Kerry: Rumsfeld 'accountable' for Abu Ghraib
(too old to reply)
2004-08-28 05:04:01 UTC
Kerry: Rumsfeld 'accountable' for Abu Ghraib
Presidential nominee renews call for 'No-CARB'--No Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld,
By Jodi Wilgoren
New York Times

Thursday, August 26, 2004 - GREEN BAY, Wis. -- Teeing off two reports detailing abuses at
the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Sen. John Kerry on Wednesday renewed his call for Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to resign, citing the need for "accountability that runs
through the civilian command."

"It's not just the little person at the bottom who ought to pay the price of
responsibility," Kerry told union members at a steamfitters hall in Philadelphia before
heading to Green Bay. "Harry Truman had that sign on the desk and it said, 'The buck stops
here.' The buck doesn't stop at the Pentagon. And in this case it doesn't just stop with
any military personnel."

Speaking on the same day that the Army announced that 35 military intelligence soldiers
had been implicated in prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, Kerry, the Democratic presidential
nominee, also called on President Bush to appoint another commission to probe the scandal,
focused on the chain of command and the Geneva Conventions.

But he did not address the substance of a separate report by a four-member panel headed by
James R. Schlesinger, a former defense secretary, except to note that it said Rumsfeld had
set the climate enabling the prison abuse. Instead, Kerry made a broader case for the
secretary's ouster "for failure to do what he should have done" prosecuting the Iraq war.

"The failures of judgment, the miscalculations, the failures of command, the
miscalculation about the numbers of troops needed to win the peace, the miscalculation
about not having a plan to win the peace, the miscalculation of sending troops over there
without adequate armor, with Humvees that aren't armored," Kerry clicked off his litany of

"The overextension of the National Guard and the overextension of our reserves, the
redeployments of people, the lack of responsibility for what has been one of the most
severe miscalculations in any deployment of American forces in American history, I believe
lands in the civilian responsibility."

Rumsfeld, along with Vice President Dick Cheney and Attorney General John Ashcroft, is a
frequent foil for Democratic audiences. Kerry has been greeted on the campaign trail
several times by hand-lettered signs advocating a "No CARB diet: No Cheney, No Ashcroft,
No Rumsfeld, No Bush."

Pointing out that Kerry's resignation recommendation was recycled from last year, Steve
Schmidt, a spokesman for the Bush campaign, called his seizing on the Abu Ghraib reports
"just the latest example of John Kerry's willingness to say whatever he believes will
benefit him politically."

The comments on the Abu Ghraib scandal came before a friendly labor audience at a forum
ostensibly devoted to economic issues, Kerry embraced the endorsement of 10 Nobel
laureates in economists, mostly well-known liberals.

It was his 26th day campaigning in the critical electoral battleground of Pennsylvania
since securing the nomination in March. He later headed to Green Bay, where he fell on the
ground to retrieve a fumble while running a few plays with the West High School football

Unlike at a fund-raiser here Tuesday night, when he fired back at critics of his war
record by saying he was proud of his military medals and of his anti-war activity upon
returning home, Kerry did not mention Vietnam or the veterans group questioning his war
record on Wednesday. But his supporters did.

A man in the audience in Philadelphia received a standing ovation for saying, "I think
it's shameful, the attacks on your service." And here in Green Bay, Bob Schmitz, 81, who
said he was a veteran of five World War II campaigns, praised Kerry's decorated combat
tours, saying: "I do not have a Purple Heart, I don't have a Silver Star, I don't have a
Bronze Star. I know what it takes to get those awards, and I think it's a damn shame with
Bush and his other two draft-dodging buddies cutting the feet out from under this
wonderful man."

Kerry did poke fun at the president, whose campaign has been accused of only inviting
volunteers to events and vetting their questions, by asking the audience whether anyone
had to sign a loyalty oath or was fed questions. The crowd hissed, "No!" but the steady
stream of softballs that followed could have come from a pitching machine.

There was the woman laid off after 19 years because of outsourcing who inquired about
importing drugs from Canada, a staple of Kerry's health-care plan. There was the man
asking why his unemployment benefits were not extended after 26 weeks, a signature
complaint of Kerry's. There was the soldier's father who presented Kerry with a pair of
red boxing gloves, "to thank you for fighting for the middle class."

And then there was the man from Montgomery County who sounded as if he was parroting
Kerry's stump speech as he detailed local factory closings and said his only question for
the candidate was, "What can we do for you?"

"Ninety-eight days," said Kerry. "Every day, every single one of you can win votes."

Reminded afterward that just 69 days remain until the election, an aide joked that Kerry
was preparing for a possible recount.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 05:23:58 UTC
Liberal Family Values

Helena Bonham Carter is a movie star! Wow! Imagine that. A star!
She gave birth to the child of director Tim Burton, her next door
neighbor. And what did she have to say about this Hollywood moment?
"I find it romantic bearing his illegitimate child and living next
door. I don't know if we'll marry."

Someone please tell me, why the hell do we idolize these people like
we do?
Left-wing Liberals are EVERYTHING they accuse the right of being. They
are mean, vicious, hateful, cold-hearted, intolerant, bigoted and
2004-08-28 07:18:18 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Liberal Family Values
Helena Bonham Carter is a movie star! Wow! Imagine that. A star!
She gave birth to the child of director Tim Burton, her next door
neighbor. And what did she have to say about this Hollywood moment?
"I find it romantic bearing his illegitimate child and living next
door. I don't know if we'll marry."
Someone please tell me, why the hell do we idolize these people like
we do?
Bush tortured little animals with fire crackers.
There's your family values, nitwit.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 09:00:38 UTC
Ted Kennedy Murdered His Pregnant Mistress

And what does the Vile Senator from Massachusetts have to say about
Bush's idea for an amendment banning gay marriage?

"It's about politics ... an attempt to drive a wedge between one group
of citizens and the rest of the country solely for partisan

Well, I guess Ted Kennedy, one of the greatest Democratic class
warfare generals, would know all about driving wedges between groups
of citizens, if not about driving cars over bridges.
Left-wing liberals are EVERYTHING they accuse the right of being. They
are mean, vicious, hateful, greedy, cold-hearted, closed-minded,
selfish, intolerant, bigoted and racist.

Liberals HATE America!
cLIeNUX user
2004-08-28 09:08:10 UTC
Bush let a bunch of kooks take the US to war.

I'm Rick Hohensee, and I created this message... @$%*%*%$$@*@$*@*@###*
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_______|___ ######*#*#**############ |
******#*******######### |
################# | |

"The Vision Thing", original ASCII-art by

Rick (Richard Allen) Hohensee
independant candidate for President
David Galehouse
2004-08-28 10:48:36 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Liberal Family Values
And you being a pedophile is an example of "family values"?
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 11:40:39 UTC
Remember when liberal Bill Clinton let the BATF kill all those people
in Waco Texas?

Remember when you were a little child, and you thought everyone in
America believed in freedom and being free?

Since you've grown up, you now realize that not all Americans believe
in liberty for all. Some, mostly in the democRATic Party, believe in a
sort of limited concept of liberty. You can may remain free as long as
you agree with them. Take for instance the Bill Clinton era situation
that took place in Waco, and the church that was burned down, and
where 85 Americans lost their lives. Those Americans were just living
at that church way out in the middle of no where close to Waco Texas.
The democRAT-controlled congress of the day was thinking about dumping
the BATF and making those agents into members of the FBI.

The BATF wanted no part of this. As with most federal agencies, there
is no love between them. The BATF had to think up something quick to
justify their existence. It was known by the BATF that David Koresh
had a compound with a church and many families living apart from
mainstream society near Waco. As with Ruby Ridge, the federal
government seems to hate Americans that want to live away from big
cities quietly doing their own thing. It seems that living like this
attracts government attention. Of course, government wants to rule
over you, not just uphold your rights and ensure your security as it
was designed to do. Oh no, government wants to be your god, and how
dare you think of doing for yourself out their on a large plot of land
in the middle of Texas??? Government employees need you to need them
so that they can keep their jobs!

So, the BATF decided to go check out David Koresh with the idea that
since he was ordering gun parts in the mail, he might be ordering
illegal gun parts, but no one knew for certain. So the cowboys of the
BATF road into town with guns drawn and ready to fire. It was at this
point that the local sheriff told the BATF that he knew Koresh and
that he was an ok kind of guy, and that he came to town all the time
to buy stuff, thus he was no threat to anyone. This information had no
effect on the plans of the BATF. The agency needed to look good on the
evening news so that congress wouldn't kill off the federal law

Agents surrounded the compound and told Koresh to come out. He wanted
to talk to the leader of the pack before coming out, but one thing led
to another and a stand off ensued. For over a month, agents turned off
the water, electricity, and allowed little or no food to enter the
compound. By this time, the nation was focused on Waco, and FBI agents
took over the situation. They played loud noises to try to make the
families leave the church, but they were scared to death.

The home and church was just a wood structure. As US army tanks rolled
into Waco, and Cobra helicopters flew overhead, the patience of the
FBI had run out. A plan was set into motion. Gas the building with CS
gas used in WWII and banned since. CS gas is highly flammable. The
tanks moved forward and shoved their turrets into the simple building,
the home of many women and children. As the tanks began to inject gas
into the building, fire was added. Was it done on purpose to keep the
public from seeing the bullet holes in the front door and all over the
building where agents had fired at the occupants? Was the fire just an
accident? Both the Murrah building and the Koresh church were
eventually scraped off the ground and carted away by the government.
Why? Why was the actual earth around these buildings and under them
as well, removed?

Why was there a huge hole in the roof of the concrete cellar which was
used for kitchen storage at the Koresh church? Many people gathered
into the cellar on the day that the church was set ablaze. People have
since stated that the feds placed a large explosive on the roof of the
concrete room with the idea of sending millions of concrete fragments
into the room at bullet speed to kill the occupants. There were many
found dead in that room. Mothers, fathers and children were all
killed. The hole in the roof is on film. You can see that the blast on
the roof was set dead center on the top side where a much smaller
hole was seen. When in the room looking upward, you could see the hole
was much larger. The hole was similar to the kind of effect caused by
a BB hitting glass. It was conical in shape with the large side facing

When the dust and flamed cleared, 85 Americans lay dead throughout the
compound. Many lies were told to justify the actions of the Clinton
administration. But, government had to remain in control and appear
faultless. Koresh was said to be a child molester. He was supposed to
have a speed lab in the building making huge amounts of meth to sell.
He was supposed to have had illegal weapons, and performed illegal
mods to weapons he owned. The lies kept coming. Government lost its
cool, and 85 people were dead. Someone had to take the blame, but
just like Ruby Ridge where the federal marshall was promoted after
killing a woman holding her child, no one in either the FBI, or BATF
suffered as a result of the outcome of this tragic situation. Liberal
style government protects its own.

So, when you're thinking back on your childhood and you remember how
wonderful things seemed then because you didn't know how bad things
can really get, just for a moment, remember the people who died at
Waco and Ruby Ridge who were victims of an out of control liberal
democRAT controlled government, right here IN AMERICA. Remember that
not everyone in our fair land supports the concept of liberty for all.
Remember that, as our founders told us, government must be very
limited and under the complete control of We the People, or massive
abuses of power will occur, and lives and liberty
will be lost.
Jive-Ass Johnny
2004-08-28 11:53:52 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Remember when liberal Bill Clinton let the BATF kill all those people
in Waco Texas?
Remember when you were a little child, and you thought everyone in
America believed in freedom and being free?
Since you've grown up, you now realize that not all Americans believe
in liberty for all. Some, mostly in the democRATic Party, believe in a
sort of limited concept of liberty. You can may remain free as long as
you agree with them. Take for instance the Bill Clinton era situation
that took place in Waco, and the church that was burned down, and
where 85 Americans lost their lives. Those Americans were just living
at that church way out in the middle of no where close to Waco Texas.
The democRAT-controlled congress of the day was thinking about dumping
the BATF and making those agents into members of the FBI.
The BATF wanted no part of this. As with most federal agencies, there
is no love between them. The BATF had to think up something quick to
justify their existence. It was known by the BATF that David Koresh
had a compound with a church and many families living apart from
mainstream society near Waco. As with Ruby Ridge, the federal
government seems to hate Americans that want to live away from big
cities quietly doing their own thing. It seems that living like this
attracts government attention. Of course, government wants to rule
over you, not just uphold your rights and ensure your security as it
was designed to do. Oh no, government wants to be your god, and how
dare you think of doing for yourself out their on a large plot of land
in the middle of Texas??? Government employees need you to need them
so that they can keep their jobs!
So, the BATF decided to go check out David Koresh with the idea that
since he was ordering gun parts in the mail, he might be ordering
illegal gun parts, but no one knew for certain. So the cowboys of the
BATF road into town with guns drawn and ready to fire. It was at this
point that the local sheriff told the BATF that he knew Koresh and
that he was an ok kind of guy, and that he came to town all the time
to buy stuff, thus he was no threat to anyone. This information had no
effect on the plans of the BATF. The agency needed to look good on the
evening news so that congress wouldn't kill off the federal law
Agents surrounded the compound and told Koresh to come out. He wanted
to talk to the leader of the pack before coming out, but one thing led
to another and a stand off ensued. For over a month, agents turned off
the water, electricity, and allowed little or no food to enter the
compound. By this time, the nation was focused on Waco, and FBI agents
took over the situation. They played loud noises to try to make the
families leave the church, but they were scared to death.
The home and church was just a wood structure. As US army tanks rolled
into Waco, and Cobra helicopters flew overhead, the patience of the
FBI had run out. A plan was set into motion. Gas the building with CS
gas used in WWII and banned since. CS gas is highly flammable. The
tanks moved forward and shoved their turrets into the simple building,
the home of many women and children. As the tanks began to inject gas
into the building, fire was added. Was it done on purpose to keep the
public from seeing the bullet holes in the front door and all over the
building where agents had fired at the occupants? Was the fire just an
accident? Both the Murrah building and the Koresh church were
eventually scraped off the ground and carted away by the government.
Why? Why was the actual earth around these buildings and under them
as well, removed?
Why was there a huge hole in the roof of the concrete cellar which was
used for kitchen storage at the Koresh church? Many people gathered
into the cellar on the day that the church was set ablaze. People have
since stated that the feds placed a large explosive on the roof of the
concrete room with the idea of sending millions of concrete fragments
into the room at bullet speed to kill the occupants. There were many
found dead in that room. Mothers, fathers and children were all
killed. The hole in the roof is on film. You can see that the blast on
the roof was set dead center on the top side where a much smaller
hole was seen. When in the room looking upward, you could see the hole
was much larger. The hole was similar to the kind of effect caused by
a BB hitting glass. It was conical in shape with the large side facing
When the dust and flamed cleared, 85 Americans lay dead throughout the
compound. Many lies were told to justify the actions of the Clinton
administration. But, government had to remain in control and appear
faultless. Koresh was said to be a child molester. He was supposed to
have a speed lab in the building making huge amounts of meth to sell.
He was supposed to have had illegal weapons, and performed illegal
mods to weapons he owned. The lies kept coming. Government lost its
cool, and 85 people were dead. Someone had to take the blame, but
just like Ruby Ridge where the federal marshall was promoted after
killing a woman holding her child, no one in either the FBI, or BATF
suffered as a result of the outcome of this tragic situation. Liberal
style government protects its own.
So, when you're thinking back on your childhood and you remember how
wonderful things seemed then because you didn't know how bad things
can really get, just for a moment, remember the people who died at
Waco and Ruby Ridge who were victims of an out of control liberal
democRAT controlled government, right here IN AMERICA. Remember that
not everyone in our fair land supports the concept of liberty for all.
Remember that, as our founders told us, government must be very
limited and under the complete control of We the People, or massive
abuses of power will occur, and lives and liberty
will be lost.
Bill Clinton didn't give a damn about those Americans in that church. He
was more concerned about getting his Demmie pecker "serviced" on a regular
basis by female office staff workers.

Not a peep of protest out of John Kerry or John Edwards either. Nor did
John Edwards file a lawsuit on their behalf in court, as he has done in so
many other instances throughout his long ambulence-chasing career.

They were, after all, liberal Democrats - vaunted champions of personal
Beloved Citizen
2004-08-28 13:37:59 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Liberal Family Values
I'm married, raising 3 very smart kids, and am proudly a Democrat and
a liberal.

So how many kids do you have? Or is this "family values" canard
something along the lines of the Bushie chickenhawk war hero thing for
you? You know, strictly a spectator sport where you sit your fat pious
ass on the sideline and smear your betters?

If this was a betting situation, my money'd be on your being a 40
something bachelor who never left his mommy's house.
David Galehouse
2004-08-28 16:31:51 UTC
Post by Beloved Citizen
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Liberal Family Values
I'm married, raising 3 very smart kids, and am proudly a Democrat and
a liberal.
You might want to make sure you keep them away from Neil Bush.
Post by Beloved Citizen
So how many kids do you have? Or is this "family values" canard
something along the lines of the Bushie chickenhawk war hero thing for
you? You know, strictly a spectator sport where you sit your fat pious
ass on the sideline and smear your betters?
If this was a betting situation, my money'd be on your being a 40
something bachelor who never left his mommy's house.
2004-08-28 15:15:59 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Liberal Family Values
Helena Bonham Carter is a movie star! Wow! Imagine that. A star!
She gave birth to the child of director Tim Burton, her next door
neighbor. And what did she have to say about this Hollywood moment?
"I find it romantic bearing his illegitimate child and living next
door. I don't know if we'll marry."
Someone please tell me, why the hell do we idolize these people like
we do?
Do you mean Ronald and Nancy Reagan? As Nancy Davis, she was pregnant
at last three months before their marriage. Is disapproval of the
Burton - Carter involvement based on one standard and approval (or at
least non-criticism) of the Davis - Reagan involvement based on
another? Please state the respective standards. I have no idea why we
idolize either.
2004-08-28 18:58:56 UTC
* You think $900/month ($10,800/year) is a fair price for a health
insurance policy.
* You believe drug companies should prevent you from buying Canadian
drugs at half price.
* You are a senior citizen and you think you are about to receive all
your medication for free because President Bush has passed the
prescription drugs for seniors under Medicare legislation.
* You think large tax breaks for CEO's making over $50 million are
good, but your own CEO may have to cut the company budget and
eliminate your position.
* You never work or get paid for overtime so you don?t care about the
recent Bush bill that will eliminate overtime pay for 8 million
workers. You don?t know any of the 9 million unemployed U.S. and don?t
know anyone in Iraq.
* Your state has a budget deficit of $2 billion but we should spend
$600 billion in Iraq.
* You know Iraq has more oil than any other country in the world, but
no one knows where it ends up after it comes out of the ground or who
grts the money for it.
* You would like to see us attack Syria, Iran, and North Korea and
Cuba at a cost of $1 trillion, because they are bad and are trying to
get us and we better get them first. These rogue countries are sneaky
and have tens of thousands of nuclear missiles and weapons of mass
destruction pointed at us. You don?t know how much $1 trillion is.
(Answer: It?s $1,000,000,000,000 or a million million dollars. $1
trillion dollars could pay for 25 million jobs that would pay $40,000
for a year. $1 trillion could employ all of the 9 million unemployed
for the next three years. The United States could probably purchase
peacefully all of North Korea for $1 trillion dollars.)
* You are a woman and want abortion made illegal, and want women
imprisoned for obtaining one, to teach them a lesson. You can afford
to travel to Sweden.
* You are a man and want to make sure that women having abortions is
illegal, and that the men (also known at the fathers') who impregnate
the women are completely and totally blameless if such a crime is
* You like Pat Robertson, the TV evangelist. You send him
contributions and you pray with him for the ?passing? of three Supreme
Court Justices.
* You are 100% for the death penalty and its OK if a few hundred
people get executed when they were actually totally innocent. It?s the
price we have to pay.
* You think that 2 million people in jail is normal and we need to
lock up even more people. You think we have won the war on drugs
because no one ever talks about it anymore.
* You think $15,000 to $30,000 a year to send your child away to
college is just fine and it?s a good buy.
* You are a doctor and want doctors to be imprisoned for accidentally
or purposely causing an abortion.
* You are a doctor and like spending more time with insurance paper
work, pharmaceutical sales reps, your office personnel, your lawyer,
phone calls to insurance reps and drug stores, and you find your
patients too time consuming and annoying.
* You are planning to move to China or India and want a job with an
American company there. (Working for 35 cents an hour with no
* You never visited a National Park (Yellowstone, Yosemite, the White
Mountains) and don't care about them. They look fine on the postcards
you get from friends.
* You are a teacher and think that our educational system is tops in
the world.
* Your town just rejected spending increases of $5 million for
additional teachers and much needed reconstruction of the school
buildings, and it?s closing a local medical clinic but you think it?s
a good idea for President Bush to give $50 billion to a few warring
countries in Afri ca that are in total chaos, so they can build
schools, hire teachers, open clinics, and then destroy them as they
continue to kill each other in never ending civil wars.
* You keep getting Liberia mixed up with Lebanon so you don?t really
care who gets the $15 billion Bush earmarked of one of those countries.
* You like paying $2.00 a gallon for gas because Exxon/Mobil must be
* You don?t mind transferring your computer technology skills to
serving coffee in Dunkin? Donuts for $6.00 an hour with no health
* You think Saddam Hussein attacked the World Trade Center and can?t
remember who Osama bin Laden is. You forgot who had the weapons of
mass destruction; us or them.
* You believe that 40 million people without health insurance isn?t
all that bad. You think that the solution is that they just better not
get sick.
* You think that your company enjoys paying most of your health
premiums and they probably have never thought about eliminating your
* You don?t know what the Homeland Security Department does, how much
it costs your State Government, and you can't name all the colors on
the color-coded alert chart.
* You don?t live in the Northeast so the electrical blackout didn?t
affect you but you think we should spend $18 billion on the electrical
grid in Iraq.
* You think the 150,000 American troops are having fun in Iraq and we
should send more to protect the Iraqi's from the Iraqi's.
* You think President Bush and the Republican Party deserves
contributions from the pharmaceutical and health insurance industry
and you don?t mind paying $200 for a bottle of prescription drugs.
* You like seeing constant TV commercials for powerful, potentially
dangerous prescription drugs because if you didn?t you wouldn?t know
you were so sick and your doctor wouldn?t tell you about the drugs
without you asking him.
* You like President Bush?s tough talk and get a kick out of the
expressions ?we?re gonna smoke 'em out and bring ?em ta justice?;
we're gonna get ?em dead or alive?; ?bring ?em (the terrorists) on?;
and we're gonna get ?dem folks who knocked down da buildings?, and you
think this eloquent speaking, (prepared and reviewed by 100
Presidential speechwriters) enhances our stature in the world.
* You like to see President Bush getting off the shiny green
helicopter with his two dogs and he always smiles and waves and holds
hands with his wife and that seems nice.
* Your main source of information is the Nightly News where you hear
20 minutes of short sound bites from any one Presidential candidate
speaking for 15 seconds on the $600 billion being spent on Iraq,
intermingled with 15 commercials for pharmaceutical products that
?speak? for 30 seconds each. You especially like the chemotherapy and
rheumatoid arthriti commercials that show healthy people walking their
dogs on beautiful green grass with beautiful sunsets with soothing
music; and the commercials where people have been cured of their
diarrehea and constipation and can get to work on time.
* You voted for Bush's father when he won and you voted for Bush's
father when he lost. And you voted for this current President Bush
when he lost, but then you found out he won because of something in
Florida. And it's easy to remember the name Bush, so you might as well
vote for him again.
2004-08-29 01:01:44 UTC
Post by Peanutjake
* You think $900/month ($10,800/year) is a fair price for a health
insurance policy.
* You believe drug companies should prevent you from buying Canadian
drugs at half price.
* You are a senior citizen and you think you are about to receive all
your medication for free because President Bush has passed the
prescription drugs for seniors under Medicare legislation.
* You think large tax breaks for CEO's making over $50 million are
good, but your own CEO may have to cut the company budget and
eliminate your position.
* You never work or get paid for overtime so you don?t care about the
recent Bush bill that will eliminate overtime pay for 8 million
workers. You don?t know any of the 9 million unemployed U.S. and don?t
know anyone in Iraq.
* Your state has a budget deficit of $2 billion but we should spend
$600 billion in Iraq.
* You know Iraq has more oil than any other country in the world, but
no one knows where it ends up after it comes out of the ground or who
grts the money for it.
* You would like to see us attack Syria, Iran, and North Korea and
Cuba at a cost of $1 trillion, because they are bad and are trying to
get us and we better get them first. These rogue countries are sneaky
and have tens of thousands of nuclear missiles and weapons of mass
destruction pointed at us. You don?t know how much $1 trillion is.
(Answer: It?s $1,000,000,000,000 or a million million dollars. $1
trillion dollars could pay for 25 million jobs that would pay $40,000
for a year. $1 trillion could employ all of the 9 million unemployed
for the next three years. The United States could probably purchase
peacefully all of North Korea for $1 trillion dollars.)
* You are a woman and want abortion made illegal, and want women
imprisoned for obtaining one, to teach them a lesson. You can afford
to travel to Sweden.
* You are a man and want to make sure that women having abortions is
illegal, and that the men (also known at the fathers') who impregnate
the women are completely and totally blameless if such a crime is
* You like Pat Robertson, the TV evangelist. You send him
contributions and you pray with him for the ?passing? of three Supreme
Court Justices.
* You are 100% for the death penalty and its OK if a few hundred
people get executed when they were actually totally innocent. It?s the
price we have to pay.
* You think that 2 million people in jail is normal and we need to
lock up even more people. You think we have won the war on drugs
because no one ever talks about it anymore.
* You think $15,000 to $30,000 a year to send your child away to
college is just fine and it?s a good buy.
* You are a doctor and want doctors to be imprisoned for accidentally
or purposely causing an abortion.
But you are to be forgiven, totally, for coming to work drunk - and cutting
off the wrong arm in an operation.
Post by Peanutjake
* You are a doctor and like spending more time with insurance paper
work, pharmaceutical sales reps, your office personnel, your lawyer,
phone calls to insurance reps and drug stores, and you find your
patients too time consuming and annoying.
* You are planning to move to China or India and want a job with an
American company there. (Working for 35 cents an hour with no
* You never visited a National Park (Yellowstone, Yosemite, the White
Mountains) and don't care about them. They look fine on the postcards
you get from friends.
* You are a teacher and think that our educational system is tops in
the world.
* Your town just rejected spending increases of $5 million for
additional teachers and much needed reconstruction of the school
buildings, and it?s closing a local medical clinic but you think it?s
a good idea for President Bush to give $50 billion to a few warring
countries in Afri ca that are in total chaos, so they can build
schools, hire teachers, open clinics, and then destroy them as they
continue to kill each other in never ending civil wars.
* You keep getting Liberia mixed up with Lebanon so you don?t really
care who gets the $15 billion Bush earmarked of one of those countries.
* You like paying $2.00 a gallon for gas because Exxon/Mobil must be
* You don?t mind transferring your computer technology skills to
serving coffee in Dunkin? Donuts for $6.00 an hour with no health
* You think Saddam Hussein attacked the World Trade Center and can?t
remember who Osama bin Laden is. You forgot who had the weapons of
mass destruction; us or them.
* You believe that 40 million people without health insurance isn?t
all that bad. You think that the solution is that they just better not
get sick.
* You think that your company enjoys paying most of your health
premiums and they probably have never thought about eliminating your
* You don?t know what the Homeland Security Department does, how much
it costs your State Government, and you can't name all the colors on
the color-coded alert chart.
* You don?t live in the Northeast so the electrical blackout didn?t
affect you but you think we should spend $18 billion on the electrical
grid in Iraq.
* You think the 150,000 American troops are having fun in Iraq and we
should send more to protect the Iraqi's from the Iraqi's.
* You think President Bush and the Republican Party deserves
contributions from the pharmaceutical and health insurance industry
and you don?t mind paying $200 for a bottle of prescription drugs.
* You like seeing constant TV commercials for powerful, potentially
dangerous prescription drugs because if you didn?t you wouldn?t know
you were so sick and your doctor wouldn?t tell you about the drugs
without you asking him.
* You like President Bush?s tough talk and get a kick out of the
expressions ?we?re gonna smoke 'em out and bring ?em ta justice?;
we're gonna get ?em dead or alive?; ?bring ?em (the terrorists) on?;
and we're gonna get ?dem folks who knocked down da buildings?, and you
think this eloquent speaking, (prepared and reviewed by 100
Presidential speechwriters) enhances our stature in the world.
* You like to see President Bush getting off the shiny green
helicopter with his two dogs and he always smiles and waves and holds
hands with his wife and that seems nice.
* Your main source of information is the Nightly News where you hear
20 minutes of short sound bites from any one Presidential candidate
speaking for 15 seconds on the $600 billion being spent on Iraq,
intermingled with 15 commercials for pharmaceutical products that
?speak? for 30 seconds each. You especially like the chemotherapy and
rheumatoid arthriti commercials that show healthy people walking their
dogs on beautiful green grass with beautiful sunsets with soothing
music; and the commercials where people have been cured of their
diarrehea and constipation and can get to work on time.
* You voted for Bush's father when he won and you voted for Bush's
father when he lost. And you voted for this current President Bush
when he lost, but then you found out he won because of something in
Florida. And it's easy to remember the name Bush, so you might as well
vote for him again.
Arbusto Harken
2004-08-28 16:21:39 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Liberal Family Values
Helena Bonham Carter is a movie star! Wow! Imagine that. A star!
She gave birth to the child of director Tim Burton, her next door
neighbor. And what did she have to say about this Hollywood moment?
"I find it romantic bearing his illegitimate child and living next
door. I don't know if we'll marry."
Someone please tell me, why the hell do we idolize these people like
we do?
Why does *who* idolize "these people"? And what does this have to do
with liberalism?