I am not gay so how will gay marriages effect me?
(too old to reply)
2004-07-18 23:33:31 UTC
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 16:01:07 GMT, Running Dog <Running
Apparently many conservatives are not aware that they will not be
required to become homosexuals if gay marriage is allowed. They seem
to be under the mistaken belief that if gay marriage is allowed they
will be forced to leave their current spouse and marry someone of
same sex. They seem to also think that thier children will be
to become homosexuals.
I'm sure the Bible will cure them of their homosexual tendencies, look
what it did for Bush.
By turning him from a drunk into a mass murderer?
...or good buddies with Victor Ashe?
"Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision
that he
makes and we should just support that."- Britany Spears, 9/2003
"Iraq is free of rape rooms and torture chambers." -President Bush,
October 8,
2003, The Republican National Committee Presidential Gala.
Free humor. Whenever you want. http://www.psmueller.com
registered user
2004-07-20 15:27:23 UTC
Maybe you don't seem to understand, so let me try to explain.
If gay marriage becomes legal, then polygamy, incest and every other
depraved relationship will be legal also under the same rules. If you
haven't guess it by now, the USA is in moral decline, due in no small
part to people screaming for "gay rights" to become mainstream and
normalized. Being gay is from only a few conditions;
1. Physiological - possible problems at birth & recognized by the
medical community.
2. Mental condition **see #1
3. Choice.
Gays have the same "rights" as everyone else. Getting health care and
dependant insurance costs etc are not "rights". They are services
provided by private institutions.
So what we have are a few people who wish to make a social and moral
"choice" and force the majority to accept their view as normal. No
one claims that they will "convert" anyone to being gay. But when a
nation declines morally that's the first step down a slippery slope to
the destruction of that nation. ie refer to Romans, Egyptians, greeks
etc... What will be acceptable tomorrow? Murder? Stealing? what's
next? If gay marriage is allowed when does it stop. At some point
people need to say "enough is enough"
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 16:01:07 GMT, Running Dog <Running
Apparently many conservatives are not aware that they will not be
required to become homosexuals if gay marriage is allowed. They seem
to be under the mistaken belief that if gay marriage is allowed they
will be forced to leave their current spouse and marry someone of
same sex. They seem to also think that thier children will be
to become homosexuals.
I'm sure the Bible will cure them of their homosexual tendencies, look
what it did for Bush.
By turning him from a drunk into a mass murderer?
...or good buddies with Victor Ashe?
"Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision
that he
makes and we should just support that."- Britany Spears, 9/2003
"Iraq is free of rape rooms and torture chambers." -President Bush,
October 8,
2003, The Republican National Committee Presidential Gala.
Free humor. Whenever you want. http://www.psmueller.com
LeMod Pol
2004-07-21 14:59:32 UTC
enceladus wrote:
only the header:
I am not gay so how will gay marriages effect me?

The answer to the question is:

Not at all, in any way.
In politics, moderation is the best policy
David Moffitt
2004-07-21 21:13:57 UTC
Post by LeMod Pol
I am not gay so how will gay marriages effect me?
%%%% Why do you ask?
T.J. Johnson
2004-07-21 18:31:48 UTC
Post by LeMod Pol
I am not gay so how will gay marriages effect me
I am not a pedophile, so how will pedophilac marriage affect me?
A. Dulcimer
2004-07-21 18:53:42 UTC
Post by T.J. Johnson
Post by LeMod Pol
I am not gay so how will gay marriages effect me
I am not a pedophile, so how will pedophilac marriage affect me?
It won't. But what was that have to do with the question?
"It is not possible to find a leader more foolish then Bush, who deals
with matters by force rather than wisdom. Kerry will kill our nation
while it sleeps because he and the Democrats have the cunning to
embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and Muslim nations as
civilisation. Because of this we desire Bush to be elected."

al Qaeda statement, 3/17/04
2004-07-21 23:45:20 UTC
Post by A. Dulcimer
Post by T.J. Johnson
Post by LeMod Pol
I am not gay so how will gay marriages effect me
I am not a pedophile, so how will pedophilac marriage affect me?
It won't. But what was that have to do with the question?
The nutballs always try the slippery slope argument.
LeMod Pol
2004-07-21 21:07:10 UTC
Post by T.J. Johnson
Post by LeMod Pol
I am not gay so how will gay marriages effect me
I am not a pedophile, so how will pedophilac marriage affect me?
Unfortunately you appear to need a brain transplant
In politics, moderation is the best policy
Tim Jowers
2004-07-22 16:43:31 UTC
Post by LeMod Pol
Post by T.J. Johnson
Post by LeMod Pol
I am not gay so how will gay marriages effect me
I am not a pedophile, so how will pedophilac marriage affect me?
Unfortunately you appear to need a brain transplant
1. Higher tax revenues. 2. Higher entitlements. 3. Change of

Personally, I think financial dependency requires the government to
extend the same benefits as to other dependents. Non-traditional
families are ignored WRT retirement and other claims frm what I know.
IANAL but if some lady who cares for elderly mother is injured on the
job then I suppose the elderly mother should be treated as a
dependent. The greed argument is that people don't want to pay claims
to spouses. Not allowing gay marriages reduces the number of claims.
Insurance industry is tough.

Tangentially, any time you change the meaning of a term, the
sociology surrounding it expands the change. Consider the "marriage"
of peanut butter and chocolate. Can they get a divorce? Who gets to
keep their wrapper house?

The intelligent move appears to be not to be legally married.
There's tax penalties. Not sure if being in "holy matrimony" while not
filing a marriage with the court of law is a crime. Possibly. Surely
the IRS has a position on people who live together but try to file
separately. The conspiracy theorists amongst us might see the "Gay
Marriage" thrust as a scam on homosexuals. As now the IRS can fine
them if they are filing separately (frm my understanding of tax law,

At any rate, in the US judicial system "marriage" seems more of a
legal contract term than a personal term. Gay Marriage and other
binding contracts are registrations with the government. Why else
would one want to file a marriage contract? Possibly marriage filings
with the government are even a first sign of distrust in a union. Just
as you never had a contract with your mother but would probably always
want one with a business partner. (False argument: government requires
registration of parnet child... a contract!)

You see, I believe the historical "meaning" of marriage exists no
more for most of the USA. Generally the divorce rates are one prime
example. The moral code in the USA she's a changin'. Since we cannot
live in the past we cannot know why people thought marriage was sacred
or what they were thinking; but, alas, we always judge the past from
our current viewpoint. Your idea of marriage will be antiquated and
the word marriage more of a generic term such
as in the "marriage" of peanut butter and chocolate.

Add to this whole argument the utter meaningless of marriage in
places like Boston when it comes to extra-marital sex and claims
contrasted with the extreme weight such situations take in divorce
claims in other states and you still see a very mixed bag where the
term "marriage" has serious meaning in some locales and lesser meaning
in other locales. One would expect the plantation masters in DC to
claim full rights to judge what marriage is and is not and what claims
it represents.

In no way should my ideas be construed as advice or asserted as
accurate!!! :-)
My take, my opinions.

2004-07-22 00:11:22 UTC
Post by LeMod Pol
I am not gay so how will gay marriages effect me
You won't notice any difference whatsoever. But you can be pleased
with the satisfaction that all people in America are being treated
equally. Just think of something that is different from the majority
about your life. How would you feel if that became the basis of
discrimination against you?

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