Sep-11 motive, Christmas?
(too old to reply)
2004-02-25 14:41:24 UTC
Why Sep-11 attacks? World Trade Center owner, with AIPAC, makes political campaign
contributions in exchange for military & financial support to Israel. Palestinian
sympathizers attacked the buildings to knockout his income.

Why weak economy? The government spends over a billion dollars a week on the Iraq war,
money that could be spent improving the economy and healthcare.

Christmas wishes? Please elect a president that will fulfill our Christmas wishes:
1. End the Iraq war. It is anti-Christmas. Christ teaches love & forgiveness, not war.
Iraq is not responsible for the Sep-11 attacks, and the war is very expensive,
burying us in debt. Hold a free election in Iraq, and turn the government over to
their people. Reduce our fingerprint to humanitarian aid.
2. Increase efforts to improve healthcare for our aging population, such as increasing
government grants for medical students, and tax incentives for drug companies that
sell drugs at cost to lower income families.
3. Pay off our debt. Debt is not good for individuals, companies, or countries.
4. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to recall our federal employees,
including presidents, senators, representatives, and Supreme Court justices.
We should be allowed to fire our federal employees.
5. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to line-item veto budgets and special
requests, such as $87 billion dollars for war.
6. Increase efforts towards alternative energy sources, such as hydrogen and garbage-to-oil,
to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.

Merry Christmas

2/25/2004 8:56:34
reid decker
2004-02-25 16:23:18 UTC
Post by unknown
Why Sep-11 attacks? World Trade Center owner, with AIPAC, makes political campaign
contributions in exchange for military & financial support to Israel. Palestinian
sympathizers attacked the buildings to knockout his income.
Why weak economy? The government spends over a billion dollars a week on the Iraq war,
money that could be spent improving the economy and healthcare.
1. End the Iraq war. It is anti-Christmas. Christ teaches love & forgiveness, not war.
Iraq is not responsible for the Sep-11 attacks, and the war is very expensive,
burying us in debt. Hold a free election in Iraq, and turn the government over to
their people. Reduce our fingerprint to humanitarian aid.
2. Increase efforts to improve healthcare for our aging population, such as increasing
government grants for medical students, and tax incentives for drug companies that
sell drugs at cost to lower income families.
3. Pay off our debt. Debt is not good for individuals, companies, or countries.
4. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to recall our federal employees,
including presidents, senators, representatives, and Supreme Court justices.
We should be allowed to fire our federal employees.
5. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to line-item veto budgets and special
requests, such as $87 billion dollars for war.
6. Increase efforts towards alternative energy sources, such as hydrogen and garbage-to-oil,
to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.
Merry Christmas
2/25/2004 8:56:34
2004-02-25 16:28:58 UTC
Post by reid decker
You are right!
Post by reid decker
Post by unknown
Why Sep-11 attacks? World Trade Center owner, with AIPAC, makes
political campaign
Post by unknown
contributions in exchange for military & financial support to Israel.
Post by unknown
sympathizers attacked the buildings to knockout his income.
Why weak economy? The government spends over a billion dollars a week
Post by reid decker
the Iraq war,
Post by unknown
money that could be spent improving the economy and healthcare.
Christmas wishes? Please elect a president that will fulfill our
1. End the Iraq war. It is anti-Christmas. Christ teaches love &
forgiveness, not war.
Post by unknown
Iraq is not responsible for the Sep-11 attacks, and the war is very
Post by unknown
burying us in debt. Hold a free election in Iraq, and turn the
government over to
Post by unknown
their people. Reduce our fingerprint to humanitarian aid.
2. Increase efforts to improve healthcare for our aging population, such
as increasing
Post by unknown
government grants for medical students, and tax incentives for drug
companies that
Post by unknown
sell drugs at cost to lower income families.
3. Pay off our debt. Debt is not good for individuals, companies, or
Post by unknown
4. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to recall our federal
Post by unknown
including presidents, senators, representatives, and Supreme Court
Post by unknown
We should be allowed to fire our federal employees.
5. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to line-item veto
budgets and special
Post by unknown
requests, such as $87 billion dollars for war.
6. Increase efforts towards alternative energy sources, such as hydrogen
and garbage-to-oil,
Post by unknown
to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.
Merry Christmas
2/25/2004 8:56:34
2004-04-06 02:24:09 UTC
GOD!!!!! I can't believe the ignorance of some people in this newsgroup. Has
all of America gone stupid? Have we lost sight of the big picture? Have we
become like the rest of the world? There was a time when we stood proud and
strong. Yes, historically we have made mistakes but we have always stood up
when it was time to be counted. Thank God that after the first year of World
War II, American weren't so weak as to cry about hardships - and the
hardships then were harder than they are now. We have grown soft and weak.
It's a good thing the cry babies were few after the Japanese bombed Pearl. I
can hear our current population whining - - if the poor Japanese didn't feel
so threatened they would have never attacked us. Or if the Jews weren't so
successful Hitler would have never gassed them. BULLSHIT!

As a US Army vet with 10 years of military service, serving during a time
that it was not popular to do so, with various Infantry and Air Assault
units, I know how the press can distort facts and how the politicians play
their games.

It is my opinion that one should never change horses in the middle of the
stream and because the press has made one view or another popular through
its manipulation of facts (and spinning stories) I will support the
incumbent president, believing he has done the best job he could, given the
mess that he was dealt.You can come up with any excuse you want why we were
attacked and why the scum in the Middle East want to see our country in dust
as is theirs.But if not for those who came before us and stood strong in the
face of adversity we wouldn't be enjoying the freedoms we have today. And if
you do not believe we enjoy greater freedoms than does the majority of the
world speak to those that were willing to give up their life to scale the
Berlin Wall or those who have family buried in mass graves in Iraq.

I also believe as did General Douglas Macarthur, that if you go to war, it
should be to win. Are we going to forget the real reason behind 9-11? If so,
then perhaps we should forget Pearl Harbor and allow the radical elements of
the world to turn this country into what they have in the Middle East.

It takes a great deal of conviction to stand alone against tyrants. I
watched as two recent presidents cowered under pressure and I am glad to see
we finally have one who stands up against those who would like to destroy
what our fathers have fought and died for.

What do you think Sadam would have said to someone in that country whining
about his social programs.
Post by unknown
Why Sep-11 attacks? World Trade Center owner, with AIPAC, makes political campaign
contributions in exchange for military & financial support to Israel. Palestinian
sympathizers attacked the buildings to knockout his income.
Why weak economy? The government spends over a billion dollars a week on the Iraq war,
money that could be spent improving the economy and healthcare.
1. End the Iraq war. It is anti-Christmas. Christ teaches love & forgiveness, not war.
Iraq is not responsible for the Sep-11 attacks, and the war is very expensive,
burying us in debt. Hold a free election in Iraq, and turn the government over to
their people. Reduce our fingerprint to humanitarian aid.
2. Increase efforts to improve healthcare for our aging population, such as increasing
government grants for medical students, and tax incentives for drug companies that
sell drugs at cost to lower income families.
3. Pay off our debt. Debt is not good for individuals, companies, or countries.
4. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to recall our federal employees,
including presidents, senators, representatives, and Supreme Court justices.
We should be allowed to fire our federal employees.
5. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to line-item veto budgets and special
requests, such as $87 billion dollars for war.
6. Increase efforts towards alternative energy sources, such as hydrogen and garbage-to-oil,
to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.
Merry Christmas
2/25/2004 8:56:34
reid decker
2004-04-06 02:52:54 UTC
Thanks for telling these stupid people what it really was like during
world war II. They are such whiners. They are what I call Assholes
Post by ME
GOD!!!!! I can't believe the ignorance of some people in this newsgroup. Has
all of America gone stupid? Have we lost sight of the big picture? Have we
become like the rest of the world? There was a time when we stood proud and
strong. Yes, historically we have made mistakes but we have always stood up
when it was time to be counted. Thank God that after the first year of World
War II, American weren't so weak as to cry about hardships - and the
hardships then were harder than they are now. We have grown soft and weak.
It's a good thing the cry babies were few after the Japanese bombed Pearl. I
can hear our current population whining - - if the poor Japanese didn't feel
so threatened they would have never attacked us. Or if the Jews weren't so
successful Hitler would have never gassed them. BULLSHIT!
As a US Army vet with 10 years of military service, serving during a time
that it was not popular to do so, with various Infantry and Air Assault
units, I know how the press can distort facts and how the politicians play
their games.
It is my opinion that one should never change horses in the middle of the
stream and because the press has made one view or another popular through
its manipulation of facts (and spinning stories) I will support the
incumbent president, believing he has done the best job he could, given the
mess that he was dealt.You can come up with any excuse you want why we were
attacked and why the scum in the Middle East want to see our country in dust
as is theirs.But if not for those who came before us and stood strong in the
face of adversity we wouldn't be enjoying the freedoms we have today. And if
you do not believe we enjoy greater freedoms than does the majority of the
world speak to those that were willing to give up their life to scale the
Berlin Wall or those who have family buried in mass graves in Iraq.
I also believe as did General Douglas Macarthur, that if you go to war, it
should be to win. Are we going to forget the real reason behind 9-11? If so,
then perhaps we should forget Pearl Harbor and allow the radical elements of
the world to turn this country into what they have in the Middle East.
It takes a great deal of conviction to stand alone against tyrants. I
watched as two recent presidents cowered under pressure and I am glad to see
we finally have one who stands up against those who would like to destroy
what our fathers have fought and died for.
What do you think Sadam would have said to someone in that country whining
about his social programs.
Post by unknown
Why Sep-11 attacks? World Trade Center owner, with AIPAC, makes
political campaign
Post by unknown
contributions in exchange for military & financial support to Israel.
Post by unknown
sympathizers attacked the buildings to knockout his income.
Why weak economy? The government spends over a billion dollars a week
Post by ME
the Iraq war,
Post by unknown
money that could be spent improving the economy and healthcare.
Christmas wishes? Please elect a president that will fulfill our
1. End the Iraq war. It is anti-Christmas. Christ teaches love &
forgiveness, not war.
Post by unknown
Iraq is not responsible for the Sep-11 attacks, and the war is very
Post by unknown
burying us in debt. Hold a free election in Iraq, and turn the
government over to
Post by unknown
their people. Reduce our fingerprint to humanitarian aid.
2. Increase efforts to improve healthcare for our aging population, such
as increasing
Post by unknown
government grants for medical students, and tax incentives for drug
companies that
Post by unknown
sell drugs at cost to lower income families.
3. Pay off our debt. Debt is not good for individuals, companies, or
Post by unknown
4. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to recall our federal
Post by unknown
including presidents, senators, representatives, and Supreme Court
Post by unknown
We should be allowed to fire our federal employees.
5. Provide a constitutional amendment allowing us to line-item veto
budgets and special
Post by unknown
requests, such as $87 billion dollars for war.
6. Increase efforts towards alternative energy sources, such as hydrogen
and garbage-to-oil,
Post by unknown
to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.
Merry Christmas
2/25/2004 8:56:34