Latino's Don't Like Jr!!!!
(too old to reply)
2003-10-28 22:44:43 UTC
(Reuters) - Latin Americans have a dismal opinion of President Bush after he
ignored world opinion to wage war in Iraq, and against a backdrop of
mistrust over U.S. aims in pushing for regional free trade, a poll published
on Tuesday showed. The University of Miami School of Business/Zogby
International poll of Latin American elites found that only 12 percent of
those questioned rated President Bush's performance on Latin America as
positive. More...
2003-12-12 15:01:25 UTC
They like him in Texas. He get 50% of the vote, unlike the blacks that
always vote 90% Democrat.
Post by Enceladus
(Reuters) - Latin Americans have a dismal opinion of President Bush after he
ignored world opinion to wage war in Iraq, and against a backdrop of
mistrust over U.S. aims in pushing for regional free trade, a poll published
on Tuesday showed. The University of Miami School of Business/Zogby
International poll of Latin American elites found that only 12 percent of
those questioned rated President Bush's performance on Latin America as
positive. More...
2003-12-12 15:46:47 UTC
Post by scott
They like him in Texas. He get 50% of the vote, unlike the blacks that
always vote 90% Democrat.
Everyone already knows how fucked up things are down there in Dubyastan.
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
(Reuters) - Latin Americans have a dismal opinion of President Bush after
Post by Enceladus
ignored world opinion to wage war in Iraq, and against a backdrop of
mistrust over U.S. aims in pushing for regional free trade, a poll
Post by Enceladus
on Tuesday showed. The University of Miami School of Business/Zogby
International poll of Latin American elites found that only 12 percent of
those questioned rated President Bush's performance on Latin America as
positive. More...
2003-12-12 20:07:52 UTC
Post by MHirtes
Post by scott
They like him in Texas. He get 50% of the vote, unlike the blacks that
always vote 90% Democrat.
Everyone already knows how fucked up things are down there in Dubyastan.
Let's see; Ignoring reality, Bandwagon argument (with no proof at all
to back it,) and an infantile insult, all rolled up into one line.
Your whole agenda wrapped up in one line.

Post by MHirtes
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
(Reuters) - Latin Americans have a dismal opinion of President Bush after
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
ignored world opinion to wage war in Iraq, and against a backdrop of
mistrust over U.S. aims in pushing for regional free trade, a poll
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
on Tuesday showed. The University of Miami School of Business/Zogby
International poll of Latin American elites found that only 12 percent of
those questioned rated President Bush's performance on Latin America as
positive. More...
2003-12-12 22:29:11 UTC
Post by eflorack
Post by MHirtes
Post by scott
They like him in Texas. He get 50% of the vote, unlike the blacks that
always vote 90% Democrat.
Everyone already knows how fucked up things are down there in Dubyastan.
Let's see; Ignoring reality, Bandwagon argument (with no proof at all
to back it,) and an infantile insult, all rolled up into one line.
Your whole agenda wrapped up in one line.
Again, I say, Everyone already knows how fucked up things are down there
in Dubyastan.

Snoozing lawyers defending condemned prisoners
Toxic environment

and the list goes on
2003-12-13 18:23:46 UTC
Post by MHirtes
Post by eflorack
Post by MHirtes
Post by scott
They like him in Texas. He get 50% of the vote, unlike the blacks that
always vote 90% Democrat.
Everyone already knows how fucked up things are down there in Dubyastan.
Let's see; Ignoring reality, Bandwagon argument (with no proof at all
to back it,) and an infantile insult, all rolled up into one line.
Your whole agenda wrapped up in one line.
Again, I say, Everyone already knows how fucked up things are down there
in Dubyastan.
Snoozing lawyers defending condemned prisoners
Toxic environment
and the list goes on
And let's not forget what really tweaks your twonker; Bush is
supported by a vast majority of the people. That 'will of the people'
thing seems to get by you every time, doesn't it?
2003-12-12 21:04:54 UTC
It's great in Texas. I am very happy with Texas. Where do you live? Are you
Post by MHirtes
Post by scott
They like him in Texas. He get 50% of the vote, unlike the blacks that
always vote 90% Democrat.
Everyone already knows how fucked up things are down there in Dubyastan.
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
(Reuters) - Latin Americans have a dismal opinion of President Bush after
Post by Enceladus
ignored world opinion to wage war in Iraq, and against a backdrop of
mistrust over U.S. aims in pushing for regional free trade, a poll
Post by Enceladus
on Tuesday showed. The University of Miami School of Business/Zogby
International poll of Latin American elites found that only 12 percent of
those questioned rated President Bush's performance on Latin America as
positive. More...
2003-12-12 22:27:52 UTC
Post by scott.
It's great in Texas. I am very happy with Texas. Where do you live? Are you
If you live in Texass and you're happy, you're either

1. a billionaire
2. a repug
3. a blithering idiot
4. all of the above
2003-12-13 05:07:23 UTC
Lol Oh my, you are not happy. You poor thing. Poor baby.
Post by MHirtes
Post by scott.
It's great in Texas. I am very happy with Texas. Where do you live? Are you
If you live in Texass and you're happy, you're either
1. a billionaire
2. a repug
3. a blithering idiot
4. all of the above
Ruben Rodriguez
2003-12-13 09:34:24 UTC
Post by scott
They like him in Texas. He get 50% of the vote, unlike the blacks that
always vote 90% Democrat.
Could you point us to the stats you're basing this on? I seem to
remember that, at one point, during the primaries in Texas, more
Latinos voted for Gore than for Bush.
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
(Reuters) - Latin Americans have a dismal opinion of President Bush after
Post by Enceladus
ignored world opinion to wage war in Iraq, and against a backdrop of
mistrust over U.S. aims in pushing for regional free trade, a poll
Post by Enceladus
on Tuesday showed. The University of Miami School of Business/Zogby
International poll of Latin American elites found that only 12 percent of
those questioned rated President Bush's performance on Latin America as
positive. More...
"By the time he returns to the White House in early September, Bush
will have spent almost two months of his presidency at the ranch."
-Houston Chronicle, 8/8/01
2003-12-13 16:21:31 UTC
Bush won 49% of the Hispanic vote (and 57% of the white vote) in Jeb's
Florida, but a crummy 7% of the black vote.
Ø Less publicized is the remarkable fact that in Bush home state of
Texas -- where he pulled in 43% of the Hispanic vote (and a tremendous 73%
of the white vote) -- Bush garnered a truly stinking 5% from blacks.

We have a new mayor in Houston. The republican runner got 50% of the Mexican
vote. Its up and down a little. We lost the mayor race by the way and he was
a Mexican. Whites in Houston are just 50%.
Post by Ruben Rodriguez
Post by scott
They like him in Texas. He get 50% of the vote, unlike the blacks that
always vote 90% Democrat.
Could you point us to the stats you're basing this on? I seem to
remember that, at one point, during the primaries in Texas, more
Latinos voted for Gore than for Bush.
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
(Reuters) - Latin Americans have a dismal opinion of President Bush after
Post by Enceladus
ignored world opinion to wage war in Iraq, and against a backdrop of
mistrust over U.S. aims in pushing for regional free trade, a poll
Post by Enceladus
on Tuesday showed. The University of Miami School of Business/Zogby
International poll of Latin American elites found that only 12 percent of
those questioned rated President Bush's performance on Latin America as
positive. More...
"By the time he returns to the White House in early September, Bush
will have spent almost two months of his presidency at the ranch."
-Houston Chronicle, 8/8/01
Ruben Rodriguez
2003-12-14 11:17:37 UTC
Post by scott.
Bush won 49% of the Hispanic vote (and 57% of the white vote) in Jeb's
Florida, but a crummy 7% of the black vote.
Ø Less publicized is the remarkable fact that in Bush home state of
Texas -- where he pulled in 43% of the Hispanic vote (and a tremendous 73%
of the white vote) -- Bush garnered a truly stinking 5% from blacks.
We have a new mayor in Houston. The republican runner got 50% of the Mexican
vote. Its up and down a little. We lost the mayor race by the way and he was
a Mexican. Whites in Houston are just 50%.
The "Highspanic' endorsed by both Hebert Hoover Bush Sr. and Jr. is a
right wing Cuban refugee. You know, the type that claims they made it
on their own while ignoring the legislation that gives them an
advantage over other immigrants...
We're not stupid.
Post by scott.
Post by Ruben Rodriguez
Post by scott
They like him in Texas. He get 50% of the vote, unlike the blacks that
always vote 90% Democrat.
Could you point us to the stats you're basing this on? I seem to
remember that, at one point, during the primaries in Texas, more
Latinos voted for Gore than for Bush.
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
(Reuters) - Latin Americans have a dismal opinion of President Bush
Post by Ruben Rodriguez
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
ignored world opinion to wage war in Iraq, and against a backdrop of
mistrust over U.S. aims in pushing for regional free trade, a poll
Post by Ruben Rodriguez
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
on Tuesday showed. The University of Miami School of Business/Zogby
International poll of Latin American elites found that only 12 percent
Post by Ruben Rodriguez
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
those questioned rated President Bush's performance on Latin America
Post by Ruben Rodriguez
Post by scott
Post by Enceladus
positive. More...
"By the time he returns to the White House in early September, Bush
will have spent almost two months of his presidency at the ranch."
-Houston Chronicle, 8/8/01
Bo Raxo
2004-02-12 05:47:09 UTC
Post by Enceladus
(Reuters) - Latin Americans have a dismal opinion of President Bush after he
ignored world opinion to wage war in Iraq, and against a backdrop of
mistrust over U.S. aims in pushing for regional free trade, a poll published
on Tuesday showed. The University of Miami School of Business/Zogby
International poll of Latin American elites found that only 12 percent of
those questioned rated President Bush's performance on Latin America as
positive. More...
Trouble is, the only big state with a large number of Latino voters that
isn't already a foregone conclusion is Florida. And they remember Elian
Gonzales, and still are mad at Clinton, Reno, and thus not too keen on the

Bonus points: the immigrant worker program Bush recently proposed (and
which will never make it through Congress) is something crafted to appeal to
Latino voters. As the election nears, concerns move from foreign policy to
matters closer to home.
