President Bush urges Liberian president to step down + weekly insight articles and discussion
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2003-07-02 01:04:29 UTC
President Bush urges Liberian president to step down

Last week a story on NWI reported that President Bush is urging Charles
Taylor, the president of Liberia to resign. The report explained that
Liberia is currently in the midst of civil war which has been raging for 3
years. The British ambassador to the United Nations has pressed the US to
send troops to Liberia. The US are seen to be the obvious choice because of
their long historical relations with Liberia.

Full Story ....

http://newsviews.info (click on the NewsWeek International Icon on the top
right for all insights on the front page)

Insights: Mexico and the US fight to stop tunnelling drug smugglers

Last week on World Watch, a weekly presentation on NWI, there was a report
that Mexican authorities were battling hard to stop drug smugglers supplying
the United States market. According to the report, the smugglers have
started digging underground tunnels to get across the border rather than
risking the heightened security checkpoints overland.

Full Story...

http://newsviews.info (click on the NewsWeek International Icon on the top
right for all insights on the front page).

Insights: Successful sustainable development project in the Brazilian

The second story on World Watch focused on a pilot project in the Amazon
rainforest which has aimed at creating products from the rainforest without
damaging the environment. The end products of the project were recently on
display in Rio de Janeiro and many used rubber trees as their raw material.
The report explained that such materials could be tapped from the rainforest
but the environment could not be destroyed in anyway.

Full Story...

http://newsviews.info (click on the NewsWeek International Icon on the top
right for all insights on the front page).

The weekly Coffee Break invites readers to discuss,

"Parts of Africa, especially Ethiopia are facing the possibility of severe
famine. The rains have failed and left subsistence farmers without the
ability to provide food for themselves and families. Between 11 and 14
million people are thought to be at risk, greater numbers than those in the
crisis of the mid 1980s. How much publicity has there been about the
situation in Ethiopia or other countries in Africa on the verge of
catastrophic famine? What can be done to help? Should aid be a priority to
such nations over other countries which are at civil war and are also in
need of outside support?"

View discussion ....

http://newsviews.info (click on the Coffee Break Icon on the top right for
all insights on the front page).


News Views is a free quarterly journal with weekly insights into current

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2003-07-08 21:02:02 UTC
Post by Newsviews.info
President Bush urges Liberian president to step down
Last week a story on NWI reported that President Bush is urging Charles
Taylor, the president of Liberia to resign. The report explained that
Liberia is currently in the midst of civil war which has been raging for 3
years. The British ambassador to the United Nations has pressed the US to
send troops to Liberia. The US are seen to be the obvious choice because of
their long historical relations with Liberia.
Full Story ....
http://newsviews.info (click on the NewsWeek International Icon on the top
right for all insights on the front page)
Insights: Mexico and the US fight to stop tunnelling drug smugglers
Last week on World Watch, a weekly presentation on NWI, there was a report
that Mexican authorities were battling hard to stop drug smugglers supplying
the United States market. According to the report, the smugglers have
started digging underground tunnels to get across the border rather than
risking the heightened security checkpoints overland.
Full Story...
http://newsviews.info (click on the NewsWeek International Icon on the top
right for all insights on the front page).
Insights: Successful sustainable development project in the Brazilian
The second story on World Watch focused on a pilot project in the Amazon
rainforest which has aimed at creating products from the rainforest without
damaging the environment. The end products of the project were recently on
display in Rio de Janeiro and many used rubber trees as their raw material.
The report explained that such materials could be tapped from the rainforest
but the environment could not be destroyed in anyway.
Full Story...
http://newsviews.info (click on the NewsWeek International Icon on the top
right for all insights on the front page).
The weekly Coffee Break invites readers to discuss,
"Parts of Africa, especially Ethiopia are facing the possibility of severe
famine. The rains have failed and left subsistence farmers without the
ability to provide food for themselves and families. Between 11 and 14
million people are thought to be at risk, greater numbers than those in the
crisis of the mid 1980s. How much publicity has there been about the
situation in Ethiopia or other countries in Africa on the verge of
catastrophic famine? What can be done to help? Should aid be a priority to
such nations over other countries which are at civil war and are also in
need of outside support?"
View discussion ....
http://newsviews.info (click on the Coffee Break Icon on the top right for
all insights on the front page).
News Views is a free quarterly journal with weekly insights into current