Newspapers around U.S. get identical missives from Iraq
(too old to reply)
2003-10-12 21:38:04 UTC
Another GOP astroturf campaign

Newspapers around U.S. get identical missives from Iraq


The Olympian Online

IRAQ: Latest developments


WASHINGTON -- Letters from hometown soldiers describing their
successes rebuilding Iraq have been appearing in newspapers across the
country as U.S. public opinion on the mission sours.

And all the letters are the same.

A Gannett News Service search found identical letters from different
soldiers with the 2nd Battalion of the 503rd Airborne Infantry
Regiment, also known as "The Rock," in 11 newspapers, including
Snohomish, Wash.

The Olympian received two identical letters signed by different
hometown soldiers: Spc. Joshua Ackler and Spc. Alex Marois, who is now
a sergeant. The paper declined to run either because of a policy not
to publish form letters.

The five-paragraph letter talks about the soldiers' efforts to
re-establish police and fire departments, and build water and sewer
plants in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, where the unit is based.

"The quality of life and security for the citizens has been largely
restored, and we are a large part of why that has happened," the
letter reads.

It describes people waving at passing troops and children running up
to shake their hands and say thank you.

It's not clear who wrote the letter or organized sending it to
soldiers' hometown papers.

Six soldiers reached by GNS directly or through their families said
they agreed with the letter's thrust. But none of the soldiers said he
wrote it, and one said he didn't even sign it.

Marois, 23, told his family he signed the letter, said Moya Marois,
his stepmother. But she said he was puzzled why it was sent to the
newspaper in Olympia. He attended high school in Olympia but no longer
considers the city home, she said. Moya Marois and Alex's father, Les,
now live near Kooskia, Idaho.

A seventh soldier didn't know about the letter until his father
congratulated him for getting it published in the local newspaper in
Beckley, W.Va.

"When I told him he wrote such a good letter, he said: 'What letter?'
" Timothy Deaconson said Friday, recalling the phone conversation he
had with his son, Nick. "This is just not his (writing) style."

He spoke to his son, Pfc. Nick Deaconson, at a hospital where he was
recovering from a grenade explosion that left shrapnel in both his

Sgt. Christopher Shelton, who signed a letter that ran in the
Snohomish Herald, said Friday that his platoon sergeant had
distributed the letter and asked soldiers for the names of their
hometown newspapers. Soldiers were asked to sign the letter if they
agreed with it, said Shelton, whose shoulder was wounded during an
ambush earlier this year.

"Everything it said is dead accurate. We've done a really good job,"
he said by phone from Italy, where he was preparing to return to Iraq.

Sgt. Todd Oliver, a spokesman for the 173rd Airborne Brigade, which
counts the 503rd as one of its units, said he was told a soldier wrote
the letter, but he didn't know who. He said the brigade's public
affairs unit was not involved.

"When he asked other soldiers in his unit to sign it, they did,"
Oliver explained in an e-mail response to a GNS inquiry. "Someone,
somewhere along the way, took it upon themselves to mail it to the
various editors of newspapers across the country."

Lt. Col. Bill MacDonald, a spokesman for the 4th infantry Division
that is heading operations in north-central Iraq, said he had not
heard about the letter-writing campaign.

Neither had Lt. Cmdr. Nick Balice, a spokesman for U.S. Central
Command in Tampa, Fla.

A recent poll suggests that Americans are increasingly skeptical of
America's prolonged involvement in Iraq. A USA Today-CNN-Gallup Poll
released Sept. 23 found 50 percent believe that the situation in Iraq
was worth going to war over, down from 73 percent in April.

The letter talks about the soldiers' mission, saying, "one thousand of
my fellow soldiers and I parachuted from ten jumbo jets." It describes
Kirkuk as "a hot and dusty city of just over a million people." It
tells about the progress they have made.

"The fruits of all our soldiers' efforts are clearly visible in the
streets of Kirkuk today. There is very little trash in the streets,
many more people in the markets and shops, and children have returned
to school," the letter reads. "I am proud of the work we are doing
here in Iraq and I hope all of your readers are as well."

Sgt. Shawn Grueser of Poca, W.Va., said he spoke to a military public
affairs officer whose name he couldn't remember about his
accomplishments in Iraq for what he thought was a news release to be
sent to his hometown paper in Charleston, W.Va. But the 2nd Battalion
soldier said he did not sign any letter.

Although Grueser said he agrees with the letter's sentiments, he was
uncomfortable that a letter with his signature did not contain his own
words or spell out his own accomplishments.

"It makes it look like you cheated on a test, and everybody got the
same grade," Grueser said by phone from a base in Italy where he had
just arrived from Iraq.

Moya Marois said she is proud of her stepson Alex, the former Olympia
resident. But she worries that the letter tries to give legitimacy to
a war she doesn't think was justified.

"We're going to support our son," she said. But "there are a lot of
Americans that are not in support of this war that would like to see
them returned home, and think it's going to get worse."

"When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding.
When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding." ---Dennis
2003-10-12 22:57:00 UTC
South Viet Nam was also restore and improve by American Soldiers, people
seems to enjoy their democracy and freedom... children go to school as
normal, electricity restored..blah blah... Who could expect Viet Cong
succeed to boot Americans in the ass?

Cuba once was a puppet of America... Corruption is everywhere,
prostitutions, gangsters heaven, outlaw casinos, greedy corporations
tax-evasion paradise.... while majority Cubans are suffer in poverty and
hunger, the corrupted Cuban sell their souls to the wealthy who don't give a
damn of their dignity.... the society are in pain of agony... Castro is the
creation of Americans greed. Over the year, American trying to bride and
corrupt Cubans underground or from far away Florida... just to make sure the
Castro regime would not succeed and con't trying to provide it's people the
best...because, only American Imperial Capitalism is the only right way for
the world.

Central America being fucked by Reagan and his CIA operative big time, those
countries are worst then ever, murder, killing one another, children raped
by American soldiers... almost all the Central Americans 20+ and above could
recall Reagan was the Gorillas. When American stop shit around with the
country because the Iran contra scandal... Central America begin to return
to normal...although still poor...

Now, talk about Iraq... before US impose sanction. Iraq children go to
school as any others nation..indeed, if any of the children skip school,
there will be a punish to jail. Medicare was free for all citizens..unlike
U.S...privatize healthcare. Electricity was cheap and subsidize by the
gov't. Now, who impose the sanction ruin the country and Iraqis? Who train,
collaborate, backer of Saddam Hussein the devil? Who make sure supply those
WMD ingredients to the devil?

Gee! now you are talking better and improvement in Iraq and want us to cheer
for it? What a hypocrite! I appreciate the soldiers did...but once I think
of Bush and his administration..it make me pew.

I don't surprise Iraqis smile and say thank to US effort and bare with a
bitter heart and soul wait for the moment to see Bush and his republican
empire collapse.

We all know the facts, If we pull out from Iraq, there will be major chaos
as it in Somalia, perhaps worst. Because of Bush the Stupid fuck-head, we
all stuck with shit in our mouth and force to swallow it. To solve such
crisis, is to impeach Bush and his gangs. Bring back someone like President
Jimmy Carter...I think the world will be slowly calm and in peace. As for
mid-east crisis..it will eventually resolve.

No doubt, pretty soon, Bush' creation homeland security will behave like
Gestapo, bug and arrest anyone who post a treat to Bush because of his
thought or speech.boot him out of the office now before too late, and make
sure anyone related to him as well so that the pest would have no chance to
re-infected the way we live in the real democratically society.
Post by Sarah
Another GOP astroturf campaign
Newspapers around U.S. get identical missives from Iraq
The Olympian Online
IRAQ: Latest developments
WASHINGTON -- Letters from hometown soldiers describing their
successes rebuilding Iraq have been appearing in newspapers across the
country as U.S. public opinion on the mission sours.
And all the letters are the same.
A Gannett News Service search found identical letters from different
soldiers with the 2nd Battalion of the 503rd Airborne Infantry
Regiment, also known as "The Rock," in 11 newspapers, including
Snohomish, Wash.
The Olympian received two identical letters signed by different
hometown soldiers: Spc. Joshua Ackler and Spc. Alex Marois, who is now
a sergeant. The paper declined to run either because of a policy not
to publish form letters.
The five-paragraph letter talks about the soldiers' efforts to
re-establish police and fire departments, and build water and sewer
plants in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, where the unit is based.
"The quality of life and security for the citizens has been largely
restored, and we are a large part of why that has happened," the
letter reads.
It describes people waving at passing troops and children running up
to shake their hands and say thank you.
It's not clear who wrote the letter or organized sending it to
soldiers' hometown papers.
Six soldiers reached by GNS directly or through their families said
they agreed with the letter's thrust. But none of the soldiers said he
wrote it, and one said he didn't even sign it.
Marois, 23, told his family he signed the letter, said Moya Marois,
his stepmother. But she said he was puzzled why it was sent to the
newspaper in Olympia. He attended high school in Olympia but no longer
considers the city home, she said. Moya Marois and Alex's father, Les,
now live near Kooskia, Idaho.
A seventh soldier didn't know about the letter until his father
congratulated him for getting it published in the local newspaper in
Beckley, W.Va.
"When I told him he wrote such a good letter, he said: 'What letter?'
" Timothy Deaconson said Friday, recalling the phone conversation he
had with his son, Nick. "This is just not his (writing) style."
He spoke to his son, Pfc. Nick Deaconson, at a hospital where he was
recovering from a grenade explosion that left shrapnel in both his
Sgt. Christopher Shelton, who signed a letter that ran in the
Snohomish Herald, said Friday that his platoon sergeant had
distributed the letter and asked soldiers for the names of their
hometown newspapers. Soldiers were asked to sign the letter if they
agreed with it, said Shelton, whose shoulder was wounded during an
ambush earlier this year.
"Everything it said is dead accurate. We've done a really good job,"
he said by phone from Italy, where he was preparing to return to Iraq.
Sgt. Todd Oliver, a spokesman for the 173rd Airborne Brigade, which
the letter, but he didn't know who. He said the brigade's public
affairs unit was not involved.
"When he asked other soldiers in his unit to sign it, they did,"
Oliver explained in an e-mail response to a GNS inquiry. "Someone,
somewhere along the way, took it upon themselves to mail it to the
various editors of newspapers across the country."
Lt. Col. Bill MacDonald, a spokesman for the 4th infantry Division
that is heading operations in north-central Iraq, said he had not
heard about the letter-writing campaign.
Neither had Lt. Cmdr. Nick Balice, a spokesman for U.S. Central
Command in Tampa, Fla.
A recent poll suggests that Americans are increasingly skeptical of
America's prolonged involvement in Iraq. A USA Today-CNN-Gallup Poll
released Sept. 23 found 50 percent believe that the situation in Iraq
was worth going to war over, down from 73 percent in April.
The letter talks about the soldiers' mission, saying, "one thousand of
my fellow soldiers and I parachuted from ten jumbo jets." It describes
Kirkuk as "a hot and dusty city of just over a million people." It
tells about the progress they have made.
"The fruits of all our soldiers' efforts are clearly visible in the
streets of Kirkuk today. There is very little trash in the streets,
many more people in the markets and shops, and children have returned
to school," the letter reads. "I am proud of the work we are doing
here in Iraq and I hope all of your readers are as well."
Sgt. Shawn Grueser of Poca, W.Va., said he spoke to a military public
affairs officer whose name he couldn't remember about his
accomplishments in Iraq for what he thought was a news release to be
sent to his hometown paper in Charleston, W.Va. But the 2nd Battalion
soldier said he did not sign any letter.
Although Grueser said he agrees with the letter's sentiments, he was
uncomfortable that a letter with his signature did not contain his own
words or spell out his own accomplishments.
"It makes it look like you cheated on a test, and everybody got the
same grade," Grueser said by phone from a base in Italy where he had
just arrived from Iraq.
Moya Marois said she is proud of her stepson Alex, the former Olympia
resident. But she worries that the letter tries to give legitimacy to
a war she doesn't think was justified.
"We're going to support our son," she said. But "there are a lot of
Americans that are not in support of this war that would like to see
them returned home, and think it's going to get worse."
"When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding.
When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding." ---Dennis
John Doe
2003-10-13 01:10:45 UTC
Post by moron
Central America being fucked by Reagan and his CIA operative big time,

Foul mouthed punk.
2003-10-13 01:29:03 UTC
Post by Sarah
Another GOP astroturf campaign
Newspapers around U.S. get identical missives from Iraq
The Olympian Online
IRAQ: Latest developments
WASHINGTON -- Letters from hometown soldiers describing their
successes rebuilding Iraq have been appearing in newspapers across the
country as U.S. public opinion on the mission sours.
And all the letters are the same.
That's the same letter that kept popping up in the NG's. It was an obvious
forgery even then.


Howard Dean in 2004
You claimed that the deficits were
caused by the costs of 9/11, the
war on terror, and homeland
security. In fact, the cost of
your tax cuts is three times the
amount of those items--and your
deficit forecasts do not even
include the costs of the Iraq war.

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