Watch Out for Killer Canadian Drugs!!!
(too old to reply)
2004-10-09 16:44:30 UTC
Part of last nights canard and Jr.s biggest bald face lie to the nation. He
just doesn't know is those Canadian drugs are safe. No politics entered
into that decision. Just plain ole concern for the American people.

Jr. you are a liar and a cheat and you have lied so much you don't know the
Ian S
2004-10-09 17:40:11 UTC
Post by enceladus
Part of last nights canard and Jr.s biggest bald face lie to the nation.
Post by enceladus
just doesn't know is those Canadian drugs are safe. No politics entered
into that decision. Just plain ole concern for the American people.
Jr. you are a liar and a cheat and you have lied so much you don't know the
I don't think there is a voter in the country who believes the Bushit on
this issue. Bush needs to come clean on why, when the American taxpayer
funds much of new drug R&D costs, that same taxpayer has to pay the highest
prices in the world for those same drugs. He also has to be staright with
the American people on why he has made it illegal for Medicare to negotiate
drug prices, something every other medical coverage provider, including the
VA, is allowed to do.
2004-10-10 01:12:28 UTC
Post by Ian S
Post by enceladus
Part of last nights canard and Jr.s biggest bald face lie to the nation.
Post by enceladus
just doesn't know is those Canadian drugs are safe. No politics entered
into that decision. Just plain ole concern for the American people.
Jr. you are a liar and a cheat and you have lied so much you don't know
Post by enceladus
I don't think there is a voter in the country who believes the Bushit on
this issue. Bush needs to come clean on why, when the American taxpayer
If the American people can't figure out as to why, they deserve to be
Post by Ian S
funds much of new drug R&D costs, that same taxpayer has to pay the highest
prices in the world for those same drugs. He also has to be staright with
Where do you think the other nations purchase 98% of their medications
from ? From the trillion dollar pharmaceutical manufacturer's in the

We' purchased our medications in Mexico for over 20 years. They're
identical in every way except for the language on the package, and
about a third the cost, if not less. Prime example, if my wife bought
her birth control pills here she'd pay $45 a month, not counting a
yearly Dr visit for the prescription. She pays $4.25 per month for the
same brand, by the same company only purchases them in Mexico.
With the $529 a year difference just for that one medication alone
going in our pockets and not the bloodsuckers.
Post by Ian S
the American people on why he has made it illegal for Medicare to negotiate
drug prices, something every other medical coverage provider, including the
You didn't honestly believe Bush's so called great Medicare
prescription plan was going to benefit the people did you ? It
cost them $60 a month, the $15.00 annual increase they would
have received, along with a decrease of $45 from their social
security checks for the rip off prescription program.

AARP lost over 16 million members because of AARP backing
the plan, with them trying to sell the seniors the BS they just didn't
know economics. Maybe not, but they sure as hell know when
they've been sold out and ripped off.

And you can bet AARP didn't receive a dime from Bushy to help
make up the lost revenue either.

When are people going to wake up the only thing the government
cares about is how they can screw you out of every dime you have
and coming up with ways to do it.
Post by Ian S
VA, is allowed to do.
2004-10-13 21:35:50 UTC
Post by Ian S
VA, is allowed to do.
That is right- and Illinois and Minnesota are also pushing to get a
state bill passed to recieve Canadian drugs. Imho, I think the country
would be better off if there was a national re-importation law for
Canadian prescription drugs.

2004-10-09 19:00:24 UTC
In article <npGdncdC6Z3viPXcRVn-***@comcast.com>, ***@saturn.net
Post by enceladus
Part of last nights canard and Jr.s biggest bald face lie to the nation. He
just doesn't know is those Canadian drugs are safe. No politics entered
into that decision. Just plain ole concern for the American people.
Jr. you are a liar and a cheat and you have lied so much you don't know the
Bush and Kerry are slaves to the Pharma Lobby. They're afraid to challenge
them on US soil so they both recommend imports from outside the USA.

The USA is controlled by the lobbyists.
Chris Wright
2004-10-09 19:32:31 UTC
He suggested that drugs coming from Canada might actually be coming from a
third world country.

I.e. Canada is secretly importing drugs from Nigeria, selling them to the US
at a profit, and giggling with glee.

Ask yourself: how plausible is that?
Post by enceladus
Part of last nights canard and Jr.s biggest bald face lie to the nation.
He just doesn't know is those Canadian drugs are safe. No politics
entered into that decision. Just plain ole concern for the American
people. Touching
Jr. you are a liar and a cheat and you have lied so much you don't know
the difference.
2004-10-10 00:46:31 UTC
Post by enceladus
Part of last nights canard and Jr.s biggest bald face lie to the nation. He
just doesn't know is those Canadian drugs are safe. No politics entered
into that decision. Just plain ole concern for the American people.
Jr. you are a liar and a cheat and you have lied so much you don't know the
He really should do his homework before he puts his foot in his mouth.
99% of the drugs that can be purchased a hell of a lot cheaper in
other countries are made by US pharmaceutical companies. The
only difference is the language on the packaging.

We've been purchasing medications in Mexico for over 20 years
without a problem.

Bush is to stupid to realize what an asinine statement it was. If they
weren't safe, then not only would most American's, but Canadian's,
Mexican's and every other nations who purchase their medications
from the drug pushing US pharmaceutical companies, would all be
pretty much dead by now, don't you think ?

Do you think they're willing to give up their trillion dollar a year
industry that easily ? Not on your life.

People don't even stop to think about how the government pushes
getting a flu shot every year.

How does the government know there's even going to be a flu in the
first place to warrant the need of getting the flu shot ?

And secondly, how is that flu shot going to help, when they don't even
know what kind of flu it is, if there's even one at all ?

There hasn't been potentially deadly flu to warrant getting a flu shot
since the Hong Kong flu, which hit in 1968/69. But rest assured the
pharmaceutical companies are making hundreds of millions every
year making the shots when there isn't even a flu you're supposedly
being protected from getting.
Cosmic Dawg, Forensic Proctologist
2004-10-10 01:37:41 UTC
Post by enceladus
Part of last nights canard and Jr.s biggest bald face lie to the nation. He
just doesn't know is those Canadian drugs are safe. No politics entered
into that decision. Just plain ole concern for the American people.
Jr. you are a liar and a cheat and you have lied so much you don't know the
I don't know how that piece of fecal matter can sleep at night. No
one with an ounce of integrity would say those kind of bald face lies
in public. I wish Kerry had followed up with "I guess Mr. Bush thinks
Canadians are falling over dead from the unsafe drugs they get."
When people speak to you about a preventive war, you
tell them to go and fight it. After my experience,
I have come to hate war. War settles nothing.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower