Anti-Bush Activists Launch NYC Convention Protests
(too old to reply)
2004-08-28 04:30:04 UTC
Anti-Bush Activists Launch NYC Convention Protests
Fri Aug 27, 2004 09:37 PM ET
By Mark Egan

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Thousands of cyclists brought traffic in midtown Manhattan to a
virtual standstill on Friday in the first significant protest ahead of the Republican
convention at which President Bush will be nominated to run for a second White House term.

Thousands of cyclists swarmed down Broadway from Central Park in a parade stretching more
than a mile on Friday evening -- a time when the area is typically crowded with
theatergoers and people out for dinner and drinks.

The protest lasted several hours, with many chanting "No more Bush," and was the first
sizable demonstration ahead of the Aug. 30-Sept. 2 convention. Many locals in the mostly
Democratic city stopped to applaud the cyclists as they passed through a bustling Times

At least 30 cyclists were detained and handcuffed at various locations along the route
after small altercations between riders and motorists who were irritated at the
congestion, according to Reuters witnesses.

The New York Police Department said it had no immediate information about arrests.

The event was mounted by a group called Critical Mass, which wants to boost the rights of
cyclists in traffic-clogged city streets and holds its rides in cities around the world on
the last Friday of each month.

More demonstrations are expected in the coming days.

The biggest anti-Bush protest is set for Sunday, when more than 200,000 are expected to
march to decry the Bush administration's economic policies, the war in Iraq and what they
see as the erosion of civil liberties at home after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

The group organizing Sunday's march was denied a permit to rally in Central Park on the
grounds such a large crowd would damage the grass.

An unprecedented security effort has been put in place to protect the Republican
convention after Washington said the event, and last month's Democratic convention in
Boston, were possible terrorist targets.

© Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 05:17:44 UTC
Attention to Liberals, Maoists, Trotskyites, Anarchists, & Other
Assorted John Kerry Penis Puppets -The NYPD is Waiting to WELCOME You!

We have some exciting new experimental chemical, kinetic and
electrical crowd control toys that we're enthusiastic about trying on
you. Our CS and OC gas sprays are guaranteed to spoil your mini-riots
and girlee-man demonstrations as well as cause a few nasty side
effects. Our new rubber and plastic bullets, which we really haven't
had a chance to test up to now look extremely potent although we're
not allowed to use them without a superior officer present,

Our fine canine cops and mounted officers are, even as we speak,
preparing their animals for the fun and games. We have several
biomedical devices that, should things get completely out of hand we
will probably be given authorization to use as well as the old standby
peppergas, teargas and other useful irritants. In concert with DHS in
Washington we are attempting to obtain a supply of the Army's new
malodorant chemical crowd control dispensers that are capable of
causing severe physical and psychological effects such as
incapacitation, panic, or flight. One NYPD unit is now experimenting
with several devices that nauseate by shaking the internal organs with
sound waves(I kid you not). We of course have a variety of
electroshock weapons that no permission is needed to use and these are
just our non-lethal goodies. Our intelligence dept has also been busy
for the last few weeks collecting the names of organizations and
individuals( in concert with some local police) that we feel could be
a disruptive influence in our fair city. We have an incomplete list
(as of now) of certain ringleaders and potential trouble-makers who
will be targeted (non-violently) at the first signs of trouble and
removed from the picture. Certain intelligence officers have been
successfully surfing the net and have identified certain committees
that have been formed to arrange travel, lodging and instructions for
potential troublemakers and several organizations based in New York
City who plan to assist you losers have been identified. Undercover
officers, a specialty of the NYPD will of course insinuate themselves
into your ranks both before and after you arrive here. We will, of
course, liaise with the FBI, the Secret Service and other Federal and
regional law enforcement agencies to compare our lists with theirs.
Starting in late July we will be making room in several fine jails for
up to several thousand of you fools and arrangements have been made
with neighboring municipalities to take up any overflow and, just a
word of warning, don't plan on just an overnighter on this one. While
some of these measures do skirt the edge of legality we plan on
dealing with that AFTER your visit. So come to New York City and the
convention, enjoy the sights, stay lawful and peaceful but be advised
that at the first sign of any unlawful activity you will be subject to
the consequences. While NYC is a pretty liberal city-be advised-the
NYPD will still give you animals the beat-down of your lives if you
piss us off

Peace and Love Liberal Comrades
2004-08-28 08:22:31 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Attention to Liberals, Maoists, Trotskyites, Anarchists, & Other
Assorted John Kerry Penis Puppets -The NYPD is Waiting to WELCOME You!
We have some exciting new experimental chemical, kinetic and
electrical crowd control toys that we're enthusiastic about trying on
you. Our CS and OC gas sprays are guaranteed to spoil your mini-riots
and girlee-man demonstrations as well as cause a few nasty side
effects. Our new rubber and plastic bullets, which we really haven't
had a chance to test up to now look extremely potent although we're
not allowed to use them without a superior officer present,
Our fine canine cops and mounted officers are, even as we speak,
preparing their animals for the fun and games. We have several
biomedical devices that, should things get completely out of hand we
will probably be given authorization to use as well as the old standby
peppergas, teargas and other useful irritants. In concert with DHS in
Washington we are attempting to obtain a supply of the Army's new
malodorant chemical crowd control dispensers that are capable of
causing severe physical and psychological effects such as
incapacitation, panic, or flight. One NYPD unit is now experimenting
with several devices that nauseate by shaking the internal organs with
sound waves(I kid you not). We of course have a variety of
electroshock weapons that no permission is needed to use and these are
just our non-lethal goodies. Our intelligence dept has also been busy
for the last few weeks collecting the names of organizations and
individuals( in concert with some local police) that we feel could be
a disruptive influence in our fair city. We have an incomplete list
(as of now) of certain ringleaders and potential trouble-makers who
will be targeted (non-violently) at the first signs of trouble and
removed from the picture. Certain intelligence officers have been
successfully surfing the net and have identified certain committees
that have been formed to arrange travel, lodging and instructions for
potential troublemakers and several organizations based in New York
City who plan to assist you losers have been identified. Undercover
officers, a specialty of the NYPD will of course insinuate themselves
into your ranks both before and after you arrive here. We will, of
course, liaise with the FBI, the Secret Service and other Federal and
regional law enforcement agencies to compare our lists with theirs.
Starting in late July we will be making room in several fine jails for
up to several thousand of you fools and arrangements have been made
with neighboring municipalities to take up any overflow and, just a
word of warning, don't plan on just an overnighter on this one. While
some of these measures do skirt the edge of legality we plan on
dealing with that AFTER your visit. So come to New York City and the
convention, enjoy the sights, stay lawful and peaceful but be advised
that at the first sign of any unlawful activity you will be subject to
the consequences. While NYC is a pretty liberal city-be advised-the
NYPD will still give you animals the beat-down of your lives if you
piss us off
Peace and Love Liberal Comrades
Sa-weet! I hope to see some of the shenanigans on MSNBC.
David Galehouse
2004-08-28 09:58:07 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Attention to Liberals, Maoists, Trotskyites, Anarchists, & Other
Assorted John Kerry Penis Puppets -The NYPD is Waiting to WELCOME You!
You're a freak, Hanoi. You seem to support Fascism. Why?
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 11:35:38 UTC
Bill Clinton Emotionally Ready To Start Getting Blow Jobs Again!

June 20, 2004.

NEW YORK - (APX) Six years after the Monica Lewinsky scandal, former
president Bill Clinton announced Friday that, at long last, he is
emotionally ready to start receiving blow jobs again. "It has been a
long, difficult road, but I am finally at a point in my life where I
can receive oral sex from a woman again," Clinton told reporters at a
democrat fund raising dinner in Little Rock. "After many years of
soul-searching and intensive therapy, I am now able to enjoy getting
blown without all that painful emotional baggage overshadowing what
should be a wonderful experience."
David Galehouse
2004-08-28 11:48:32 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Bill Clinton Emotionally Ready To Start Getting Blow Jobs Again!
June 20, 2004.
NEW YORK - (APX) Six years after the Monica Lewinsky scandal, former
president Bill Clinton announced Friday that, at long last, he is
emotionally ready to start receiving blow jobs again. "It has been a
long, difficult road, but I am finally at a point in my life where I
can receive oral sex from a woman again," Clinton told reporters at a
democrat fund raising dinner in Little Rock. "After many years of
soul-searching and intensive therapy, I am now able to enjoy getting
blown without all that painful emotional baggage overshadowing what
should be a wonderful experience."
And as obsessed as you are with Clinton's penis, it's a sure bet you'll be
jockeying for position in line to give him one.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 12:18:49 UTC
Red China Endorses Kerry (Communists, Socialists, Fidel Castro, Red
Chinese know a friend when they see one)

Luckily, the Nazi party is defunct or they would be sure to hop on the
Kerry bandwagon.

John Kerry has gained the support of the largest political party in
the world. The official online news outlet for communist China, the
People's Daily, endorsed the Senator from Massachusetts for President
of the United States.

"Comparatively speaking, Kerry is noted for being friendly with China.
He was once firmly against linking the most-favored-nation status to
China with human rights," stated an article on the U.S. Presidential
race posted by the official Chinese Central Communist Party news
outlet. "From a long-term view, a Democratic administration, which
stresses international cooperation, pursues 'multilateralism' and
stands for a policy of contacts, will be better for both world peace
and Sino-U.S. relations," noted the People's Daily article.

According to the communist Chinese, Kerry looks "squarely at China's
position and influence in Asia and the world at large" and that the
Democrat candidate opposes "containment of China and stand for
contacts with the country."

"He said: We need cooperation with China and cannot push Sino-U.S.
relationship back to the Cold War period," states the Chinese news
site. According to the communist officials, Kerry supports the
"one-China" principle and opposes "Taiwan independence."

"At a broadcasting debate held in January this year, he alarmingly
expressed support for the solution of the Taiwan issue by the method
of 'one country, two systems' which triggered strong repercussion.
Although this maybe a remark made at the spur of the moment, it
reflected that his attitude toward the Taiwan issue is different from
that of Bush," noted the People's Daily.

"There are no 'neo-cons' in Kerry's campaign team, and most of his men
can rationally approach the common interests and actual differences
between the two countries," stated the report.

The Democratic party-Proudly Celebrating 60 Years of Aid & Comfort for
America's Enemies.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 12:20:04 UTC
NAMBLA supports John Kerry!.!.!.! (NAMBLA ==> North American Man Boy
Love Association)

Democrats support NAMBLA

The Gay and Lesbian Organizations that fully support NAMBLA
are Democrates because Bill Clinton needed their votes to win.

Check it out, it is on their website,

http://www.nambla.org supports John Kerry!!!!!

Liberals Hate America!
Shel Scott
2004-08-30 20:40:44 UTC
Post by Ron
Anti-Bush Activists Launch NYC Convention Protests
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Thousands of cyclists brought traffic in midtown Manhattan to a
virtual standstill on Friday in the first significant protest ahead of the Republican
convention at which President Bush will be nominated to run for a second White House term.
Bring it on, losers; the more disruptive the protests, the more votes
go the the GOP.
): "I may make you feel, but I can't make you think" :(
(: Off the monitor, through the modem, nothing but net :)
2004-08-30 20:45:00 UTC
Post by Shel Scott
Post by Ron
Anti-Bush Activists Launch NYC Convention Protests
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Thousands of cyclists brought traffic in midtown Manhattan to a
virtual standstill on Friday in the first significant protest ahead of the Republican
convention at which President Bush will be nominated to run for a second White House term.
Bring it on, losers; the more disruptive the protests, the more votes
go the the GOP.
If you're a Bush supporter then you are the loser around here. Four more
2004-08-31 03:25:43 UTC
Post by John
Post by Shel Scott
Post by Ron
Anti-Bush Activists Launch NYC Convention Protests
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Thousands of cyclists brought traffic in midtown Manhattan to a
virtual standstill on Friday in the first significant protest ahead of the Republican
convention at which President Bush will be nominated to run for a second
White House term.
Bring it on, losers; the more disruptive the protests, the more votes
go the the GOP.
If you're a Bush supporter then you are the loser around here. Four more
and for pix of the events.

"If I can not dance, I want no part in your revolution." Emma Goldman
Shel Scott
2004-09-01 20:20:40 UTC
Indymedia is headquarters for the most ignorant, fucked up useless
assholes in the world. They're very impressed with themselves,
though, which makes their pompous, officious preaching all the more
Post by cyber
and for pix of the events.
"If I can not dance, I want no part in your revolution." Emma Goldman
): "I may make you feel, but I can't make you think" :(
(: Off the monitor, through the modem, nothing but net :)

Shel Scott
2004-08-30 20:40:45 UTC
Post by Ron
The biggest anti-Bush protest is set for Sunday, when more than 200,000 are expected to
march to decry the Bush administration's economic policies,
That's hilarious! I doubt if 10% of these hobbyists even has the
first idea what Bush's economic policies actually _are_.
Post by Ron
the war in Iraq
Apparently, these dolds would prefer the war be in NY or LA.
Post by Ron
and what they
see as the erosion of civil liberties at home after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.
The left keep saying their rights have been "eroded"; the fact that
there is no evidence whatever of that doesn't bother them a bit.
): "I may make you feel, but I can't make you think" :(
(: Off the monitor, through the modem, nothing but net :)