Assisted Listening- For Under $500
(too old to reply)
2004-10-11 01:26:24 UTC
The RC-216 Receive-A-Cue system is a professional quality, digitally
synthesized wireless cueing system operating in the interference-free
216-217 MHz band. The IR-230 induction receiver and NTC-102 neck-loop
eliminates the need for visible wires going directly to the ear. With the
adjustable volume control and low residual noise, this discrete earpiece is
loud enough for even the most demanding environments. The dual function
M-216 transmitter can be used with a lapel microphone for live cueing, or
the AUX input and whip antenna can be used to send cues from a line level
audio input source. Also, the AUX input on the transmitter allows for
prerecorded material to be played back from another sound source such as an
MP-3 player, dat recorder, or even a feed from a mixing board. When using
the mic input and the AUX input simultaniously, the AUX input will
automatically lower it's level to prioritize the signal from the mic input.

The complete RC-216 system includes:

a.. M-216 wireless microphone transmitter
b.. CM-183 omni-directional lapel microphone
c.. PR-216 personal receiver
d.. NTC-102 neck-loop transductor
e.. SM-N earphone assembly
f.. IR-230 inductor receiver
g.. Auxiliary audio input cable
h.. C-216 carrying case
RC-216 Option 1: Separate microphone muting switch only mutes voice
from the M-216 transmitter microphone, allowing auxiliary input program to
remain on.

Roedy Green
2004-10-11 03:16:52 UTC
Post by enceladus
a.. M-216 wireless microphone transmitter
b.. CM-183 omni-directional lapel microphone
c.. PR-216 personal receiver
d.. NTC-102 neck-loop transductor
e.. SM-N earphone assembly
f.. IR-230 inductor receiver
g.. Auxiliary audio input c
If Bush's comm system model could be identified, and if the boob is so
stupid he does not bother to use an encrypting model, Kerry's boys
could ALSO buy a matching transmitter, and shout in a few choice

With a little help from a CIA insider, they might even crack the
encryption code by the time the debate was over.

If the Republicans are stupid, they won't be listening to the channel.
Just Bush will. They won't even know Kerry's people are ALSO giving
instructions. It is easy now to create fake voice conglomerations
that sound surprisingly plausible.

The end result could be worthy of Dick Clark Classic Bloopers of all

What would you like to hear the animatronic president say on National
TV? Place your requests.

"Read my lips. No new taxes, except for people earning under a million
dollars a year!"

"I dedicate myself to making America safe for profiteers of the Iraq

"The reason I'm keeping America out of the International Court in the
Hague in Holland is to protect my good friends from prosecution. If it
weren't for me, they'd all be in jail for the rest of their lives."

"People say I have no accomplishments. You mean to tell be the biggest
deficits in history are no accomplishment? The first negative job
growth in 70 years is no accomplishment? The highest job exports in
history is no accomplishment? Vote for me, and I will work hard to
give you even more of my accomplishments."

"I know I've said some strong things about Saddam Hussein and Osama
bin Laden. But they meant well. They have good hearts. I paid them to
do what they did. They are both loyal CIA men. As my last act of my
presidency, I am pardoning them. Yes, you heard me. I'm sick and
tired of this job. As of now. Dick Cheney and I resign. So' long
suckers. We have a plane to South America to catch."

"Bush is alive and hiding in Argentina."
~ 2005 bumper sticker

Bush is not on your side!
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.
2004-10-11 13:05:17 UTC
I like it.....run with the concept
Post by Roedy Green
Post by enceladus
a.. M-216 wireless microphone transmitter
b.. CM-183 omni-directional lapel microphone
c.. PR-216 personal receiver
d.. NTC-102 neck-loop transductor
e.. SM-N earphone assembly
f.. IR-230 inductor receiver
g.. Auxiliary audio input c
If Bush's comm system model could be identified, and if the boob is so
stupid he does not bother to use an encrypting model, Kerry's boys
could ALSO buy a matching transmitter, and shout in a few choice
With a little help from a CIA insider, they might even crack the
encryption code by the time the debate was over.
If the Republicans are stupid, they won't be listening to the channel.
Just Bush will. They won't even know Kerry's people are ALSO giving
instructions. It is easy now to create fake voice conglomerations
that sound surprisingly plausible.
The end result could be worthy of Dick Clark Classic Bloopers of all
What would you like to hear the animatronic president say on National
TV? Place your requests.
"Read my lips. No new taxes, except for people earning under a million
dollars a year!"
"I dedicate myself to making America safe for profiteers of the Iraq
"The reason I'm keeping America out of the International Court in the
Hague in Holland is to protect my good friends from prosecution. If it
weren't for me, they'd all be in jail for the rest of their lives."
"People say I have no accomplishments. You mean to tell be the biggest
deficits in history are no accomplishment? The first negative job
growth in 70 years is no accomplishment? The highest job exports in
history is no accomplishment? Vote for me, and I will work hard to
give you even more of my accomplishments."
"I know I've said some strong things about Saddam Hussein and Osama
bin Laden. But they meant well. They have good hearts. I paid them to
do what they did. They are both loyal CIA men. As my last act of my
presidency, I am pardoning them. Yes, you heard me. I'm sick and
tired of this job. As of now. Dick Cheney and I resign. So' long
suckers. We have a plane to South America to catch."
"Bush is alive and hiding in Argentina."
~ 2005 bumper sticker
Bush is not on your side!
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.