Sinclair's Fuckin Shuck and Jive!!!!!
(too old to reply)
2004-10-21 02:21:25 UTC
Sinclair broadcasting, having hit its lowest stock price in over three
years, is now trying break its fall by releasing a totally bogus statement
about the anti-Kerry film it will air on Oct. 22. The only thing they have
changed is the time of the film - scaled back from 90 minutes of hijacked
airwaves to 60 minutes. So now, in a classic corporate ploy, Sinclair plans
to run a shorter, retitled version and with a phony new press release to
accompany it. Don't let them insult your intelligence like this! DON'T LET

Roedy Green
2004-10-21 02:39:26 UTC
Post by enceladus
changed is the time of the film - scaled back from 90 minutes of hijacked
airwaves to 60 minutes. So now, in a classic corporate ploy, Sinclair plans
to run a shorter, retitled version and with a phony new press release to
accompany it. Don't let them insult your intelligence like this! DON'T LET
I just sent a new email to all the advertisers. I goes like this:

I wrote earlier. I notice Sinclair has cut back from 90 minutes to 60,
but that is still far from equal time, and I have seen no sign of you
withdrawing your ads from Sinclair.

Your company is still on the Internet Sinclair advertisers' boycott
list. I am continuing to boycott all the companies on that list, and
will continue to do so even after the election.

Come on, play fair and let both sides in the election have equal free
air time. Stop subverting democracy!
Cheney masterminded 9/11.
~ Stanley Hilton lead attorney for the 9/11 victims, Bob Dole's advisor.
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
See http://mindprod.com/bush911.html for details on Cheney's crime of the century.