Your Boy is Cannon Fodder in Iraq!!!!
(too old to reply)
2003-10-29 16:30:11 UTC
Young enlistees have highest death rate in Iraq
Scripps Howard News Service
October 28, 2003

- When Army Pvt. Joseph Guerrera, 20, died on patrol after a bomb hit his
vehicle in Baghdad Sunday, he exemplified the profile of America's war dead
in Iraq.

In a pattern as old as war itself, it is the young U.S. enlistees like
Guerrera, a paratrooper and former church choir member from Dunn, N. C., who
are doing most of the dying in the ongoing war in Iraq.

More 20-year-old soldiers have died - 40 - than those of any other age
represented in the ranks, according to a Scripps Howard News Service
computer analysis of the war dead.

And troops 21 and under account for nearly one-third of the 353 troops
identified by the Pentagon who have perished in combat or by accidents,
disease and suicide since the war began seven months ago.

Raise the cutoff age to 25, and young soldiers make up more than half of the
war dead.

Similarly, it is the enlisted troops who are suffering the highest
casualties, according to the Scripps database.

Commissioned officers such as Army Lt. Col. Charles Buehring, who was killed
Sunday in an enemy rocket assault on a Baghdad hotel, have accounted for
just 11 percent of the troops who have died in Iraq and surrounding areas
since the war began March 19. They also were about twice as likely to die
during the major combat of the war in March and April than in the six
following months.

Non-commissioned officers such as sergeants have made up 34 percent of the
fallen U.S. fighting force, while privates such as Guerrera, specialists and
other grunts comprise 55 percent of the toll.

That breakdown is more top-heavy than has been typically seen in past
conflicts, where non-officers - who commonly make up 85 percent of the
force - died in numbers more proportional to their number in the ranks.

David Segal, director of the Center for Research on Military Organization at
the University of Maryland, says that is because of the nature of the Iraq
war, where a mostly urban battlefield dominates, there are no defined front
lines, and guerrilla attacks are largely indiscriminate in their choice of

"I think it is an equal opportunity situation" for death, Segal said.

But the Scripps analysis, which is based on Pentagon-released data about the
war dead, also shows that, as the U.S. occupation of Iraq has progressed,
reserve and National Guard troops have become three times more likely to die
in enemy attacks.

Before May 1 - the date President Bush proclaimed the main combat over -
only about 9 percent of the battle dead were citizen-soldiers. Since then,
reserves and guard troops have accounted for 22 percent of the deaths
directly attributable to enemy action.

The shift mirrors, in part, the metamorphosis of the 130,000-soldier U.S.
force in Iraq from a primarily combat operation, in which active-duty troops
predominate, to one with a greater peacekeeping focus.

Even so, it is full-time GIs who are the most by far coming home in caskets.
Of the war dead, 293 have been active-duty troops, while 59 have been
reserve or guard soldiers. The affiliation of one casualty could not be

Similarly, it is Army troops who are bearing the bulk of the toll. Since the
war began, 258 Army soldiers have died, compared with 82 Marines, seven Navy
sailors, and six Air Force airmen.
Richard J
2003-10-30 01:11:52 UTC
Post by Enceladus
Young enlistees have highest death rate in Iraq
Scripps Howard News Service
October 28, 2003

Is this supposed to be a surprise? There are a couple of things at work
here. First of all, most enlisted are young men or women because after
you've served a while, you tend to get some rank if you have anything on
the ball. My youngest son, for example is an E-5 after three and a half
years of enlistment.

The second and more telling point is that the younger the trooper, the
less experience. Troops in Vietnam called replacements FNG's (fucking
new guys) The inexperienced troops were the ones most often killed or
wounded there as well. When the shooting started, they were the ones
who stood upright looking to see what was happening while experienced
troops were already under cover. Green troops do stupid things which
get them killed, while experienced combat troops didn't get to be
experienced by doing stupid things like standing up and charging
pillboxes like John Wayne in a movie.

Of course, the last point is that for the most part, military forces,
and especially infantry, are youngsters.

* *
2003-11-14 01:29:42 UTC
It is disgraceful that these aggressions are carried out in our names in
order to project power and extend hegemony over a regions' petroleum
resources. It is business as usual. How many veterans have to become
cannon fodder for the ruling elite? How many innocent babies and men and
women who only want peace have their lives turned upside down and the
images, when shown, appear somewhere on the internet but mostly censored
in the mainstream press of those babies with missing limbs and severed
heads. How much more? It is time to stop it.

Demand an end to wars of aggression. Demand an end to wars for capital
expansion and to protect corporate investment and wars which will make the
warmongers richer than they already are. And what about the politicians
who support the war? THROW THE BUMS OUT. AND, speak truth to power and to
apologists for power.


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