Bush wants $87 BILLION more for Iraq?
(too old to reply)
2003-09-08 04:18:49 UTC
Bush wants $87 BILLION more for Iraq?

During the his August 7th Iraqi Cheer Leader Speech, it sounded as if Bush
was whistling past the graveyard.

What is this nonsense? The President is now asking Congress for additional
$87 BILLION for a BLACK HOLE that looks and feels like Vietnam but now
called Iraq?

How exactly does the President plan on paying for this additional $87
BILLION more for Iraq? You can bet that the current $500 billion or $1/2
Trillion deficit will be include the $87 BILLION to the Public Debt, because
Bush does not believe in balancing the budget. So, we load this debt on to
future generations of Americans to pay for it? Otherwise, taxpayers will cry
if he asks for a tax increase to pay for the increased Iraqi war costs.


This is more than Bush's total federal education budget, where he promised
the American people to "leave no child behind."

The time to withdraw and turn over the Halliburton oil service contracts to
France, Germany and the United Nations is NOW!

Halliburton will be forced to leave Iraq, while other multinational
businesses will fill the gap nicely.

Thank you.
2003-09-11 15:59:53 UTC
Post by Discourser
Bush wants $87 BILLION more for Iraq?
During the his August 7th Iraqi Cheer Leader Speech, it sounded as if Bush
was whistling past the graveyard.
What is this nonsense? The President is now asking Congress for additional
$87 BILLION for a BLACK HOLE that looks and feels like Vietnam but now
called Iraq?
How exactly does the President plan on paying for this additional $87
BILLION more for Iraq? You can bet that the current $500 billion or $1/2
Trillion deficit will be include the $87 BILLION to the Public Debt, because
Bush does not believe in balancing the budget. So, we load this debt on to
future generations of Americans to pay for it? Otherwise, taxpayers will cry
if he asks for a tax increase to pay for the increased Iraqi war costs.
This is more than Bush's total federal education budget, where he promised
the American people to "leave no child behind."
The time to withdraw and turn over the Halliburton oil service
contracts to
Post by Discourser
France, Germany and the United Nations is NOW!
Halliburton will be forced to leave Iraq, while other multinational
businesses will fill the gap nicely.
Thank you.

$87 Billion in Future Taxes

