
coverage and
interest this enterprise would generate! Within a year, virtually every
American, and
most of the rest of the world, would know that thousands of new products
were being
sold to support every important popular cause and charity on the planet.
In fact, Gates, would not even have to give the billion dollars away.
Considering the
enormous publicity these new companies would receive, if he were to offer
the money in
the form of loans, it would take these new companies at most two years to
repay the
loans, and Gates could use those repayments to finance another thousand
PDBs if he
It would be very easy for one man, Bill Gates, to single-handedly set the
stage for
disempowering corporations of their great influence by divesting them of
their sales
revenues. To give you an idea of how much profit can be generated by a
PDB, in 2004
The Girl Scouts of the U.S.A raised $300 million from selling one
product - cookies.
Telephone and Internet service provider Freedom Telecom, one of the
largest PDBs
now in existence was formed in 2001 to finance lobbying against abortion
rights. They
anticipate having one million customers by 2008, which will provide them
with $74
million EACH YEAR in sales revenue to use for lobbying.
Feel free to disseminate this message anywhere you feel will help promote
the idea it
George Ortega
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services