(too old to reply)
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-27 18:35:34 UTC
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One of
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and we
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to please
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am.... Then
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully, with
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be Washington,
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME ON...
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone and
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of OURS.
Thank You America - I love you all!
To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please visit
To visit our chat rooms please visit
To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit
"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but
people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise
their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it
them, but to inform their discretion by education."
- Thomas Jefferson, Author of the declaration of Independence and 3rd
President of the United States.
Terry Austin
2003-10-27 18:50:50 UTC
BI = 10. Halfway there.
Terry Austin
I love children. They taste like chicken.
2003-10-27 19:09:38 UTC
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:35:34 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One of
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and we
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to please
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am.... Then
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully, with
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be Washington,
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME ON...
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone and
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of OURS.
You'll never get any of my money, and unless your willing to talk
about restoring our Constitutional Representive Republic to its roots
of freedom and liberty, you won't even have my interest.

Have a nice day!!


Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Thank You America - I love you all!
To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please visit
To visit our chat rooms please visit
To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-27 19:27:40 UTC
I thank you for your feedback and want to make very very clear that I am not
interested in "fund raising" simply in raising awareness and trying to
restore peoples faith in our government was well as to restore their desire
to be an active part of it. I am 25 years old, and my one wish for America
is that we all do what we should do -- VOTE... Be an active part of politics
and the political system in general. I believe that our representative
government should be raised from the 435 members in the House (which equates
to 1 representative for every 647,000 Americans) to a "fixed" amount of 1
Representative for every 500,000 citizens. I believe in every single word
of our very cherished Constitution and LOVE it with all of my being - I
simply want my generation to wake up before its too late and we have no
Democracy left to cherish. The Administration is working hard to destroy so
many liberties that we love, even if we do take them for granted. You seem
like a very intelligent and Constitution loving individual and I would
really like for you to take an active part on my BLOG, I think you probably
have many things to say that we could all benefit from.

Thank you again for your feedback - I truly appreciate it!!!!!

Most Sincerely,

Ken Cooper
Post by N***@never.net
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:35:34 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One of
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and we
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to please
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am.... Then
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully, with
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be Washington,
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME ON...
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone and
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of OURS.
You'll never get any of my money, and unless your willing to talk
about restoring our Constitutional Representive Republic to its roots
of freedom and liberty, you won't even have my interest.
Have a nice day!!
Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Thank You America - I love you all!
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please visit
To visit our chat rooms please visit
To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit
2003-10-27 21:40:03 UTC
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 14:27:40 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
I thank you for your feedback and want to make very very clear that I am not
interested in "fund raising" simply in raising awareness and trying to
restore peoples faith in our government was well as to restore their desire
to be an active part of it. I am 25 years old, and my one wish for America
is that we all do what we should do -- VOTE... Be an active part of politics
and the political system in general. I believe that our representative
government should be raised from the 435 members in the House (which equates
to 1 representative for every 647,000 Americans) to a "fixed" amount of 1
Representative for every 500,000 citizens.
Why? Why not one Rep for every 50,000...or five thousand, or five?
It's like the old conumdrum about "living Wage." What is a living
wage? $15 an hour...$25 an hour? What if I say I can't live for less
than $250 an hour. Is my claim any less credible than any others?

There are other holes in your statements below, but we'll leave that
for another time.

Have a nice day!!


Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English

I believe in every single word
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
of our very cherished Constitution and LOVE it with all of my being - I
simply want my generation to wake up before its too late and we have no
Democracy left to cherish. The Administration is working hard to destroy so
many liberties that we love, even if we do take them for granted. You seem
like a very intelligent and Constitution loving individual and I would
really like for you to take an active part on my BLOG, I think you probably
have many things to say that we could all benefit from.
Thank you again for your feedback - I truly appreciate it!!!!!
Most Sincerely,
Ken Cooper
Post by N***@never.net
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:35:34 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am....
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully,
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of
Post by N***@never.net
You'll never get any of my money, and unless your willing to talk
about restoring our Constitutional Representive Republic to its roots
of freedom and liberty, you won't even have my interest.
Have a nice day!!
Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Thank You America - I love you all!
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please visit
To visit our chat rooms please visit
To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-27 22:01:43 UTC
WOW, well I apologize for you feeling there is something negative with what
I have said. On the issue that you are speaking, with a Representative for
every 5-50,000 citizens, I would like to point out how HUGE that would make
the Congress. You said in one of your earlier notes that you wanted to get
back to the free America that our forefather sought for us, as do I.
However, our forefathers knew that it was imparitive for us (a group of us)
to be able to have one clear and present voice i.e. the House of
Representatives. If fact, I would say that we have gone above what our
forefathers truly intended because when they wrote the Consitiution it
wasn't the people who chose their Senators, it was the State Legislatures.
Perhaps you would consider rethinking your statement on that regard. As for
a "living wage", I agree that the minimum wage must be raised to an
acceptable standard, but $250/hr is a bit high. Keep in mind when you raise
the minimum wage, companies go overseas, and America looses jobs. What we
must do is require in our treaties and trade agreements a clause stating
that the country we are dealing with must raise THEIR standard of living -
to keep the jobs here.

Thanks Again,

Post by N***@never.net
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 14:27:40 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
I thank you for your feedback and want to make very very clear that I am not
interested in "fund raising" simply in raising awareness and trying to
restore peoples faith in our government was well as to restore their desire
to be an active part of it. I am 25 years old, and my one wish for America
is that we all do what we should do -- VOTE... Be an active part of politics
and the political system in general. I believe that our representative
government should be raised from the 435 members in the House (which equates
to 1 representative for every 647,000 Americans) to a "fixed" amount of 1
Representative for every 500,000 citizens.
Why? Why not one Rep for every 50,000...or five thousand, or five?
It's like the old conumdrum about "living Wage." What is a living
wage? $15 an hour...$25 an hour? What if I say I can't live for less
than $250 an hour. Is my claim any less credible than any others?
There are other holes in your statements below, but we'll leave that
for another time.
Have a nice day!!
Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
I believe in every single word
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
of our very cherished Constitution and LOVE it with all of my being - I
simply want my generation to wake up before its too late and we have no
Democracy left to cherish. The Administration is working hard to destroy so
many liberties that we love, even if we do take them for granted. You seem
like a very intelligent and Constitution loving individual and I would
really like for you to take an active part on my BLOG, I think you probably
have many things to say that we could all benefit from.
Thank you again for your feedback - I truly appreciate it!!!!!
Most Sincerely,
Ken Cooper
Post by N***@never.net
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:35:34 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future.
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am....
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully,
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of
Post by N***@never.net
You'll never get any of my money, and unless your willing to talk
about restoring our Constitutional Representive Republic to its roots
of freedom and liberty, you won't even have my interest.
Have a nice day!!
Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Thank You America - I love you all!
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please visit
To visit our chat rooms please visit
To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-28 00:54:02 UTC
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 17:01:43 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
WOW, well I apologize for you feeling there is something negative with what
I have said. On the issue that you are speaking, with a Representative for
every 5-50,000 citizens, I would like to point out how HUGE that would make
the Congress. You said in one of your earlier notes that you wanted to get
back to the free America that our forefather sought for us, as do I.
However, our forefathers knew that it was imparitive for us (a group of us)
to be able to have one clear and present voice i.e. the House of
Okay...let's try it again...Why? is the most important question you
should be asksd about this entire enterprise. While I applaud your
sincerity, I also must acknowlege your naivete. If one Rep for 500,000
is good, why isn't 1 for 50,000 even better , or if you truly believe
in small government, why not 1 Rep for 280 million?

As for the House of Reps, it was never meant to be "one clear voice,"
but to be a raucus House of the people. Now the Sente is another

If fact, I would say that we have gone above what our
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
forefathers truly intended because when they wrote the Consitiution it
wasn't the people who chose their Senators, it was the State Legislatures.
Perhaps you would consider rethinking your statement on that regard. As for
a "living wage", I agree that the minimum wage must be raised to an
acceptable standard, but $250/hr is a bit high.
Okay...again, Why? If one arbitrary standard is acceptable, why not
another? Why yours, and not mine?

Keep in mind when you raise
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the minimum wage, companies go overseas, and America looses jobs. What we
must do is require in our treaties and trade agreements a clause stating
that the country we are dealing with must raise THEIR standard of living -
to keep the jobs here.
What is an acceptable standard of living those countries? Are we to
decide what's acceptable in other countries? Why then can't they
decide what's acceptable in this country?
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Thanks Again,
Keep trying though...this is interesting; not the usual insult-trading
so prevalent on this and other such NG's.

Have a nice day!!


Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 14:27:40 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
I thank you for your feedback and want to make very very clear that I am
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
interested in "fund raising" simply in raising awareness and trying to
restore peoples faith in our government was well as to restore their
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
to be an active part of it. I am 25 years old, and my one wish for
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
is that we all do what we should do -- VOTE... Be an active part of
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
and the political system in general. I believe that our representative
government should be raised from the 435 members in the House (which
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
to 1 representative for every 647,000 Americans) to a "fixed" amount of 1
Representative for every 500,000 citizens.
Why? Why not one Rep for every 50,000...or five thousand, or five?
It's like the old conumdrum about "living Wage." What is a living
wage? $15 an hour...$25 an hour? What if I say I can't live for less
than $250 an hour. Is my claim any less credible than any others?
There are other holes in your statements below, but we'll leave that
for another time.
Have a nice day!!
Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
I believe in every single word
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
of our very cherished Constitution and LOVE it with all of my being - I
simply want my generation to wake up before its too late and we have no
Democracy left to cherish. The Administration is working hard to destroy
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
many liberties that we love, even if we do take them for granted. You
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
like a very intelligent and Constitution loving individual and I would
really like for you to take an active part on my BLOG, I think you
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
have many things to say that we could all benefit from.
Thank you again for your feedback - I truly appreciate it!!!!!
Most Sincerely,
Ken Cooper
Post by N***@never.net
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:35:34 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future.
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech...
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am....
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully,
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of
Post by N***@never.net
You'll never get any of my money, and unless your willing to talk
about restoring our Constitutional Representive Republic to its roots
of freedom and liberty, you won't even have my interest.
Have a nice day!!
Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Thank You America - I love you all!
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
To visit our chat rooms please visit
To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-28 01:13:49 UTC
Dennis (if I may call you by your first name):
I LIKE YOU! I regret that I am coming across as naive to you. What I was
trying to relay in my message about the representatives is that 1 for 50,000
would make it nearly impossible to ever get ANY business done... with 435
it's already a fight on every issue... could you imagine having nearly 6,000
members of Congress --- THAT would be a scary beast of a government. As far
with the other statement about requiring other countries to raise their
standard of living; wouldn't that make sense, to ensure that American
companies wouldn't want to take their jobs over-sea's and pay someone a
small fraction of what American workers make. Again, I want to invite you
over to post on our blog - I really like the way you think... And I like the
fact that you can debate - exchange ideas and ideals - and not be foul in
your approach - I commend you! My age may leave me in some gray areas, but
I actually like that - that way when an issue comes up and I get the
facts -- all the facts - I can make a clear and unbiased decision. Let's
keep this up!!! It's good for us... and its good for all of the other
newsies out there. Did I mention, I like you?

Thanks again!
Ken Cooper
Post by N***@never.net
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 17:01:43 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
WOW, well I apologize for you feeling there is something negative with what
I have said. On the issue that you are speaking, with a Representative for
every 5-50,000 citizens, I would like to point out how HUGE that would make
the Congress. You said in one of your earlier notes that you wanted to get
back to the free America that our forefather sought for us, as do I.
However, our forefathers knew that it was imparitive for us (a group of us)
to be able to have one clear and present voice i.e. the House of
Okay...let's try it again...Why? is the most important question you
should be asksd about this entire enterprise. While I applaud your
sincerity, I also must acknowlege your naivete. If one Rep for 500,000
is good, why isn't 1 for 50,000 even better , or if you truly believe
in small government, why not 1 Rep for 280 million?
As for the House of Reps, it was never meant to be "one clear voice,"
but to be a raucus House of the people. Now the Sente is another
If fact, I would say that we have gone above what our
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
forefathers truly intended because when they wrote the Consitiution it
wasn't the people who chose their Senators, it was the State
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Perhaps you would consider rethinking your statement on that regard. As for
a "living wage", I agree that the minimum wage must be raised to an
acceptable standard, but $250/hr is a bit high.
Okay...again, Why? If one arbitrary standard is acceptable, why not
another? Why yours, and not mine?
Keep in mind when you raise
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the minimum wage, companies go overseas, and America looses jobs. What we
must do is require in our treaties and trade agreements a clause stating
that the country we are dealing with must raise THEIR standard of living -
to keep the jobs here.
What is an acceptable standard of living those countries? Are we to
decide what's acceptable in other countries? Why then can't they
decide what's acceptable in this country?
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Thanks Again,
Keep trying though...this is interesting; not the usual insult-trading
so prevalent on this and other such NG's.
Have a nice day!!
Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 14:27:40 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
I thank you for your feedback and want to make very very clear that I am
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
interested in "fund raising" simply in raising awareness and trying to
restore peoples faith in our government was well as to restore their
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
to be an active part of it. I am 25 years old, and my one wish for
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
is that we all do what we should do -- VOTE... Be an active part of
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
and the political system in general. I believe that our
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
government should be raised from the 435 members in the House (which
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
to 1 representative for every 647,000 Americans) to a "fixed" amount of 1
Representative for every 500,000 citizens.
Why? Why not one Rep for every 50,000...or five thousand, or five?
It's like the old conumdrum about "living Wage." What is a living
wage? $15 an hour...$25 an hour? What if I say I can't live for less
than $250 an hour. Is my claim any less credible than any others?
There are other holes in your statements below, but we'll leave that
for another time.
Have a nice day!!
Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
I believe in every single word
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
of our very cherished Constitution and LOVE it with all of my being - I
simply want my generation to wake up before its too late and we have no
Democracy left to cherish. The Administration is working hard to destroy
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
many liberties that we love, even if we do take them for granted. You
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
like a very intelligent and Constitution loving individual and I would
really like for you to take an active part on my BLOG, I think you
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
have many things to say that we could all benefit from.
Thank you again for your feedback - I truly appreciate it!!!!!
Most Sincerely,
Ken Cooper
Post by N***@never.net
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:35:34 -0500, "Kenneth R Cooper Jr"
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future.
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech...
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am....
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully,
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of
Post by N***@never.net
You'll never get any of my money, and unless your willing to talk
about restoring our Constitutional Representive Republic to its roots
of freedom and liberty, you won't even have my interest.
Have a nice day!!
Dennis, Proud, America-Loving NEOCON Finest Kind Irish/English
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Thank You America - I love you all!
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
To visit our chat rooms please visit
To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Post by N***@never.net
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-27 23:31:22 UTC
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One of
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and we
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the
reason for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to
please visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am....
Then join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your
opinions. Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and
hopefully, with the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be
Washington, DC. Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the
address for the actual website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it
out today and lets share our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and
everything that has any effect on it. I'm not the average politician just
asking for a hand out... I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want
your money. SO COME ON... Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward
this message to anyone and everyone you know that cares for and loves this
beautiful nation of OURS.

Thank You America - I love you all!
To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please visit
To visit our chat rooms please visit
To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit
"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but
people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to
their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it
them, but to inform their discretion by education."
- Thomas Jefferson, Author of the declaration of Independence and 3rd
President of the United States.