The real issue: Bush is incompetent
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2004-08-28 04:30:36 UTC
The real issue: Bush is incompetent
Richard Reeves United Press Syndicate
Saturday, August 28, 2004

Not up to the job

NEW YORK President George W. Bush is coming to town. You better watch out, you better not
shout - unless you're a certified delegate inside Madison Square Garden. With protesters
somewhere out of sight, the Republican National Convention will be a celebration of the
ideology, values and interests served by this second Bush presidency.

Whether you agree or disagree with the words pouring from the podium over Americans who
see reflections of themselves in George W. Bush, the real issue of this election will not
be mentioned. The core issue is this: America's president is incompetent. He is not a good

Let me count the ways:

1. He has divided the country; we Americans are all part of a vicious little hissing
match. We were united and humbled on Sept. 12, 2001. We are divided and humiliated now,
telling lies about each other.

2. He has divided the world. “We are all Americans now” headlined Le Monde on that Sept.
12. Now there are days when it seems as if they are all anti-Americans.

3. He is leaving no child or grandchild without debt. He has taken the government from
surplus into deficit in the name of national security and increased private investment. We
can pay the debt in two ways: with more government revenues (taxation) or by borrowing -
against the sweat and income of new generations. The president has chosen to borrow.

4. He campaigns as a champion of smaller government but is greatly increasing the size and
role of government. Ideological conservatism, it turns out, costs just as much, or more,
than ideological liberalism. Conservative and liberal politicians are both for increasing
the reach and power of government. The difference between them is which parts and
functions of the state are to be empowered and financed. The choice is between military
measures and order, or more redistribution of income. Money is power.

5. He is diminishing the military of which he is so proud now as commander in chief. The
invasion and occupation of Iraq have obviously not worked out the way he imagined - naked
torture was not the goal. But the far greater problem for the future is that America's
proud commander has revealed the hollowness behind unilateral superpower. From the top
down, we have not been able to win Iraq, much less the world. And going into Iraq has
compromised or crippled the war on terror he declared himself.

6. He is diminishing scientific progress, the great engine of the 20th century. Only the
truly ignorant can believe that the proper role of government is to hinder medical
research and environmental study in the name of God.

7. He is diminishing the Constitution of the United States. Cheesy tricks like amending
the great text of freedom to attack homosexuality can be dismissed as wedge politics. But
it is worse to preach against an activist judiciary while appointing more activist judges
who happen to hold different beliefs, particularly the idea that civil liberties are the
enemies of patriotism, security and freedom itself.

8. He has surrounded himself with other incompetents. The secretary of state is presiding
over the rape of diplomacy and its alliances. The secretary of defense has sent our young
men and women into situations that were never meant or trained to handle, and now they are
being ordered into battle by an appointed sheik in a far land. The national security
adviser does not seem to know that her job description includes coordinating defense and
diplomacy. And then there was our $340,000 a month local hire, Ahmad Chalabi, sitting in
the gallery of our House .

9. He has been unable or unwilling to deal with declining employment and the rising
medical costs of becoming an older nation.

10. He is, as if by design, destroying the credibility of America as a force for peace in
the world - an honest broker - particularly in the Middle East.

The list is longer, miscalculation after miscalculation. President Bush has not been able
to function effectively at this pay grade. He may mean well, but this has been a difficult
time, and he is in over his head. We and our kids will pay the price for his blundering,
blunderbuss adventure in Washington. He has been tested in a difficult time - and,
unhappily for all of us and the world, he has not been up to the job.

United Press Syndicate

Copyright © 2004 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 05:19:31 UTC

Much of the media continues to broadcast the pant load that the U.S.
military attacked a wedding party in Iraq, killing up to 45 people.

Did I say "much of the media?" How about the entire media ...
especially when it comes to the Euro-weenie press. Just take a look
at some of the headlines that appeared yesterday:

"Occupation Bombs Iraq Wedding Party" Al Jezerra

"U.S. Raids Iraq Wedding" Pak Tribune, Pakistan

"Carelessness Defies Belief in Attack" The Scotsman

"Coalition Under Fire in Iraq for Wedding Strike" French News Agency

"Iraqis Blame U.S. for Wedding Strike" Reuters

The military is investigating, but Marine Maj. Gen. James N. Mattis
said it best at a press conference in Fallujah. "Ten miles from the
Syrian border and 80 miles from the nearest city and a wedding party?
Don't be naive. Plus, they had 30 males of military age with them.
How many people go to the middle of the desert to have a wedding
party?" The General forgot to add "At 3:00 in the morning, no less."

Also, Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt said several shotguns, handguns,
Kalishnikov rifles and machine guns were discovered at the site. They
also found jewelry and vehicles that indicated the people gathering
weren't exactly wandering sheepherders.

Wedding? I doubt it.....sounds like a terrorist base to me. Kudos to
the military for ferreting them out and killing the liberal bastards.
Left-wing liberals are EVERYTHING they accuse the right of being. They
are mean, vicious, hateful, greedy, cold-hearted, closed-minded,
selfish, intolerant, bigoted and racist.

Liberals HATE America!
2004-08-28 06:52:09 UTC
Post by Ron
The real issue: Bush is incompetent
Richard Reeves United Press Syndicate
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Not up to the job
NEW YORK President George W. Bush is coming to town. You better watch out, you better not
shout - unless you're a certified delegate inside Madison Square Garden. With protesters
somewhere out of sight, the Republican National Convention will be a celebration of the
Bush now has a private army. When he was in Europe they needed 30% of the
police officers to "protect" him. Most streets Bush saw were empty. People
were confined to back streets by thoussands of armed officers.
