sean hannity
(too old to reply)
Carolina Simpson
2004-11-02 07:52:45 UTC
Rush got himself in a scandal and now O'reilly. Can't somebody find
anything on sean hannity? This little loud mouth creep needs to be brought
down a notch in scandal. Surely there's something in this pig farmer
closet? Yeah I'm a liberal so what!


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2004-11-15 19:30:36 UTC
Man - are you guys predictable.

Lets get dirt on someone.

Lest bring someone down.

How about the issues we all need to talk about.

Keep living in the past and you will do great things for your country and

maybe Dan Rather can make some Phony documents for you.

Post by Carolina Simpson
Rush got himself in a scandal and now O'reilly. Can't somebody find
anything on sean hannity? This little loud mouth creep needs to be brought
down a notch in scandal. Surely there's something in this pig farmer
closet? Yeah I'm a liberal so what!
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2004-11-25 17:59:51 UTC
You will never find anything on hannity, he was prepped for that job as is
doing great at it!

Post by Carolina Simpson
Rush got himself in a scandal and now O'reilly. Can't somebody find
anything on sean hannity? This little loud mouth creep needs to be brought
down a notch in scandal. Surely there's something in this pig farmer
closet? Yeah I'm a liberal so what!
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Jim F.
2004-12-26 13:21:26 UTC
You are obviously a liberal. Are you so hateful that you want to "look"
for a scandal just because you do not agree with a persons point of
view? If you do not like him, do not listen to him.

Seems to me you need therapy ... I'm sure that being a liberal you can
find a therapist easily enough.

Post by Carolina Simpson
Post by Carolina Simpson
Rush got himself in a scandal and now O'reilly. Can't somebody find
anything on sean hannity? This little loud mouth creep needs to be brought
down a notch in scandal. Surely there's something in this pig farmer
closet? Yeah I'm a liberal so what!
----== Posted via Newsfeed.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet
Post by Carolina Simpson
http://www.newsfeed.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000
Post by Carolina Simpson
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2004-12-28 07:14:21 UTC
sean han-nutty
Post by Jim F.
You are obviously a liberal. Are you so hateful that you want to "look"
for a scandal just because you do not agree with a persons point of view?
If you do not like him, do not listen to him.
Seems to me you need therapy ... I'm sure that being a liberal you can
find a therapist easily enough.
Post by Carolina Simpson
Post by Carolina Simpson
Rush got himself in a scandal and now O'reilly. Can't somebody find
anything on sean hannity? This little loud mouth creep needs to be brought
down a notch in scandal. Surely there's something in this pig farmer
closet? Yeah I'm a liberal so what!
----== Posted via Newsfeed.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet
Post by Carolina Simpson
http://www.newsfeed.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000
Post by Carolina Simpson
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2004-12-28 07:26:04 UTC
nuff said?
Post by clifford
sean han-nutty
Post by Jim F.
You are obviously a liberal. Are you so hateful that you want to "look"
for a scandal just because you do not agree with a persons point of view?
If you do not like him, do not listen to him.
Seems to me you need therapy ... I'm sure that being a liberal you can
find a therapist easily enough.
Post by Carolina Simpson
Post by Carolina Simpson
Rush got himself in a scandal and now O'reilly. Can't somebody find
anything on sean hannity? This little loud mouth creep needs to be brought
down a notch in scandal. Surely there's something in this pig farmer
closet? Yeah I'm a liberal so what!
----== Posted via Newsfeed.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet
Post by Carolina Simpson
http://www.newsfeed.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000
Post by Carolina Simpson
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